Restless Leg Oil that works!

Please share your experiences, successes, and failures in using non-drug therapies for RLS/WED (methods of relief that don't involve swallowing or injecting anything), including compression, heat, light, stretches, acupuncture, etc. Also under this heading, medical interventions that don't involve the administration of a medicine to the body (eg. varicose-vein operations, deep-brain stimulation). [This forum contains Topics started prior to 2009 that deal with Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, & Diet.]
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Restless Leg Oil that works!

Post by debkenny »

I have found an oil that has allowed me to go off of all of the Parkinson's medications and Klonipin that I have been taking for my RLS for years. I never expected this oil to work. I just put it on my lower spine every night and have had absolutely no RLS symptoms since I started it over a month ago. It makes no sense to me, and I'm still amazed every night that if continues to work. If you are interested in the information, send me a private message and I'll get back to you ASAP.


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Post by desertgirl »

How do i send you a private message?
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Post by LoneCrow »

When i get a massage with hemp oil and pachouli etc, I seem to have much less effects of RLS. Seems to work with me. Now just to get the wife to do it every night!! LOL

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Post by debkenny »

This stuff doesn't even require a massage...your wife will be thrilled. LOL

It just takes two or three drops on the base of your spine. The best part is, my husband said that, although the Klonipin and Requip would allow me to get some sleep, my legs continued to twitch through the night. I just didn't know it because I was pretty knocked out. With this stuff, he said that my legs never move all night! For the first week I used it I went to bed every night with my prescription bottles and a glass of water beside me, because I was sure that at some point the RLS would wake me and I would need to take the meds. Hasn't happened yet!! I've talked a few of my friends into trying it, too, and they have all had the same effects. I wish I had found this stuff years ago!

If you're interested in trying it out, send me a PM and I'll get back to you with the information I have.

Good luck!


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Post by ViewsAskew »

Deb, I am really thrilled for you and I hope it continues to work.

I have also seen a lot of people try a lot of things, with few successes for them. There are absolutely NO RLS therapies - medical, non-medical, pharm, non-pharm - that work for everyone. And, few non-pharm things work consistently for a majority. Massage is one that often works for people. When oils are used, often there is massage, which may be more of the reason some oils work than the fact an oil was used.

I do not know what this oil is, but I am skeptical that it will have benefit for most people. I would ask that anyone who tries it please post their results. While I am thrilled for Deb, one person's results do not make it a success story.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by debkenny »

I know I was very skeptical when I first ordered this oil, but the company claimed that it worked for 95% of the people who tried it and offered a money back guarantee if it didn't. I was desperate to get off of the Requip, Gabapentin and Klonipin, so I figured it was worth a shot. I was very shocked when it worked for me, and even more shocked when it worked for everyone I know with RLS who has tried it. I feel like I've found some sort of miracle drug! The best part is that I haven't had to keep increasing the amount I use, like I did with all of the RLS meds. In fact, I started with 3 drops per night and I'm already down to 1 drop a night. Which, the company claims is common. They say that most people who use it eventually find that their occurances of RLS decrease for some reason.

I don't know why or how this stuff works, but if you are feeling desperate, like I was, I would say it's definately worth a shot. A bottle only costs $15 and it lasts for 3-6 months, so you don't have a lot to lose.

Good luck to everyone. I know how miserable and frustrating it is to have this condition.


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restoil leg that works

Post by ctravel12 »

Jennifer look at the message that you just posted. Below it says profile and then next to it says pm. You click onto pm and it will send you to the pm and you send someone a priviate message. I hope that this will help you.
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restless oil that works

Post by ctravel12 »

Hi Deb. If I did not welcome you to the board before I am sorry, so welcome :D
I am glad that this oil is working for you and will continue. I know that to some people it is not a success story but if this works for you that is what's important. How long it works will be another story, but hoping that it continues for you. Like I have said in the past what works for one may not always work for another one.

Gook luck and keep us posted on how you are doing.
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Post by Aff »

have i missed the name of the oil?

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Post by desertgirl »

I ordered the oil and it finally came today. I wanted to try it right away so I put in on my spine and right away I just loved the smell and it warmed up very quickly. I have been having other aches and pains lately and the diminished right away and even my mood lifted. I am looking forward to trying the product tonight. Thanks!
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Post by debkenny »

Good luck, Jennifer! I hope it works as well for you as it does for me!


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Post by desertgirl »

Hi Deb,
Well it made me feel better but I didn't get any sleep, it turned really cold here last night which made my legs ache. I will try it again and keep you posted!
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Post by jbcole »

I got my oil yesterday & my hubby & I were soooo excited! I used it last nite - got relief until about 1:30 in the AM then popped a pill. But I am not discouraged - I am ready to give it weeks to work if I have to! But like you I laid awake just waiting for the tingling to start - the anticipation was worse than the symptoms! I fell asleep about midnite with no problems but then woke up later with twitching again. Keep your fingers crossed!

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Post by debkenny »

I've got my fingers crossed for you, Jennifer and JB! I hope it starts working better for you. I know the company says that it sometimes takes up to two weeks for it to work for some people, but no body I know has had that experience yet. Just don't give up on it for at least two weeks. If it does start working better for you, it will be well worth the wait! I've ordered some of the other oils they sell, including the sleep aid, and it really works, too! I've been very surprised by all of it.


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Post by jbcole »

I plan to give it plenty of time. I slept good last nite - didn't have any tingling or creepy crawlys but my hubby woke me up twice because my legs were going crazy in my sleep....but he said the same thing I did - can't give up on the oil yet - gotta give it time & see what happens. Will keep you posted!
