
Please share your experiences, successes, and failures in using non-drug therapies for RLS/WED (methods of relief that don't involve swallowing or injecting anything), including compression, heat, light, stretches, acupuncture, etc. Also under this heading, medical interventions that don't involve the administration of a medicine to the body (eg. varicose-vein operations, deep-brain stimulation). [This forum contains Topics started prior to 2009 that deal with Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, & Diet.]
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Post by pdullea »

Has anyone tried acupuncture? My lanlady has been a licensed acupuncture practitioner for years, ansd she has suggested that I try it. She says she has found that it works on some people, but not on everyone. I'm about to try it. I'll keep you all posted; but I would love to hear from someone who has tried it. Thanks.

Peter D.
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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Yes, actually, several people around here have, and have had some success with it, but more with pain than the other RLS sensations. Moonlight (her screen name) has a post about it right now in another part of the message board, can't think exactly where.

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Post by lexique »

Here's the link to the post where we've been talking about acupuncture. I'm sure there are many people who would like to hear how it works for you. Please keep us updated!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

And, because the board is several years old and people come and go, I know there are older posts from others who have tried it. A search would net all those...
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by Dnes »

SquirmingSusan wrote:Yes, actually, several people around here have, and have had some success with it, but more with pain than the other RLS sensations. Moonlight (her screen name) has a post about it right now in another part of the message board, can't think exactly where.

I am trying it right success at this point. I have had 4 sessions and am losing weight, knee pain gone, but RLS still with me.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

I wonder if it simply takes the "right" pattern of needles. Maybe the practitioner needs to focus on something they'd do for ADD or Parkinson's Disease, or whatever they might do to increase dopamine. '

My sister was a surrogate mom a few years ago. She has too much of some kind of flow in her made it less likely the fertilized egg would attach. They send her to acupuncture, saying that it has an incredible rate of success in decreasing this. It worked - they put in two eggs, she had twins.

It obviously helps many, many things. So, why not RLS?

Maybe, in thinking about it, it also could be that we'd need it more frequently. The problem happens every day (the dopamine disregulation). It might not work to only work on it once a week.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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RLS and Acupuncture

Post by bigu47 »

Hello Folks,

Any RLS persons tried Acupuncture as alternative treatment? Just completed my second visit, acupuncturist indicated three to six visit for
treatment. Somewhat skeptical- but willing to try different approach.

I'm currently on Requip 2 mg. twice daily, but noticed augmentation starting since my symptoms are occuring as early as 1 PM.

Hope all of you have a nice day!

Lee N.

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Acupuncture Update

Post by bigu47 »

Fourth Acupuncture Visit on 8/28/08:

Needles inserted in same locations as previous visit. Here is the oddity, while lying on stomach
my calves started to "creep and crawl" every three minutes for that thirty minute session.

Acupuncturist is trying to isolate particular meridian(s) to "open blockage". Next treatment will use needles with a small electrical current to stimulate these areas.

Still trying to keep open mind here for this alternative treatment.

Lee N. :D

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Thanks for the update. It's really helpful to hear.

That's really similar to my experience; the first three were great. Then the legs started during the sessions. I hope that it doesn't continue to do so and that this was an isolated event.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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RLS and Acupuncture

Post by bigu47 »

That's really similar to my experience; the first three were great. Then the legs started during the sessions. I hope that it doesn't continue to do so and that this was an isolated event.

Thanks Ann,

I hope it was an isolated event, feel like a real "trial-baloon" for the lady performing acupuncture. Will keep an open-mind here to see how the course of action plays out, possibly could be as many as sixteen visits.

Only downside to that is that my medical plan doesn't cover acupuncture- only related to pain. Back-up plan is to consult with RLS specialist in my area (NY) from Web-site.

Have a nice Labor Day Weekend!

Lee N. :)

PS: Did you discontinue Acupuncture visits because of your experience- similar to mine?

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Yes, I did discontinue it. By the 6th one, the entire session was horrible - constant, strong RLS the entire time. Those needles hurt, hurt, hurt when you have to tense your muscles!

But, they weren't changing anything, either, so it was just the same thing each time. It sound like your person is trying to "get it right" for you.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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RLS and Acupuncture

Post by bigu47 »

Fifth Visit on 9/4/08:

First 30 minute session on back had needles inserted in basically the same points as previous visits.

Second 30 minute session had needles inserted in back and legs with small electrical current applied. Felt tapping sensation in my back which is what the acupuncturist expected.

Invouluntary RLS leg movement of both calves commenced ten minutes in to the treatment, each movement lasted about one minute for a total of six movements in 30 minutes.

Keep you posted,

Lee N.

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Acupuncture Update

Post by bigu47 »

Seventh Visit, 9/18/08:

Acupuncturist treated yours truly with needles inserted in back and both legs with Electro Stimulus (ESM), the max dose of mili-volts was administered for about thirty minutes.

The sensation felt from ESM was "tapping" located in small-of-back and both legs, this is what the acupuncturist desired. No uncomfortable feelings and only slight (3 times) need to move my legs during the 30 minute session.

She (acupuncturist) believes one of my meridians has a blockage and is close to "freeing-up" this blockage. What I have personally noticed is that the 1PM RLS symptoms have only occured 1 or 2 times per week and less strong.

Alas, my "evening" RLS still exhibits itself around 6:30PM or so. Still trying to keep an open mind for this alternative RLS treatment and work with the acupuncturist to control the beast!

My medical plan Aetna does NOT cover Acupuncture since in their infinite wisdom have deemed it's not related to PAIN. By the way thought I heard somewhere on the news that the wonderfull Insurance Companies are beginning to accept Acupuncture as alternative medicine.

Adios or au revoir,

Lee N. :D

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