Weight - Too Much Of It

Please share your experiences, successes, and failures in using non-drug therapies for RLS/WED (methods of relief that don't involve swallowing or injecting anything), including compression, heat, light, stretches, acupuncture, etc. Also under this heading, medical interventions that don't involve the administration of a medicine to the body (eg. varicose-vein operations, deep-brain stimulation). [This forum contains Topics started prior to 2009 that deal with Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, & Diet.]
jittery girl
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Weight - Too Much Of It

Post by jittery girl »

I am overweight. OK, I have said it. 30 pounds to be exact. My question, and hopefully the start of a discussion: is weight a factor with RLS? I have been overweight for years but recently packed on an extra 7 pounds. I have started using a treadmill I am lucky enough to have in my home. I have also signed on to check out "Curves" (for women only, sorry) and want to get a bike to peddle around.

Anyone else out there overweight and interested in taking on a little non official "clinical trial" of getting active and maybe even dropping some pounds?
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Re: Weight - Too Much Of It

Post by rthom »

good for you. i'm not of any help with it, but i'm glad you are taking the initiative to involve others and get this thing sorted out.

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Re: Weight - Too Much Of It

Post by ViewsAskew »

Studies link RLS/WED to overweight. But, no one knows if it makes it worse - it just happens to go together. Likely culprit is that certain hormones related to weight gain tend to be high in people who have sleep disorders.

I could lose a few pounds, but will not diet. I dieted my way to my current weight! I was ten pounds heavier than I wanted to be when I was 12; went on a diet, lost it, then gained 15. Lost that and gained 25, etc. Once I stopped dieting, I stopped gaining....until I damaged my knee. Know that activity is reduced, I'm gaining about 3-4 pounds a year. Need to stop that!

I am determined to find something that will help me lose weight without formally dieting- I would prefer not to gain anymore! I've been using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) for the anxiety that comes with WED and that triggers eating. Seems to be helping quite a bit. If anyone wants to know more about it, I'll post some links.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: Weight - Too Much Of It

Post by rthom »

excellent point Anne:

I had a problem like that for a few years due to the late nights and meds making munchies sound like a must. I also tried dieting and excercising, but found myself really stressed all the time--as i felt like i was loosing the battle if i gained an ounce or didn't loose any weight. I decided it would not work for me because it was like a smoker stopping smoking but constantly thinking about cigarettes--for me just won't work.
My decision was to not bring in the food that was unhealthy for me and at the same time provide myself with snacks that would be acceptable--i was allowed to eat more but only certain foods and in certain quantities. I'd lay out my snacks so i couldn't mindlessly eat the entire box, fruit , etc...
This has worked wonders for me. It's been years of rls/wed ups and downs and changes of meds. but i still have maintained a healthy weight for me.
Basically i needed the ok to snack and a positive way to do it--no feeling bad about myself etc..
Hope this helps.

jittery girl
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Re: Weight - Too Much Of It

Post by jittery girl »

Dieting is out for me also. Just does not work. I lose a little weight then go off the deep end! I am on the trail to fitness by exercise. The treadmill everyday for 30 minutes. Plus I got a geeky single speed bike to ride the trails of Indiana. I only my butt didn't hurt so much!
My RLS is so bad at night, I can't eat. I am unable to hold still long enough to eat, and I can't grip a spoon or fork. I can stuff food in my mouth but I am usually crying, moaning, or screaming into a pillow. The crazy police would haul me off if they ever saw me on a bad night.

So - anyone willing to exercise for a while to see if it helps, lets stay in touch!
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Re: Weight - Too Much Of It

Post by jy13131 »

This seems like a good time to share my latest discover with you all! We eat very healthy and I have recently decided to do my best to avoid any white flour foods. The big problem Is that I LOVE NOODLES!!! Like I can't stop eating them I love them. Well someone who is on a raw diet gave me a bite of her very expensive raw noodle dish and was blown away to find they were noodles made out of plain raw zucchini. So I found the device that can cut zucchini into noodles. I cooked them in salted boiling water for one minute, drained then put my turkey tomato sauce over and it was AMAZING! Similar texture but I could really enjoy it because I didn't feel I was pasting 10 lbs directly to my butt! I'm happy to give you more info if anyone is interested. I think it costs around 18.00 (and NO! I don't sell them!!)

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Re: Weight - Too Much Of It

Post by jy13131 »

jittery girl wrote:Dieting is out for me also. Just does not work. I lose a little weight then go off the deep end! I am on the trail to fitness by exercise. The treadmill everyday for 30 minutes. Plus I got a geeky single speed bike to ride the trails of Indiana. I only my butt didn't hurt so much!
My RLS is so bad at night, I can't eat. I am unable to hold still long enough to eat, and I can't grip a spoon or fork. I can stuff food in my mouth but I am usually crying, moaning, or screaming into a pillow. The crazy police would haul me off if they ever saw me on a bad night.

So - anyone willing to exercise for a while to see if it helps, lets stay in touch!

What do you mean you can't hold a spoon or fork?

jittery girl
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Re: Weight - Too Much Of It

Post by jittery girl »

I can't grip anything. my hands spasm so much when I am having a really bad RLS night.
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Re: Weight - Too Much Of It

Post by jy13131 »

jittery girl wrote:I can't grip anything. my hands spasm so much when I am having a really bad RLS night.

That is intense. Is that common with wed?

jittery girl
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Re: Weight - Too Much Of It

Post by jittery girl »

I don't know. But I have arm involvement about 90% of the time when I have a bad night. I have not had a bad night since early March. I am taking my meds on time and have been lucky. Tramadol is truly a wonder drug for me. I don't have an issue with addiction. I have been on 100mg for as long as I have been taking it and it still works. As long as I take it right.
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Polar Bear
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Re: Weight - Too Much Of It

Post by Polar Bear »

Yes, it is so important to take medication on time.... ahead of any symptoms.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Weight - Too Much Of It

Post by Betty/WV »

I have fought my weight almost all of my life. If I lost 5 lbs, I gained 10, if I lost 10 I would gain 15. Now I am 76 and I am way over weight. It is aggravating my health problems. Years ago my sister and I took a class, at a local hospital on nutrition. The instructor told us, if we had never started on our first diet, we, more than likely wouldn't be over weight now. I believe her. If we would have just tried to eat healthy it would have helped more. Anyway, my RLS/WED is about 90% controlled with Mirapex, now at my age I at times feel like its usless to even try to lose weight. I have a hard time exercising because of other health problems. I can bearly walk sometimes and do so with a cane. I don't mean to sound like "oh, woe is me". Because I have many blessings in my life. Sometimes when the pain is so bad I forget to count my blessings. Wish you all peace and a good nights sleep. This site has helped me so much, (that is one of my blessings).

Thanks to rls.org, I have learned so much about my condition. I have received encouragement from my friends here. This is a site I can come to when I am up most of the night, and I vent, and know those who read my messages understand

Polar Bear
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Re: Weight - Too Much Of It

Post by Polar Bear »

And bless you Betty/WV

You remind us to count all of our blessings.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Weight - Too Much Of It

Post by badnights »

Could to hear from you Betty/WV:) You're one of my blessings.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Weight - Too Much Of It

Post by Betty/WV »

Thank you, badnights, hope all is well with you.
Thanks to rls.org, I have learned so much about my condition. I have received encouragement from my friends here. This is a site I can come to when I am up most of the night, and I vent, and know those who read my messages understand

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