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Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 9:00 pm
by ViewsAskew
Deb, please forgive me if I am off-base. I am concerned about your posts. You only came to this board to tout this oil. Then, the only posts you make are about it. You seem to know a LOT of people who have had success.

All of this makes me question whether or not you have anything to do with the company that sells this oil.

If you do not, I know you will be gracious as you understand we are protecting all of our members by disallowing this.

If you do, I'd ask that you come forward and say so.


Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:57 am
by debkenny
ViewsAskew wrote:Deb, please forgive me if I am off-base. I am concerned about your posts. You only came to this board to tout this oil. Then, the only posts you make are about it. You seem to know a LOT of people who have had success.

All of this makes me question whether or not you have anything to do with the company that sells this oil.

If you do not, I know you will be gracious as you understand we are protecting all of our members by disallowing this.

If you do, I'd ask that you come forward and say so.



I came to this forum and many other restless leg forums to 'tout' this oil because it is the only natural thing I have ever found that actually works. Yes, I know a LOT of people that this has worked members, friends, and people I have met on other forums who have tried it. I am not selling this oil, but I am offering anyone who is interested in purchasing it a 20% discount code that the company gave me after the first time I purchased the oil. I didn't realize that was a problem...I just wanted to save people a few dollars. I never even heard of the company until I found it on the internet and decided to give it a shot. I have been so impressed with the results that I wanted to spread the word to as many RLS sufferes as I could. I'm just trying to help out people who are in the same situation as I am. Everyone else on this forum is listing the non-pharmacutical things that have worked for them, so I don't see why this is any different. If I was on here saying how well Klonipin and Requip worked for me, would that be okay? They did work for me, but I had horrible side effects and kept having to increase the dosages. If I say that, does it mean I am working for the company? I don't understand why some people are all for prescription medications, but turn up their noses at something that is natural that actually works. If you would rather I stop posting on this forum, that's fine.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 2:02 am
by debkenny
By the way, I only post in this section of the forum because I have tried the gammit of all other natural suggestions and none of them have worked for me, and I am no longer interested in filling my body with a bunch of pharmacutical medications that have no studies on long term effects. I have no intention of getting into other sections and discouraging people from trying those things because, as you know, what works for one may not neccessarily work for another. All I'm trying to do is let people know something that has worked amazingly well for me and quite a few others.


Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 2:24 am
by becat
Hmmm I didn't know you offered a discount code......hmmmmm

I'm glad it worked for you and yes we certainly need alternatives for even people who do take meds. .

However, we really don't sell things here and the codes borders that for me.

I wish you would have told me that when I asked you about this oil.

That's ok, I guess. hmmmm

Well, I am glad it worked for you and hopefully, for all who got the code or ordered it.
If not hope there is a 100% return policy. Just in case it might not for some.


Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 2:48 am
by debkenny
I don't understand why offering others the discount code I was given should be bothersome to anyone, but if it's a problem, I guess I'll quit offering it. I was only trying to help people save a few dollars. Yes, I could be making that 20% per bottle if I chose to, but I didn't need the money and felt it was the right thing to do to pass the savings on to others who could use it.

The reason you only see me in this section of the forum is that it is the only one that currently holds any interest for me, and I am too busy to spend a lot of time looking through the other areas of the forum.

As far as a refund goes, the company offers a 100% money back guarantee on anything that doesn't work. I have used it on one other oil that I purchased from them, and it's definately a no-hassle refund.

I'm starting to regret ever coming to this forum. If anyone is interested in trying the oil, please PM me, because I will no longer be posting on here. I certainly don't need to spend my time being lambasted by people when I am only trying to help.

I hope I've managed to answer all of your questions and concerns. If you have any further problems, please send me a private message, because I don't believe a public forum is the correct place to handle these petty complaints.

Good luck to all of you who have decided to try the oil. I hope you find as much success as I have with it.


Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 7:49 pm
by ray
Ok, after reading the whole thread I've come to my own conclusion about the miracle oil. The only people this has semed to work for are Debkenny and jbcole. Both joined within 2 days of each other and both quit Requip and Klonipin almost immediatly after using the "oil".

Klonopin is NOT something you stop taking overnight, it could be dangerous to quit that fast and something you should consult with your doctor about beforehand.

debkenny, you say there are other forums where people have discussed taking the "oil" for RLS and recieved relief? Could you supply a link? Are the people that got relief on the other forums long term board members and are the forums for RLS sufferers?

After reading your (and jbcoles) posts this sounds to much like a sales pitch. The money back guarantee you mention over and over is a sales tool and reminds me of an info-mercial on TV.

The last straw was insinuating that if someone takes a Parkinsons medication for RLS, then there's a possibility that if they ever DO devolop Parkinsons that a drug might not work because they have possibly built up an "immunity" to it.

That's just plain wrong and a scare tactic to sell the "oil".

My 2 cents,


Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 8:40 pm
by Aff
ok guys, cool down a little. i've spent some money and bought one bottle. it hasn't cost alot and it's worth a try, i can afford it. also deb asked for PM for details so that's fairer.

i understand the concern though as rls has such different 'remedies' for different people most will try anything and accept it when and if it doesn't work. that makes us a susceptible lot to sales pitches. i hope you understand this deb, trawling through the posts it's quite apparant this is a place where clever sales people mcan earn money.

anyway, i've yet to try it. i have a reason too but hopefully i'll give it a go soon and let you know.

but it's fair that you are challenged regarding sales, if it's the rules then we all must abide by them.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:42 pm
by debkenny

My understanding is that links and/or websites are not permitted to be posted on here, so I'm not going to do that. Do a search for 'Night Time Leg Calm' oil and I'm sure you'll find the other forums I've referred to. You will also find the site that sells the oil for $15 per bottle. I've offered anyone who is interested a 20% discount code to use if they'd like. They can PM me and I will gladly pass on that code to help someone else save a few dollars. If not, they can pay the full's totally up to them. I'm not trying to give anyone a sales pitch, just trying to share something that has truly given me and many others amazing results. You're an adult and I'm sure you're perfectly capable of making your own decisions. All I'm trying to do is let people like me, who have suffered for years, know that there are non-pharmacutical treatments out there that do work. I thought that's what forums like these were for. I've never joined one before because I never had anything successful to post about. My experience with RLS has been nothing but hell until now.

As far as going off the Klonipin and Requip, I did check with my doctor prior to doing so and had his approval...but thanks for the medical advice anyway. I'll follow his instead. Being as you're playing doctor, I guess I should address your comments on Parkinson's Disease medications, too. Try doing some research on it before you shoot your mouth off about something you've obviously not spent any time checking into. That is one of the biggest problems for people who have Parkinson's. Their bodies quickly build up an immunity to the medication and it doesn't take long for them to go through every one that is made for the condition. Anyone who has been on Requip, Gabapentin or Mirapex for RLS has more than likely had the same problem of having to increase the dosage until the side effects outway the benefits.

As far as your decision to make acussations against another member of this forum just because you have a problem with me, that's just totally unfair. I never heard of jbcole until he/she PM'd for more information about the oil. Instead of spending your time being so suspicious and accusatory, maybe you could spend some of it being delighted for the others that have found help in this oil.

To you Aff, I wish you luck. If the oil works half as good for you as it does for me, you'll be the next one on here telling everyone about it. Just be careful what you say or you'll be the next to be accussed of being involved in my high-pressure sales scam.


Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:23 am
by ray
Thank you for supplying the name of the product. As you suggested I did some research. The name "Night time leg calm oil" did pop up on Google.

From the website here's what Dr. Buchfucher (RLS specialist, and also on the medical advisory board of the RLS foundation) has to say about it:

''Please note the following from the Night-time Leg Calm website: Due to FDA guidelines, RESTLESS LEG RELIEF is now Night-time Leg Calm. NIGHT-TIME LEG CALM Wellness Oil is a special blend of pure essential oils designed specifically for NATURAL relief of RLS. It seems that even the FDA has concerns about this product's false advertising. The big problem is that these products may be preying on RLS sufferers in order to make money.? ''

''There is a very strong placebo (sugar pill) effect from any remedy for RLS. This often explains the response to many of these natural therapies. However, only a very few people seem to get any benefit from these remedies which is why we do not recommend them."

I will also listen to a doctor and pass thank you. I'm sure that the ingredients, which are Grape Seed oil and an essential oil blend of Lavender, Rosemary and Ginger smell real nice though. I'm sure that there are non conventional things that work for some people but scented oils to cure RLS? To me that's like saying RLS doesn't exist and believe me it does.

Are you sure about the 95% success rate? :roll:

About the "builiding an immunity to parkinsons drugs in case you get interesting artical:

It is well known that the effects of L-dopa begin to wear-off in increasingly shorter times the longer a patient has been on the drug. A 1999 controlled study reported, however, that the drug was still effective in 80% of patients after first five years of therapy. And other studies suggest that most patients, IF NOT ALL, derive substantial benefit from the drug throughout their lives.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:42 am
by Aiken
debkenny wrote:I am not selling this oil, but I am offering anyone who is interested in purchasing it a 20% discount code that the company gave me

debkenny wrote:Yes, I could be making that 20% per bottle if I chose to

These two quotes appear to be at odds with each other. Am I crazy?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:18 am
by debkenny
Well Ray, according to your Dr. Buchfucher, the following list his recommended treatments for RLS:


Sedative/Hypnotic Medication - Benzodiazepines and related drugs

Drugs used to treat Parkinson's Disease - Dopaminergic Drugs

Analgesic (pain-killing) Medication - Opiates/Narcotics
Anti-Seizure Medication


Hypertensive (High blood pressure) Medication

Multiple Sclerosis Medication

Antidepressant Medication

Recreational Medication

Those all sound like such healthy things to put into your body to treat something that nobody professes to know too much about. Of course the FDA is not going to allow a company to use "Restless Leg Relief" as the name of their product, because then it would have to go through FDA testing. And we all know how well that works: test it for awhile, put it on the market, and then 10 years later apologize to all of the families who have dead relatives because of the unknown side effects of those FDA tested miracle drugs.

No thank you. I'll go the natural way any time I can, whether it's FDA approved or not.

I find it pretty amazing that you searched all of google and were only able to come up with one doctor who had anything bad to say about this oil. It's a big internet out there. If you would have spent some more time searching, you would have found quite a few posts from people who have had success with the oil. I guess you and I are just very different people. I'd much rather try my luck with a little bit of all natural grapeseed oil rubbed on my back rather than taking a sedative or hypnotic drug to stop my legs from twitching. But that's just me.

As far as the 95% success rate goes, I don't know. That claim comes from the company, not me. I'm hoping that everyone I've spoke to about it who tries it will let me know whether or not it works for them so that I can come up with my own idea of its overall effectiveness.

What do you take for your RLS, Ray? Maybe you should join the study and fork out a few bucks for a bottle of the oil and see if it works for you. If not, at least you would have put your money where your mouth is.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:21 am
by debkenny
Aiken wrote:
debkenny wrote:I am not selling this oil, but I am offering anyone who is interested in purchasing it a 20% discount code that the company gave me

debkenny wrote:Yes, I could be making that 20% per bottle if I chose to

These two quotes appear to be at odds with each other. Am I crazy?

No, I don't believe these quotes are at odds with each other. I have chosen to pass on the 20% discount given to me by the company. I could be selling this stuff in a store or to individuals for full price and pocketing that 20%, but I'm not. I'm simply trying to make it as inexpensive as possible for people who want to try it, because I truly believe it could be an amazing help to a lot of people.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:36 am
by debkenny
ray wrote:About the "builiding an immunity to parkinsons drugs in case you get interesting artical:

It is well known that the effects of L-dopa begin to wear-off in increasingly shorter times the longer a patient has been on the drug. A 1999 controlled study reported, however, that the drug was still effective in 80% of patients after first five years of therapy. And other studies suggest that most patients, IF NOT ALL, derive substantial benefit from the drug throughout their lives.

That's very interesting, Ray. This is an excerpt from an article I found on the same medication.

"L-dopa is clearly the most effective drug in the treatment of the symptoms of Parkinson's, but there are many unresolved questions about how the drug should be used in the management of patients with Parkinson's Disease," said Jankovic. "The ELLDOPA study clearly demonstrates that L-dopa is safe and does not cause toxicity."

The finding is important because some experts have had reservations about levodopa, he said.

"Because of the concern that levodopa may be toxic, some people have argued that it should be used only in advanced stages of the disease," said Jankovic, the principal investigator of BCM's portion of the study. "The other reason why in some patients levodopa should be used later in the course of the disease is because it is otherwise associated with side effects including abnormal involuntary muscle contractions and movements (dyskinesia) or a ‘wearing-off' effect,' in which the duration of benefits shortens with chronic use."

By the way Ray, that study was from 2005, not 1999.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:22 am
by ray
Your right. I did find many, no..hundreds of people that said this worked for them. All on websites that sold the magic oil.

I used Dr. B's quote because he specializes in RLS and sits on the RLS board.

I will pass on your offer to buy the magic scented oil. I know, money back guarantee if it doesn't work, keep on trying, you must be part of the 5% it doesn't work for, 95% success rate.

Maybe I will buy 2 pizzas tonite with my $15 dollars and wrap them around my legs. The oregano and garlic infused oil might be the cure.

If it works I will give you a 20% discount on my new pizza miracle oil.

Will you try it?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:43 am
by ray
Oh, and the study was 1999 as I stated before, scroll down to "Early Use of Dopamine Agonists versus L-Dopa"

I did like what your study showed though: "The ELLDOPA study clearly demonstrates that L-dopa is safe and does not cause toxicity."

So are you admitting it's safe to take now???