Sex and RLS

Please share your experiences, successes, and failures in using non-drug therapies for RLS/WED (methods of relief that don't involve swallowing or injecting anything), including compression, heat, light, stretches, acupuncture, etc. Also under this heading, medical interventions that don't involve the administration of a medicine to the body (eg. varicose-vein operations, deep-brain stimulation). [This forum contains Topics started prior to 2009 that deal with Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, & Diet.]

Sex and RLS

Post by JosieAnn »

I apologize if this post offends anyone. Does anyone find temporary relief from RLS and sleeplessness with manual sexual stimulation? It is an embarrassing subject for me and I know a lot of others, but I would like to know if I am alone with this situation.
Thank you for your response.
Please do not offend me with crase remarks.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Hi JosieAnn,

Some of us talked about this a few months ago (and no one was offended or too embarrassed); here's the link to the topic. ... hlight=sex



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Post by GaAudrey »

Hi JosieAnn,

I'm pretty new to the board, have thought about asking the same question, but was to shy. Thanks for doing it! I went to the other post that were suggested to you and read up on all the older post too. I myself have found that the big "O" has nothing to do with my RLS but the sex does. While I'm having sex I have not RLS issues. When I stop having sex, the RLS returns within minutes. I've always thought this was because it was like when I walk to relieve the crawly feeling, but didn't really understand it because I sure wasn't on my feet! The problem I have most of all is I take to many different things (drugs) that my desire in my heart is strong for sex but my body just doesn't respond like I want it to. I don't know if it's because of the requip or the prozac or combination. Hope the board helps in all your questions. Welcome aboard!


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Post by Sara »

Hi JosieAnn--

good subject. As I mentioned in that other thread, this is not something I've noticed specifically. But there are two probable reasons for this. We don't generally make love during the times I normally have RLS. And also I find that if I'm really mentally "engaged" in something (not just vegging by the TV, for example) that I don't "notice" my RLS as much.

I'm sure that you have heard, anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs are MURDER on your sex drive... or at least on a lot of people's. During a short period of time I was on zoloft, I was always mentally ready to go, but as you said, my body sort of felt like "okay, that was nice", and that was about it. Really tough on my marriage and on me, since we always had a good sex life before that.

Take care everyone. Sara :D

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Post by IanFraughton »

Yes I do as a matter of fact. Self pleasure is nothing to be embarrased about unless you have a religion that forbids it. Also, not relieving sexual tension can cause you stress and drepression, though I understand women need to relax to have sex, whereas men use sex to relax.
The endorphines(the bodies natural pain killers) help my aching legs(which is all day) for awhile, and of course your mind is "occupied" while your doing it. My ex-wife has fibromyalgia and was on Amitriptyline which decreased her sex drive dramatically so I had to relieve myself more often than not. Our break up was partly due to my anger from the frustration of not know what it was wrong with me. I have since then diagnosed myself and am finally getting some relief with the help of my doctor. We all have our own "formula" to get us through the day, and if an orgasm helps you then I don't see the problem.


I call my pacing the "Waltz of the Damned". Anyone care to dance...?

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Post by Sara »


Not sure I've had a chance to welcome you to the board yet, but I've read your posts. Just DID want to make sure that someone said, THANKS for posting on this thread in particular. I think it's good to hear additional experiences-- from men and women both-- even though a lot of us sort of wince when we reply to such personal subjects in an open forum. :wink:

Take good care and again, welcome. :D


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Hi Sara

Post by IanFraughton »

Thanks for the welcome :D

Nice to meetcha' Sara and everyone else who suffers this dreadful disease.

I don't mind talking about stuff like that since we all know that its natural, and no longer the "dirty" thing that it used to be. Its nice to know that woman have taken charge of their bodies/minds and are not afraid to pleasure themselves for relief of pain or for just simple pleasure.

I call my pacing the "Waltz of the Damned". Anyone care to dance...?

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Post by Penguinrocks »

oh good. i wasn't imagining this. Unfortunately, I am VERY single and it is up to me to make sure this happens to myself. ????? Anyhoo, my hands can't handle it either a lot of the time.
I sure am glad I found this site and you all. Seems like a lot of the pressure goes away but just being able to talk.
sorry I brought back an old posting, but I am lurking to learn new things
Beware the Penguin


RE: sex for relief

Post by Ed »

If we could figure out eactly what happens to the nerves in the legs during orgasm and reproduce it, I know a orgasm takes away both the creepy crawly feeling and the linb movement away for a few hours.
I am going to try dome fava beans and maybe some fava bean houmus this week. I also have some battery powered leg massagers ordered from

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Post by colleen »

oh yea for me ,every time ,I'm my owne best friend ,
i always assumed that it was just due to the exertion of energy caused by orgazm that lead to the relief i would get after an "o"
It seemed i even grew a tolerance to that remedy after a while ,like the rls stored it's energy in a hidden place the "O" couldnt get to until it was done and than it would let loose if i didnt fall asleep fast enough afterwards .
sad when ya get to the point that you dont even do that for the sheer joy of the .................pleasure of it ,but because you feel like you have to because it is the only way you'll get some sleep ,kidda takes away from the novelty of it .
but hey ......don't get me not knockin it .

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Re: RE: sex for relief

Post by colleen »

Ed wrote:If we could figure out eactly what happens to the nerves in the legs during orgasm and reproduce it, I know a orgasm takes away both the creepy crawly feeling and the linb movement away for a few hours.
I am going to try dome fava beans and maybe some fava bean houmus this week. I also have some battery powered leg massagers ordered from

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Re: RE: sex for relief

Post by colleen »

Ed wrote:If we could figure out eactly what happens to the nerves in the legs during orgasm and reproduce it, I know a orgasm takes away both the creepy crawly feeling and the linb movement away for a few hours.
I am going to try dome fava beans and maybe some fava bean houmus this week. I also have some battery powered leg massagers ordered from

hey penguine ,refere to ed's post about the battery powered leg massager from amazon,comfor relief for your hands , seriousily i have alot of pain in my hands im an artist suffer from some arthritis in my fingers from drawing for years and a little help goes a long way when the handsdont want to cooperate ,,wow what a conversation

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Post by sardsy75 »

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Ok, this is probably going to sound REALLY weird ... but ... in this years Aussie "Big Brother" series, some of the girls did some serious talking about masturbation and the most useful "tools" :roll:

LOL, can't believe i'm even typing this!!! 8)

One girl swears by ... wait for it ... an electric toothbrush (one would assume a battery operated one would suffice just as well too!)

There was also an outdoor spa/hottub in the house which I know was made use of by the girls too ...

Gawd, the things you learn from reality tv!!!

Going to stop there b4 my blush turns into something resembling major sunburn!! :oops:

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Is it really the sex?

Post by Got2Move@Night »

Hi, Everybody. I just registered after reading some of the posts on here at 3 am the other night. The big "O" caught my eye because before I even knew I had RLS, that would relieve my symptoms for at least an hour in which time I could fall asleep. I think, though, that its not the big "O" but the straining and overworking of the leg muscles that does it for me. Sometimes, when Im just not in the mood, or I wake up and am wayyy too sleepy to even attempt that first method, I will sit on the edge of my bed and just start to stand up. Its almost like youre sitting, but theres no chair beneath you. Your legs will start to shake with the strain. It hurts, yes. :( But in about 10 minutes my legs finally give up and let me lie quietly and I breathe a sigh of relief and then zzzzzzzz! :D Okay, well now you all know way too much about me, but I thought if my methods help even one rls victim then it's so worth it. Thanks for all of your posts, too. Havent tried the soap yet, but on nights like tonight, Im ready to try anything. Sweet dreams! :)

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Re: Is it really the sex?

Post by trevb »

Got2Move@Night wrote: I will sit on the edge of my bed and just start to stand up. Its almost like youre sitting, but theres no chair beneath you. Your legs will start to shake with the strain. It hurts, yes. :( But in about 10 minutes my legs finally give up and let me lie quietly and I breathe a sigh of relief and then zzzzzzzz!

i can relate to that.... crazy how the pain from overworking your legs is a relief from the rls feelings!!!!! it can give people who havent got rls a bit of an insight into how it feels when you tell them that pain is better than rls!!!


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