anyone heard of this?

Please share your experiences, successes, and failures in using non-drug therapies for RLS/WED (methods of relief that don't involve swallowing or injecting anything), including compression, heat, light, stretches, acupuncture, etc. Also under this heading, medical interventions that don't involve the administration of a medicine to the body (eg. varicose-vein operations, deep-brain stimulation). [This forum contains Topics started prior to 2009 that deal with Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, & Diet.]
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anyone heard of this?

Post by tiredofrls »

Hi all! I came across this website and wondered if anyone had tried this "cure". It seems like a scam, but being exhausted will make anything that promises sleep sound enticing. The website is You pay 19.95 for some ebook. Anyone tried this? Had any luck? I still feel that if it seems to good to be true, then it is. I would love to hear from anyone who has tried it! Thanks!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

It's a scam. It basically says to cut out all salt. Given that RLS is caused by an iron absorption issue in brain cells that then can't get enough dopamine, I can't imagine how cutting out salt would help. That said, some people have tried it just to see. It didn't work.

Tiredofrls, you're in a tough position without medical insurance :( . Is there a state plan you can get on? Or contact the drug manufacturer - I read somewhere else that some of them will help people who are in need. I wish I could remember the details, maybe someone else will. Since you have daily RLS, as far as I can tell from reading lots of posts and lots of articles, your only solution is prescription meds and a good doctor. Usually only people with mild or moderate RLS are helped by OTC stuff, vitamins, routines, chiropractic, accupuncture, etc. If that stuff eliminated it, none of us would be here on this board :( .


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Post by Rubyslipper »

Views is correct. Find out what your doctor would prescribe for you, find out the manufacturer of that drug, go on line and in most cases they have either a website or phone number that you can use to contact them to see if you qualify for either vastly reduced rates on the medications or sometimes can get it free. You may have to jump through some hoops but when life sucks without the meds, it can be worth it. Just remember, as of right now, there are NO cures for RLS. So save your money for something that might work. You know, level with your doctor if you have one, sometimes they can help you out too. I feel for you. Let us know how you are getting along.

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Post by tiredofrls »

Thanks for the information!! I figured that website might be a scam, but I thought I should ask. Also thanks for the suggestion of contacting the drug companies. Unfortuantely I just relocated to CA from CT so I do not have a Dr., but I am going to look into getting at least an appointment. Hopefully they will let me pay out of pocket for a visit. My Dr. from CT can not prescribe in CA :( I appreciate all and any information that is out there! Thanks again!!

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Post by IanFraughton »

I remember you saying in one of your posts that you have no coverage. Makes me realize how lucky I am to have a health care system that covers the drugs I need as I know I couldn't afford them even if I could work. Have you considered trying the churches and other organizations like that. They will sometimes cover costs such as meds even if your not religious, might be worth the asking.
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Post by Sara »


I don't know anything about meds, really. But I thought that there were some of the chain pharmacies, like Walgreen's or Long's, that if you're traveling you can retrieve your prescriptions anywhere across the country???

Is there any way (and maybe someone smarter than me here will know???) that you could get a prescription from your CT doc here in CA through a chain pharmacy just as if you were "away from home"?

Just a thought...maybe nothing there.

Take care-- Sara

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Post by tiredofrls »

Hey Sara--Thanks for the suggestion. That is what I did when I first moved out here. My problem now is that the prescription has run out and I have no refills left. So I need to see another Dr. to get one. I have applied for health insurance on my own, but who knows if they will take me with a pre-existing condition. I appreciate your suggestion!

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Post by Sara »

Darn, Tired....

I guess I wondered if the CT doc would be willing to still prescribe, and if he was, if you could just pick it up here like you did when you first got here. Doesn't sound hopeful. Darn.

Hey, did you tell us where you're working in California? I live in southern Cal. So I'm waving north and south to wherever you are! :lol:


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Post by GaAudrey »

Hi Tired!
Just thought I'd put in my two cents on how you might get some meds. Go onto the internet and see if you can find a study for RLS being held near your area. There's one now near me, but it's for the same meds I'm on so I'm not participating. But since you need anything right now, maybe participating in a study where you get the meds free and get paid to participate might be a way to go for a little while till you get on your feet with a new doctor and insurance. Worth a try. Good luck! I know what it's like with no meds :(

Take care,



Post by JUJU »

HI, I'm a nurse planning to start a new job with Glaxosmithkline, which is the pharmaceutical company that has produced the RX (requip). This is the Rx that I will be promoting to health care providers. I've researched this med intensively and feel that it could help many of you. Ask your physician about this med. Also, there are ways around paying for your meds. Look up the pharmaceutical companies that produce them to see if you can get help. You may want to ask your physican for vouchers or extra samples.

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No insurance?

Post by wendy »

Try It's a web site for low-income people who are medication dependent.



Post by carol »

hi i am rite now trying that method.. i dont no if it works...was doing real well on it..was able to sleep through the nite with out my mirapex..(that iam trying to get off of because of side effects). i think there mite be a chance of it working...but i find it to hard to totaly cut it out of my diet..will see? any one else have any thing else on it ..been reading about the powders onn inter net to..thinking about trying 1 of those to..... rls is hell on earth..they can send people to the moon butt not cure rls

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