RLS arm relief

Please share your experiences, successes, and failures in using non-drug therapies for RLS/WED (methods of relief that don't involve swallowing or injecting anything), including compression, heat, light, stretches, acupuncture, etc. Also under this heading, medical interventions that don't involve the administration of a medicine to the body (eg. varicose-vein operations, deep-brain stimulation). [This forum contains Topics started prior to 2009 that deal with Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, & Diet.]
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RLS arm relief

Post by PeteB »

As I think I've said here before, I get RLS badly in the arms. In the past this has led me to do some pretty bizare things like shaking my arms in the air and trying to go to sleep with my hands pointing in the air or with them tucked under the mattress (you can do it if you try!!!)!!

The past few nights I've worked on a new 'therapy' which I now can report as having been fairly useful.

I set off going to sleep lying on my side and then whichever arm decides to 'kick in' I lie on that side with my arm tucked in with the hand on the shoulder. The other hand I grab hold of my forearm. When there is a bad sensation developing I (stage 1) tighten the hand grip just slightly, or a little more if needed, or (stage 2) I tighten the muscles in the affected arm in a flexing manner or (stage 3) as I tighten the muscles I make the arm shivver - much in the same way as when you over exert a limb it can shivver. Then relax.

This 'tool kit' allows me to apply remedies of varying strength according to the severity of the RLS (or RAS!!!). Quite often, I've found that the presence of the hand on the arm is sufficient to keep the problem at bay.

Of course, the major advantage of this box of tricks is that it allows you to be in a sleeping position.

It's not a 'catch all' rememdy - but I would estimate - 70% better for me.

Maybe it can help you too. I pray it does.


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My. . . .

Post by ViewsAskew »

Pete, the part about this working for you 70% of the time is wonderful. It's great to hear when someone can get some sleep by doing something. I was struck, though, with a sadness when I read it. It's incredible what we have to go through to find relief. :cry: I suppose I could have read into this the tenaciousness and ingenuity that you have, but being tired and foggy, my thoughts are darker.

I just started getting RLS in my arms - it's only happended 4 times in the last 2 weeks. I started to cry the first time; it seemed an impending doom that this force was marching through my body and that I wasn't able to stop it. I'm grateful for you posting what's working for you so that I can stop waving my arm in the air like a ghoul out of the grave.

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RLS Arm Relief

Post by cmg61 »

Hi All - I've been experiencing RLS in my arms lately too. I've found that if I lay on the side that's bothering me and criss-cross my arms across my chest and grap each upper arm with the opposite hand it seems to help. When both arms have bothered me, I've even layed on my stomach with my arms in the above-described position.

No fun, but you do what you gotta do!!


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Post by Nan »

Hi Connie, Ann and Pete, I too have RLS in my arms, mostly my right, and Ann, like you, I cried when it first started happening...it was coming up my back and into my arms...overwhelming.

I now try shaking my arm a bit, and sometimes that helps. I am going to try the pressure from the other arm, sounds like a good idea, wether by criss crossing or holding my hand on shoulder or forearm.

Thanks for the thoughts guys!


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Post by sthomp66 »

I must say, this had me laughing while reading this in bed tonight! Thank goodness you people are out there because my husband thinks I'm completely insane when I'm moving all around the bed. My poor puppy whose a miniature yorkie spends most of the night mid-air until I go to sleep.

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Restless arms

Post by Mprtrm »

I'm in my 40s,have had rls for approx 30 some yrs.Started Clonazepam 2 yrs ago.Has helped legs,but am still getting terrible feelings in my arms.I cry alot too.I try to twist my arms,and everyone knows you can only twist your arms so far... :cry: Can't quite picture what Pete and Connie are describing.I do know at night,when I'm in a deep sleep,I sleep on my arms and my arms go totally numb,which isn't good either.I don't know if I sleep on them because they bother me or I'm cold??I do know pressure helps,because if I rub my arms HARD it helps.But that is for a few seconds..My legs have been getting bad lately especially when I haven't had enough sleep.I really need to find a specialist who is good in this area.Right now my family physician is helping me.BTW,what is BBCode?

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Post by nephriticus »

BTW,what is BBCode?

Well, the quote was one example.

This is also BBCode.

And this is BBCode.

And underlines.

And font colors.

BBCode is the modifiers you may apply to your text in the message body during composition, which alters the posted appearance from ordinary text.

I hope you may find respite from your nemesis. [/u]
Currently RLS free. Symptoms stopped almost abruptly after my long term, full time care giving duties ended with passing of wife. No stress, no RLS.

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