Vick's!!! <3 <3 <3

Please share your experiences, successes, and failures in using non-drug therapies for RLS/WED (methods of relief that don't involve swallowing or injecting anything), including compression, heat, light, stretches, acupuncture, etc. Also under this heading, medical interventions that don't involve the administration of a medicine to the body (eg. varicose-vein operations, deep-brain stimulation). [This forum contains Topics started prior to 2009 that deal with Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, & Diet.]
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Restless Dragon
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Vick's!!! <3 <3 <3

Post by Restless Dragon »

Ok All. I heard not long ago that rubbing Vicks on the soles of your feet helps with dry cracked skin. I tried this last night. I smeared about a tablespoon of Vicks Menthol VapoRub on the bottoms of my feet, from toe tips to heels. Then I wrapped my feet in plastic shopping bags, and put my feet up. O MY MOTHER FRACKIN GOD. In about and hour, I felt a cool happy tingling spreading up the backs of my legs. Im no Dr, so dont ask me the medical mechanics here, but somehow that Vicks on my feet INTERRUPTED he painful rotten prickling and stiffness that is my stage one of RLS. About 90 mins after I applied the Vicks, I saw some trash outside my window and went outside to pick it up. Do you people know what it was like for me to walk without my legs screaming at me for the first time in decades? It was like learning to walk all over again. Now I will say I actually got a little cold all through my body. Vicks has a strong smell. I dont believe I've ever heard that people can have skin allergies, nor have I ever heard that there can be complications with other drugs - Ill follow up on that with my Pharmacists asap. After a few hours, I took a shower to relax. I only slept four hours, but it was good quality sleep. The cool tingling from the Vicks continued for a few hours after I showered. Even the muscles in my thighs let go and relaxed. This is huge, people. Ive taken Amitryptaline. Ive taken Seraquil. Neither touched the RLS, in fact there was Augmentation. This is a Life Changer for me. You mean I dont have to take 10 OTC sleep meds? I can just smear Vicks on my feet and wrap plastic around them? I dont have to literally beat the crap out of my legs with hammer? People, Ive lost jobs over this. I've lost relationships. I've been evicted from apartments. The whole frackin time, the answer for me was a $3 or $4 bottle of Vicks. I admit to some activation of the RLS this morning, but this is HUGE. I'll follow up on this as I learn more, but no was do I want anyone out there suffering as I have had for decades when some relief is so cheap and near .....

Polar Bear
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Re: Vick's!!! <3 <3 <3

Post by Polar Bear »

Every so often, over the years, I have heard of this. I do recall trying it myself, without success.
But you only have to Google it and will find various posts on various Forums where people have felt there has been some benefit.

If it works for you then be joyous and make the most of it. Different things work for different folks, some may be placebo, some may have a reason that they really do work. One thing's for sure, do what works for you.

It will be interesting to hear how you proceed with this, please do keep us updated.
I'd be willing to bet that there will be a few members hunting in the back of the cupboard and thinking that this is worth a try.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Restless Dragon
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Re: Vick's!!! <3 <3 <3

Post by Restless Dragon »

There was some RLS symptoms firing today. I have not had the chance to check with a pharmacist to check and see if some people might have skin allergies to Vicks, but I will follow up on that soon. I hear that the menthol in Vicks does get absorbed in the skin, so Ill check with pharmacist on any other possible negative drug interactions there. I wouldnt know why this worked, but somehow that Vick's stopped the RLS. It numbed the nerves, or opened blood vessels, or something. RLS has wrecked my life for years, so no way would I keep this to myself. Good luck here all

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Re: Vick's!!! <3 <3 <3

Post by debbluebird »

My husband uses Vicks on his toenails. The Podiatrist recommended it. It kills nail fungus. This is so much better than the meds they give for nail fungus. He no longer had to apply it every day, once it went away. He applies it occasionally.
It would be wonderful if it continues to help your RLS.

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Re: Vick's!!! <3 <3 <3

Post by badnights »

If you search vicks on this board (search box at top right) you;ll find a number of posts - most of them in one thread called Vicks Vapo-Rub on Soles of Feet. It works for some people, doesn't work for others. But you've got me going - - I'm going to try it again, this time with plastic bags...... hope springs eternal etc.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Vick's!!! <3 <3 <3

Post by ViewsAskew »

badnights wrote: hope springs eternal etc.
Doesn't it ever...
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Restless Dragon
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Re: Vick's!!! <3 <3 <3

Post by Restless Dragon »

Ok my dears. This Vick's Trick seems to work best for me when used every other day. I use the plastic bags mainly because it's neater and cleaner; rather than trying to wash socks that have Vicks all over the inside! I'll not lie, I do still get some RLS prickling and tingling, and a little jerking. It's much much better than it was without the Vicks! Best to all

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Re: Vick's!!! <3 <3 <3

Post by legsbestill »

I read a post on healthunlocked recently of someone who found that menthol crystals mixed into an acqueous cream and applied to the legs helped their RLS a lot. In the hope-springs-eternal mode, my amazon order of menthol crystals is winging its way to me as I type. I applied Vicks to the soles of my feet the night before last and I think it may have helped - though it could also have been the small dose of codeine I took at the same time.

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Re: Vick's!!! <3 <3 <3

Post by Yankiwi »

I'd vote for the codeine. In the vein of menthol crystals, I've been using a menthol gel which helps. The brand I use is Biofreeze Cold Therapy Pain Relief Gel but there are others.

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Re: Vick's!!! <3 <3 <3

Post by badnights »

I thought it might actually have helped, the first night. But the second and third nights (not in a row), it definitely didn't help.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Restless Dragon
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Re: Vick's!!! <3 <3 <3

Post by Restless Dragon »

o badnights Im sorry. I really had hoped my post about Vicks would help. I use it every other night/ every third night. For me, it doesnt completely eradicate the symptoms, but VIcks on the soles of my feet makes a huge difference. I even leave my feet wrapped up in the Vicks/plastic shopping bad over night and sleep that way. Again, every one experiences RLS in their own way, but if I leave my feet wrpped overnight it seems to disrupt the RLS long enough for me to get into some good sleep. Im sorry the VIcks Trick didnt work so well for you. I sure wish you the best, and good sleep and rest form the RLS!

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Re: Vick's!!! <3 <3 <3

Post by badnights »

it would have been nice ... :) oh well, more things to try
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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