RLS Oil & Defense of myself!

Please share your experiences, successes, and failures in using non-drug therapies for RLS/WED (methods of relief that don't involve swallowing or injecting anything), including compression, heat, light, stretches, acupuncture, etc. Also under this heading, medical interventions that don't involve the administration of a medicine to the body (eg. varicose-vein operations, deep-brain stimulation). [This forum contains Topics started prior to 2009 that deal with Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, & Diet.]
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RLS Oil & Defense of myself!

Post by jbcole »

I just got back from vacation & read all the posts on the locked Topic "Restless Legs Oil That Works".

I do not know the person that started this post as many seemed to have implied. I have been working with my neuro for many months becuase my husband & I want to get pregnant & I couldn't take the Requip or Klonopin when we were trying to get pregnant & I have severe RLS. I talked to my neuro when I got the oil & he told me to go ahead & stop the Requip & the Klonopin since we had already been cutting my dosage on both back before this point.

I don't sell this oil - I've never heard of it until now! I had never heard of Deb Kenny before this either.

So much for giving people the benefit of the doubt - seems like I was convicted as being guilty before anyone even asked me!

I use the oil - it works great for me - I don't know how or why - I would HIGHLY recommend it to anyone that suffers the way I have.

But I WILL NOT put up with the nonsense you peopel are dishing out here. Someone wants to help you & you bash her like that!

Very mature & very nice. I hope you are happy knowing that others may now continue to suffer becuase of your narrow minded-ness

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Post by becat »

JB, I don't think anyone was pointing at you or anything like that.

As far as the board goes, some (not many) rules. Selling your wares is a big one.

I wouldn't have minded if the "others" were here to share, but it didn't turn out that way. I had gotten complaints from people that were getting PMed without even asking about the oil. A discount code and a good word about the oil. That was sells and it's not allowed.

We aren't narrow minded, not from where I see it. However, if someone comes on this site to sell things we nix them or the post.....normally.
There are too many things out there, that the label is changed to "cure" RLS, from what it cured last week. And the cost is hard earned, good money.
I'm not past buying those things and trying them. I use alternatives myself. If they work I come here and say they work, but I don't offer discount codes, I don't PM members of the board about it, and I don't lie when asked about my intentions.

Anyone can come to the board and share their own experiences, good or bad.
But selling is out!
I'm sorry you are angry, but it was not pointed to you. At least not from me. I'm not sorry that I locked the post or asked that the PMing stop.
This is a support and educational board. Not a quick stop for those selling things.

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Post by debkenny »

It sounds as though this comment is geared towards me, and I really take offense to that. I am NOT working for the company! I have NEVER pm'd someone who hadn't sent me a private message FIRST asking me for more information about the oil. Yes, I gave anyone interested in ordering a discount code, but it was to save them money, not make money for me!!

As for people not pointing at JB, that's completely untrue. Go and read back through the posts. It was incinuated on more than one occasion that her and another poster were working in cahoots with me to sell this product. We've never even met! The only reason this assumption was made was because there were three of us on this board saying that the oil worked for us. That made some of the more suspicious members of this group assume we were working together. That is really unfortunate for anyone who may have considered trying this oil and changed their mind because of these postings. It's obvious that the oil is working well for some of us. So where is the "support and education" this board is supposed to offer? Closing the posts squelched that, didn't it?
Don't knock it till you've tried it. Different things work for different people. Raining on everyone's parade doesn't work for anyone!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Deb and JB, I can see that you are both upset. As are other people.

Can we all agree to let this one go? There are many competing needs and interests on this board: relief, education, sharing, protection of the members, etc. Sometimes things happen that make it hard to meet the needs of everyone. This is one of those times.

There are many things that contributed to this. Let's see if we can use this as a teaching example for all of us so we can try to prevent it from happening in the future. Over-zealousness in any format can lead to misunderstandings. So can taking any position and not seeing the other person's perspective. It's almost impossible for this board to be everything to everyone, but usually we try pretty darn hard.

Let's move on to helping each other as we have done so well for so long.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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Post by ray »

Just a way to keep the oil agenda going.

I call double BS. PLEASE do away with the oil posts.

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Get off your soap box Ray!

Post by jbcole »

I could care less if anyone talks about this oil again - you obviously aren't understanding the support aspect of what was going on!

Read all of my posts! I just wanted relief becuase I want to start a family! Excuse me if I found it from a product you dont' believe in!

I won't be posting anything further on this site & will be sure to tell people to avoid posting anything that they believe in if it's different from the norm! I guess some people don't care about the good of the many!

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Post by debkenny »

ViewsAskew wrote:Over-zealousness in any format can lead to misunderstandings.

I see quite a few overzealous postings on the wonderful effects of marijuana, yet I don't see anyone accusing those people of being drug dealers.

I joined this board because I was elated that I finally found something that worked for me and didn't cause any side-effects. I wanted to share that information with as many RLS sufferers as I could, thinking maybe I could help some others. I guess this wasn't the place to do it. Seems like this forum is reserved for pill pushers and nay-sayers.
Don't knock it till you've tried it. Different things work for different people. Raining on everyone's parade doesn't work for anyone!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Deb, please.

Ray, please.

This isn't helping anyone. It's dividing us. I don't want that to happen.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

You've said it Ann, everyone just take it easy!!

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Post by Ridgerunner »

Excuse me but marijuana has been scientifically proven to ease neurological pain... http://ga.mpp.org/site/apps/nl/content2 ... ct=3603695

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Post by Aiken »

I think I'm the only person who mentioned jbcole, so I'll take responsibility for that.


You may be the victim of circumstance due to joining just before this began. If the oil is working for you, and you didn't truly stop your requip and klonopin cold turkey, then I'm ready to give you the benefit of the doubt and accept your testimonial. Pardon me if I've lumped you in with the people who truly are of questionable character.

The only other glowing testimonials were posted, ad nauseum, in multiple threads, by people who joined the day they started posting them, and who never posted about anything else. That, along with their identical claims of stopping requip and klonopin the day they started using the oil, was just too much to believe. Given the discount code and how that works, I'm pretty certain they're just here to sell the oil and make a profit.

It may be co-dependent of me, but I just don't like to see people taking advantage of people with whom I have a shared trauma. We're in this together and we need to protect each other from greedy outsiders looking to make a buck off of our misfortune.
Disclaimer: I often talk about what I do and what works for me, but these are specific to me and you should always consult a healthcare professional before trying these things yourself, lest you endanger your health or life.

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Post by debkenny »


The only other glowing testimonials were posted, ad nauseum, in multiple threads, by people who joined the day they started posting them, and who never posted about anything else. That, along with their identical claims of stopping requip and klonopin the day they started using the oil, was just too much to believe. Given the discount code and how that works, I'm pretty certain they're just here to sell the oil and make a profit.

If you're lumping me in with this group, you're way off base. Yes, I'm sure I gave some 'glowing testimonials', but I think everyone on this board has, or will, when they finally find something that works well for them after years of suffering. As far as posting in multiple threads, that doesn't apply to me at all. When I first joined this forum, this is the only thread I posted in, because it was the one that applied. I don't have a lot of free time on my hands, so until recently I've never even browsed through the other threads. This was the one that interested me, because I'm sick of the meds and wanted to see what everyone else had tried that was non-pharmaceutical.

Yes, I was able to stop my Requip and Klonipin the day I started using the RLS and Sleep Aid oils. It is probably not the recommended way to go about it, but it worked for me. If you want to send me a PM, I'll be happy to give you my doctor's phone number so you can call him to verify it. He may not be able to use my name due to legalities, but I'm sure if you ask him about the oil, he'll at least be able to tell you that he has had a patient that was able to immediately stop his/her meds when they started using it.

I am not here to sell oil and make a profit. According to the companies site, if you start a Home Distribution for them, you are given your own website where people can order and receive 20% off while you also make 20%. I do not have my own website and have given anyone who's asked the companies website. The discount codes I've given out are ones that the company has been emailing me since I placed my first order. Anyone can use them through the COMPANY'S main site, not a website that I've obtained to sell the oil. I don't understand all of the suspicion that's been raised by trying to help people save a few dollars.

Don't knock it till you've tried it. Different things work for different people. Raining on everyone's parade doesn't work for anyone!

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Post by ray »

Debkenny is going to do everything she can to keep the oil posts going. Someone needs to lock these threads so this stops.

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Post by debkenny »


I'm sorry, but I don't ever recall saying that I would stop with the oil posts. I did agree to call a truce on our argument about it, but never agreed to stop posting all together. Why should I??? I don't recall reading in the posting rules where it stated that you were permitted to post about any kind of non-pharmaceutical therapy EXCEPT OIL!! If I missed that somewhere, please feel free to point it out to me.

I believe that, as a member of this forum, I have just as much right as you do to post about what has or has not worked for me. What gives you the authority to say that the oil posts should stop? How is it that you can have such a strong opinion about something you've never even tried? The only person that should be on here complaining about it is betty b., because she has tried it and it didn't work for her. Just like the 2,010 other treatments and ideas people come up with!! They work for some of us and they don't work for others. That's what this forum is about...exchanging information in hopes of helping others.

Get off your high horse and give me a break. It's getting ridiculous that every time I make a post you jump in with something negative to say.

Don't knock it till you've tried it. Different things work for different people. Raining on everyone's parade doesn't work for anyone!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

I have already publicly asked all parties to stop posting about this.

I am not locking it for now as I do not see what good it will do - last time it resulted in posting about it in a new thread.

I am counting on everyone to choose to stop simply because I've asked.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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