Compression Stockings to relieve need to move at night

Please share your experiences, successes, and failures in using non-drug therapies for RLS/WED (methods of relief that don't involve swallowing or injecting anything), including compression, heat, light, stretches, acupuncture, etc. Also under this heading, medical interventions that don't involve the administration of a medicine to the body (eg. varicose-vein operations, deep-brain stimulation). [This forum contains Topics started prior to 2009 that deal with Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, & Diet.]
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Post by DrWass2 »

Just trying to get this topic back up to the top of the list.
So far a few people have reported back with great results. I would like everyone to try it and report back. we need people saying they tried it and it didn't make any difference, or some difference, or make it worse. I know we all have our own TYPE of RLS but maybe we can find a correlation as to which this treatment best gives good results. MY particular form of RLS is the creepy crawly type, sometimes. a tight muscle feeling, just an awareness of your legs that just has to be moved. no pain, just cannot stay still. Holding it or squeezing helps so if ACE bandages seem like a good idea to you, then try the stockings. Mine usually is in the ankles, calves, and/or thighs, sometimes up into the groin (real problem there), and rarely arms.
I go to sleep every night with nothing and try my best to sleep. If the legs drive me crazy I put on a pair of compression stockings, and it is really amazing, the legs are now happy.
If someone needs advice or help, send me a message through this site.
I don't go here everyday, but I will do my best to help.

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

I'm not sure if they help my RLS because I take methadone, which pretty much wipes out the creepy crawlies, and I'm not going to skip a day of medication to see if they work. But they do feel great on my legs until they start to make my legs itch. I'm allergic to latex so I've never tried using ace bandages.

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Post by mackjergens »

I tried the stockings years ago and they did not help my creepy crawlies at all. I have just the standard RLS, creepy crawlies in legs to the point that I absolutely have to get up and walk. I have had this nightly for over 34 yrs, as with most RLSers for years I could not find a Dr that knew what to think when I described my legs! so years of walking the floor nightly, and I tried anything and everything I could think of or heard of. Nothing ever stopped or even helped a little before I finally discovered on my own thru dental work that pain meds would stop my creepy crawlies and so that is what I have taken now for over 8 yrs.

At times I now laugh when I think back to all the things I tried, even the soap under the sheets. I also use to try to figure out how I could tie myself standing up in a corner so I could sleep standing on legs..*L* Never did figure out how to do that one.*L*

Actually most of the times I cant stand ANYTHING on my legs when they are so bad, most night I have to even take off PJ bottoms, because I just cant stand them!
Last time I had surgery a couple years ago, and they put those boots that fill with air on my legs, I had to make them take those off. Even a causal touch to my legs will set off my RLS at times.

Spent the most of the day at our Fall Festival and I am really paying for that big time tonight, the RLS is very strong tonight!! What a shame that you can't just spend the afternoon walking around and enjoying life without paying a big price for it that night with RLS! Oh well it was well worth the bout of RLS, as my ONLY grandchild came from out of town for the wkend. She is just two and the delight of my life. So I will glady put up with a strong bout of RLS for her any day!!

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Post by lcdmsellers »

Just found the forum the other day when i was tired of the pain. Starts around noon and just gets worse. Tried the compression hose (all day) and found substantial relief. Doctor kept trying to increase my requip (i'm at 2mg and she wanted me to go to 3mg.) which i knew wasn't the answer, so i just want to thank you for all the great information. still mildly uncomfortable, but holding my own for now. This i can live with and if and when it gets worse, i'll figure out what to do next...but the compression hose are a winner! I've only been living with this for 9 months...age 47...I take a host of meds for sleeping, so i stay asleep, but it is the quality that counts for me.

Thank you again!

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Post by ctravel12 »

Hi Linda and welcome to this board. I am glad that the compression stockings are working; however with taking requip and your symptoms are getting worse it sounds like you may be augmenting (having rls anytime of the day or night) I am glad that you had the forsight not to increase the meds. That is a blessing that you are able to sleep at night.

Please look on the forum New to RLS as there is a sticky post called "Managing Rls" and Mayo Clinic Algorithm has an excellent article. Please read it and if you are able to, please print it out and give it to your dr.

Another good site to read is

Please keep us informed on how you are doing and hope that you are doing better each day.
Taking one day at a time

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Post by DrWass2 »

Whats going on? No new people trying the stockings....Everyone should give it a shot, if you need help in getting a pair to try, send me a message and I will try to help

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Post by cmoore1958 »

I don't subscribe to the hard fast rule that everyone should try everything all the time. Myself, I have multiple medical issues not just rls. However, my rls is the pain kind and I don't put anything constricting on my legs for any reason because I know what the constraint of that will do to me and my health. Sorry, I'm not one of the candidates to "give it a try".

I know that the compression hose do work for some and am glad they get that relief. I wish they did work for me too, they just make things worse for me.

You've done what you can do by presenting the information to people on this board. Now, its up to them/us to do with it what each individual wants to do personally. I am truly glad it works for you and others.

Take care,
Even when we are by ourselves, we are never truly alone.

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Post by DrWass2 »

Try it.....

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Post by DrWass2 »

Funny.....most who try the stockings seem to get relief and have stated so yet we have no reponses since Dec 2007.. Please post your results if you tried them, if not contact me if you need help. You have nothing to lose. :roll:


Post by cornelia »

Hi DrWass2:

do you have any suggestions for patients with full body RLS. There are body parts where you can't put stockings on! Anyway, thanks for your indefatigable effort to tell peolple about them, as they do help some of us.

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Post by DrWass2 »

well, yes,, you can try a full body compression garment if that will help.
I haven't tried it yet.. I have purchased an "ARM Gauntlet" to try for the few times I get it in my arms. I am now trying use of a fairly tight long leg panty girdle for times it goes into the groin. Seems to help so far.
Where (What parts of your body) do you get your RLS symptoms.

You can google "compression Garment". They are expensive. Designed to use after plastic surgery. Sometimes can find on ebay.
I'ved been looking but haven't tryied them yet. Also can try a full body Shaper. Might give it a shot in future..just not sure what size to really get, but thats always the problem when you can't "try it". sometimes just have to bite the bullet and invest in an experiment. If it works, great we learned a lot and get relief which is priceless. If it doesn't work or fit, at least we tried. I may have sizes that don't fit me that i'd be willing to let others try. Send me a message if you need help.


Post by cornelia »

Thanks, I will look into it (I live in Europe); I don't think however these things will help for severe 24/7 RLS, but for the less severe cases, yes, I can see it work.

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Post by Nicky »

Hi all, In the matter of compression stockings (I'm not sure what we'd call them in the UK) this article appeared in today's Daily Mail. ... ew-device-

Any thoughts?


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Post by Nicky »

P.S. if you scroll down to the story that's (rather unfortunately) illustrated with can-can dancers, (geddit?).

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Nicky, I was just going to post the same story. 1 in 3 had complete relief.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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