something new

Please share your experiences, successes, and failures in using non-drug therapies for RLS/WED (methods of relief that don't involve swallowing or injecting anything), including compression, heat, light, stretches, acupuncture, etc. Also under this heading, medical interventions that don't involve the administration of a medicine to the body (eg. varicose-vein operations, deep-brain stimulation). [This forum contains Topics started prior to 2009 that deal with Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, & Diet.]
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Post by Michelle »

I'm so glad it worked for you spflo033. I've been using it for a good month with great success. It works best if you keep it under the tongue as much as you can. I usually just plop it under the tongue and fall asleep that way, ha ha. Magnilife is great, I really don't know what I'd do without it now.

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Post by snowbound »


Magnilife sounds interesting. Is it only available online? I'm happy to see it's helping a few. :)

Are there any other members out there that have recently tried it?

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Post by Michelle »

Hello snowbound! I just checked for you and they do have it online. Here is the link ... relief.asp I just get mine at Rite Aid since it's close by. Good luck if you do try it and let us know how it works for you.

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Post by Hos »

Thanks for the link. The 2nd ingredient, Viscum album, is aka Mistletoe. :)

Anyone else tried this out?

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Today was the first of the three regional RLS meetings. I'll post more about that later. But, this thread relates directly to some of what was said.

One of the presenters, Dr Picchietti, showed a slide titled: Consider the Source. He said, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." He actually had a picture of All Calm up at this time. Now, I also realize that doctors are skeptical in general of these things...somewhat for good reason, somewhat not.

He also reviewed some of the careful double blind studies done related to vitamins, supplements, minerals, etc. As of this date, if a person is not clinically deficient in anything, there is nothing that helps RLS for more than a few people here or there that they have found (and I was surprised to learn that they really have looked into the supplement/vitamin/mineral area at least a bit). He cited a large German study that found magnesium levels are all normal in people with RLS (no deficiency as there is with iron) and that it did not have any effect on RLS, nor did calcium. Additionally, he said magnesium should not be taken if you have kidney problems. (I don't even know what this formula has in it - I'm just reciting what was said in general regarding non-pharma treatments).

Dr Buchfurer has pointed out to me several times that RLS is a very strange disorder in the sense that it's highly susceptible to our thoughts of what works...and what doesn't. In double blind studies for RLS pharmaceuticals, there is a higher percent of placebo effect than in other drug studies. Often, the placebo group has a response that is quite high.

This often lasts for a relatively long period of time, all things considered - such as the duration of a 2 or 3 month study...or until they find out they had the placebo. Of course, not all people with the placebo react this way, but enough do that the researchers have discussed what it is about RLS that allows this to happen (I don't know what they have concluded, if anything.) I've done this myself many times in the past, thinking I finally "had it" - the resolution of my RLS - only to have it come back later and realize that for some reason it had stopped, but it was here again. Since whatever I thought has resolved it really didn't, I had no idea what did. It may have been my positive thoughts. Which, in itself, is quite fascinating and something we've talked about before.

This may mean is that if we think things like this and All Calm or other vitamin/mineral/supplement formulas work, they have a greater chance of doing so - at least for awhile - but without them actually doing anything, if you get my drift.

Picchietti was also careful to point out that some of these "natural" formulas could be problematic in other ways. First, they are often not standardized, so we don't know what we are getting. Second, sometimes they contain things that haven't been studied and we don't really know what they might do. When someone says, "But it's natural, " my DH's response is, "So is arsenic." Of course, he's a an engineer and a born skeptic. But, he has a point!

To illustrate this, about a year ago I decided to take cinnamon because it's supposedly good at lowering blood sugar. Now, mine wasn't high, but I eat a lot of sweets and don't want diabetes type II, so I tried it, thinking I was being proactive. The studies showed it worked - and it was cinnamon - how could that hurt me? Within two months, I had horrid heartburn every day and reflux every night as I slept. I figured out it was the cinnamon, causing a problem that was unintended. I had to start taking heartburn products every night before bed or I'd awaken to burning in my throat. I still have not resolved this problem and now am on a trial of Prilosec to see if that will heal the damage caused by the cinnamon. Before I took the cinnamon, I had no reflux at all and heartburn about once a year.

I don't know if it's a good thing to try this product..or not. Given the research to date, it's unlikely it will help a large number of people, or for any length of time unless the placebo effect is in place. But, maybe that placebo effect is worth it :?:
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Thanks for this:
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by SquirmingSusan »

When someone says, "But it's natural, " my DH's response is, "So is arsenic." Of course, he's a an engineer and a born skeptic. But, he has a point!

Funny he should say that, Ann, because arsenic is indeed in at least one of the more popular homeopathic RLS remedies. And I've seen it listed as an ingredient in many homeopathic remedies. It seems like lead is used as well.

My dh works at Aveda and all their products contain "natural ingredients." I like to tell him that poison ivy is natural. :wink: Fact is I have a lot of allergies to natural plant matter, so I prefer things to be tested clinically over the long term and not rely on a description of something as "natural."

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Post by Michelle »

Thanks for the info ViewsAskew. I agree with what your saying here. Also a friend of mine took cinnamon for weight loss and I wasn't sure about it because I do have acid reflux and I didn't want any heartburn or problems with it and I expressed my concern about it and she said "No it won't bother that, it should be fine." To hell it won't, you are proof of that!

I'm so sorry the cinnamon caused the relux problems. What caused my reflux problems was drinking one summer with friends. We'd have parties every weekend and they had some strong alcohol there. Burned up my insides. I'm on Prilosec every day now since 1998 as a result.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

I might be an anomaly, but it certainly did bother me and I do not even use cinnamon anymore very much because of it. I am sure glad it helps some people, though.

I have the equivalent of a Health Food Store's worth of supplements, vitamins, etc. in my house. Most often, they don't help. But some really do.

A few years ago, Consumer Reports sifted through all the research to pinpoint what, if any, of all those claims actually had merit. Again, they were looking for things that work with a LOT of people, not just a few people here or there. The list was very short.

On the other hand, many of our medicines started from a natural source, such as aspirin from willow bark or opium from poppies (and many more). Heck, salicylates are used in a phenomenal number of products and ways -it's a big part of a healthy skin regime if you have acne. And, in general, at any time our bodies are low on anything, we need to pay attention and increase that because those things can cause lots of problems. Magnesium, calcium, B vitamins and many more are truly important for good body function. They just haven't been shown to be miracle cures in the many ways we want them to be.

I so would love to find a magic bullet for everything...and I think many of us do. Every once in a while one comes along, but it's not that often.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by Michelle »

Magnesium at 250 mgs worked great on me at first and then it stopped working. If I lay off of it for awhile and take it here and there it will work with my RLS and sleeping. It calms the nerves and muscles down. I do worry about these Magnilife RLS pills. They work great on me, but I am afraid of the consequences with regular use. Also, I feel I'm more dependant on them to just fall asleep and that's not good. I hope the so called "natural poison" that is in there (read it from another post, forgot the name of it) isn't too harmful after awhile. I'd like to know the long term effects to using this product. If anybody has used it for along time, please post. Thank you.

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