Restless Leg Oil that works!

Please share your experiences, successes, and failures in using non-drug therapies for RLS/WED (methods of relief that don't involve swallowing or injecting anything), including compression, heat, light, stretches, acupuncture, etc. Also under this heading, medical interventions that don't involve the administration of a medicine to the body (eg. varicose-vein operations, deep-brain stimulation). [This forum contains Topics started prior to 2009 that deal with Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, & Diet.]
Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Thanks Debs. How long does the oil take to work, i.e. for example requip takes 60 - 90 minutes??
Ta. Betty
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Post by debkenny »


It usually works for me in less than 15 minutes. My sister-in-law says that it works for her as soon as she puts it on...within a minute.

Let me know how it works for you.


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Post by Neco »

Well, got my tax return today so, I bit. I guess I'll see what happens when it gets here, but I'm still pretty much dead center in the "bias-sphere" so I'll have to give it some time.

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Post by debkenny »

Good Luck, Zach. Let us all know how it works for you. I hope you have as much success as I've had with it.


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Post by Polar Bear »

Hi folks, oil arrived here in N Ireland this morning. I will probably try it this afternoon when rls usually kicks in as I work at my desk.
I'm a bit nervous of doing without the requip this evening and relying only on this oil ???
Will let you know how things go.
Fingers crossed, Betty :lol:
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by debkenny »

Good luck, Betty! I have my fingers crossed for you, too. Let me know how it works out.


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Post by Polar Bear »

I will certainly let everyone know. I am so keen to cut down on requip.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by Polar Bear »

Well... legs started to twitch at around 2.30 pm and I used 3 drops of the oil as instructed. Legs are still twitching and jumping after 50 minutes since application. We will see how things go.. :?
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by jbcole »

Don't be discouraged Betty - it took almost a week & several applications per day/nite for me to feel teh full effects of the oil & it's now been 2 weeks since I've taken any Requip or Klonopin!

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Post by Polar Bear »

Thanks jbcole, for your encouragement. I can't say that I felt any benefits from the oil today, however I have every intention of giving it a fair trial. Please tell me from your own experience, at what point did you
stop the requip, if the oil took a week to give good effect. Also did you use the oil when your legs were 'at peace' or only when they started to twitch.
Thanks, Betty
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Post by jbcole »

I took my Requip 2 or 3 nights after the oil failed to work for me those first few nights. After that I found I didn't really need it. I applied the oil every nite before bed & some evenings when I felt the tingling in my knees start which is the sign that the twitchin is comin!

I have actually had a few nights when I've had to apply the oil 2 or 3 times during the night b/c they were especially bad nights....and there was one afternoon where I got no relief but I was sick with a bad cold & wasn't moving around at all that day.

I've also had nights like last night....apply the oil & fall asleep but then something wakes me up during the night & my legs fell weird - not tingling or twitching - but like they are right on the verge which can drive you nuts just as bad as the twitching. Don't give up yet - they say it can take a few weeks for the oil to work to it's full effect!

I will definitely keep my fingers crossed for you! We're all in the same boat it sounds like so I know what you are going thru! I hope it works for you!

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Post by Polar Bear »

Hi JBcole, Well this afternoon at work around 2.30 when the twitches usually start I used the oil and I spent the afternoon 'sort of OK', I did'nt have to stand at my desk cos of symptoms as I usually do, altho I felt several times as tho I was on the verge. Driving home from work always helps settle things.

This evening I did not take my usual requip at 7pm and 9 pm. I used the oil at around 7pm and even tho I spent several hours at the computer catching up on work, I felt no rls and thought, 'This is it, ' Something good is happening.

Used the oil again at 10.00 pm and went to bed at 11.00 pm.Wouldn't you know it, within 10 minutes it started. Legs jumping like mad things. I was wrestling around the bed. Tried to read.. no help. I gave in and and at 12 midnight took about 1.5 requip, (my usual is total 2 mg. but I would like to cut down the requip) But this will take at least an hour to kick in. So I took 4 mg diazepam (valium) to help get me over to sleep, I reckon it will make me sleepy quicker that the requip kicking in. I very rarely use the diazepam only about once every 2 weeks I wonder is there a case for gradually reducing the requip whilst using the oil. I don't want to lose the nightly sleep which I have been getting whilst on the requip, even tho I had bad afternoons.

So I wonder should I use the oil in the afternoons and hope it helps, and then at night slightly reduce the requip and use the oil?? It would be great to be off the requip, but I couldn't go back to nights like this. I had been doing not too badly, nighttime sleepwise.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by debkenny »


When I first started using the RLS oil, I also used the Sleep Aid in order to be able to fall asleep. I believe it is because our bodies become addicted to the ingredients in the Requip and Klonipin, or whatever we're taking, and it becomes impossible to sleep without it. Since I started the Sleep Aid with the RLS oil, I have been off of all prescribed medications. I've even managed to wean myself off of the Sleep Aid and only use it occassionally when I'm having a really hard time falling asleep. The best part of it is that I'm not left with what I call the "klonipin hangover" the next day. I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start a new day. I can't honestly say that I've tried the RLS oil after my symptoms started, because they are very consisitant, so I put the oil on about 1/2 hour before I know their going to start and I've had no problems. Maybe you should try using it a few minutes prior to the times you usually get the symptoms?

I hope it continues to get better for you. I know it has changed my life completely to be off of all the medications and not have to deal with the numerous side effects that came with them.

Don't give up yet. I would suggest trying it for at least a month. The company will give you a full refund no matter how much is left in the bottle if you decide to return it.

Good luck and God Bless,


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Post by Polar Bear »

Hi Deb, I agree with all that you are saying, i.e. that I am prob dependent on the Requip. But my prob is that even with the oil, my legs at bedtime last night were twitching so badly, and I had put the oil on at least an hour previously. It is near my afternoon 'session' so I will go now and put on some oil and trust that it will help this afternoon. But I wonder what I should do tonight. On last night's experience the oil was not sufficient when going to bed and the twitches were bad, without the requip. So I am undecided what I shall do tonight. I will without doubt continue with the oil, but I am considering that I should gradually reduce the requip whilst using the oil and see how it goes as the requip dosage gets lower.
What a flaming nuisance this all is. It's all a case of should I ?? will I ??
I will continue to keep this thread informed as it is all information for anyone else wanting to try this oil, and just hope that I don't bore everying to sleep.... now there's an idea !!
Thanks Debs.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by debkenny »

Don't give up, Betty! I have heard of people who have needed to use the oil for up to two weeks before they felt the full results. According to everything I've read on it, there is no harm in using both it and the Requip for awhile. I think doing what you're doing is the best. Slowly reduce the Requip until the oil is working all on it's own. And remember, the company will give you a full refund if you happen to be one of the 5% of people that it doesn't work for. Just send them the empty bottle or whatever remains in it and you'll get your money back.

Good luck. I hope it starts being successful for you!

