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Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:44 am
by debkenny
Let me know if it works. I really don't need it right now but, if for some reason my back oil quits working in the future, I'll be more than happy to try your magic pizzas!

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 3:25 am
by ray
:lol: I'll keep you posted. Domino's is on the way!

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 3:54 am
by debkenny
ray wrote:Oh, and the study was 1999 as I stated before, scroll down to "Early Use of Dopamine Agonists versus L-Dopa"

I did like what your study showed though: "The ELLDOPA study clearly demonstrates that L-dopa is safe and does not cause toxicity."

So are you admitting it's safe to take now???

I know the study you quoted was from 1999. I was trying to tell you that the one I was quoting from was a little more recent - 2005.

I don't recall ever debating the toxicity of the drug. The point I was making was in the part of the article that stated, ""The other reason why in some patients levodopa should be used later in the course of the disease is because it is otherwise associated with side effects including abnormal involuntary muscle contractions and movements (dyskinesia) or a ‘wearing-off' effect,' in which the duration of benefits shortens with chronic use."

The "wearing-off effect" is what I have been referring to with Parkinson's Disease medications. The longer you use the medicine, the more you end up having to take to obtain the same benefits. That was a major concern I had after taking so many different Parkinson's medications over the years and personally experiencing the need for increased dosages. When I discussed my concerns with my family doctor and my neurologist, the both agreed that it was a valid concern for anyone who was taking those medications.

As far as me admitting that the medicine is safe to take, I don't believe any medication is 100% safe to take. Anything that has to be processed through your liver will eventually do some damage to your body. Even baby asprin.
That is why I started trying different natural remedies. This one happened to work for me and I came to this forum - specifically this section of this forum - to let others know that it had worked for me. My understanding is that this section of the forum is for Non-Pharmaceutical Therapies. What I don't understand is why you are spending so much time posting in here if you don't believe in non-pharmaceutical therapies? Why can't you just allow those who are looking for another way to deal with this disease the peace to do that. Coming in here and being rude and disrespectful to others isn't helping anyone. If you don't want to try the oil, nobody is saying you should. If you would rather wrap pizzas around your legs, then hooray for you. I would never condemn anyone for trying anything they believe may work for them. I have spent enough miserable nights with my RLS to know, without a doubt, I would have spent many nights wrapped in pizza - oil, sauce, cheese and all - if it would have stopped my legs from crawling. I also know that there were nights that I would have taken illegal drugs to stop the pain if I could have got my hands on them.

I guess the bottom line is that I'm one of the lucky ones. I've found something that works well for me and has been working consistantly for months. Why can't you just say, "Congratulations" or "Good for you" and leave it at that. Why do you have to turn it into something corrupt or underhanded. Believe it or not, there are still good people in this world.

Have a great night, and good luck with those pizzas. I'll pray that it works for you. :)

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:36 am
by ray
I can understand someone finding something and wanting to let everyone know about it, that's great. But when you post 15 times about it and start pushing it as hard as you did what did you think would happen? Your an info-mercial.

You seem to be know quite a bit about the dangers of certain medications, you even quote studies about parkinsons drugs, studys, etc...

The product your touting is SCENTED OIL. Can you refere me to any serious study that's been done on your product and shown it to work with RLS besides the websites hawking it? What about the 95% success rate? Where's the link to that study that was done? Where was it done and by whom? Let me guess....there isnt one.

In the old days they called that a snake oil salesman. Just one sip and it cures whatever ails ya.

If you had come on and said "hey, I found this great stuff that smells really good and makes me feel a little better because it takes my mind off my RLS for a little while then fine. But you went waaay past that and suggested people might stop their medications completely if they bought the "magic oil".

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.....

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 10:06 am
by Polar Bear
Hey folks, sounds like things are getting a little 'tetchy' here!!

I have got the oil, I am trying it, it is NOT a miracle cure but I will use the bottle and let you know my opinion at the end. In the meantime I am trying to reduce the requip and am down from 2 mg to 1.5 mg or thereabouts, hard to tell as it is a 2mg tablet and I am trying to bite it and take about 3/4 of a pill each night.

As I said, will let you know about the oil, either way, working or not!!!


Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 11:26 am
by debkenny
[quote="ray"]I can understand someone finding something and wanting to let everyone know about it, that's great. But when you post 15 times about it and start pushing it as hard as you did what did you think would happen? Your an info-mercial.

You seem to be know quite a bit about the dangers of certain medications, you even quote studies about parkinsons drugs, studys, etc...

The product your touting is SCENTED OIL. Can you refere me to any serious study that's been done on your product and shown it to work with RLS besides the websites hawking it? What about the 95% success rate? Where's the link to that study that was done? Where was it done and by whom? Let me guess....there isnt one.

In the old days they called that a snake oil salesman. Just one sip and it cures whatever ails ya.

If you had come on and said "hey, I found this great stuff that smells really good and makes me feel a little better because it takes my mind off my RLS for a little while then fine. But you went waaay past that and suggested people might stop their medications completely if they bought the "magic oil".

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.....[/quote]

I didn't post 15 times about this oil trying to push it or be an informercial. I posted once to let people know that I had found something that worked for me. The other posts I've made have all been in response to inquiries from other posters.

The product that I'm "touting" is not a scented oil. It is a pure grape extract, and if you do a little research on it you will find that there are MANY studies out there showing the benefits of grapeseed oil.

I didn't come on here and say, "Hey, I found this great stuff that smells really good and makes me feel a little better because it takes my mind off my RLS.." because that wouldn't have been the truth. The truth is, first off, I don't care for the smell of the oil at all, but thankfully is disappears quickly. Secondly, it doesn't make me feel a 'little' better by taking my mind off of the RLS, it has actually taken away all of my symptoms after over 10 years of DAILY pain and irritation. Yes, that has made me very happy and I came on here hoping that maybe, just maybe, I could help someone else by sharing my experience.

I never suggested that people could stop their medications completely if they bought the 'magic oil.' I simply told them that I was able to. If you'll read back through my posts you'll see that I mentioned that I did this with my doctor's approval and suggested that anyone else who tried it do the same.

And, I am not a salesperson. Never have been, never will be. You, on the other hand, are obviously someone who does not believe in natural or alternative therapies, so why are you posting in this section of the forum? Why don't you allow those of us who are seriously looking for alternatives to all of the drugs, the freedom to do that without your rude comments.

Spend some time researching the studies done on grapeseed oil and then some time researching the other 'treatments' for Restless Leg. After you've done all of that, compare the lists of side effects. Then take a moment to watch the national news every once in a while and see how many of those FDA approved medications end up being pulled off the market because of the deadly side-effects the FDA 'missed.' See how many serious or deadly side-effects you find with the use of pure oils. I believe you'll see quite a difference.

You still haven't mentioned what you are using to treat your RLS. How's it working for you? By the way, did those pizzas help at all? :)

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:06 pm
by ray
Lets agree to disagree on this one. I wish you well.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:26 pm
by debkenny
I agree to disagree. Truce?

Take care of yourself, Ray. I hope that you eventually find something that will help you, no matter what that might be.

Every single one of us who suffers with RLS knows the pain you are going through and we're all here to support each other...even when we disagree.

Good luck to you, and God Bless,


Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:31 pm
by ray
Thanks Deb,

If this worked for you then more power to you.

If I was wrong about your intentions then please accept my apology.


Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:03 am
by debkenny
Hey Ray!

It seems like our little debate scared everyone away from this topic:)

I'm curious how many people have tried the oil and whether or not they're having success. If you've tried it, put a post on here to let us know whether or not it worked for you. Maybe we can prove or disprove the company's 95% success claims right here on this forum.


Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:48 pm
by Polar Bear
Hi Debs,
I got the oil, about 9 days ago.

I started to use it immediately, first of all in the early afternoon to combat my afternoon 'at the desk twitches', however it doesn't appear to make any difference and I still spend a couple of hours each afternoon 'standing'.

As for the evenings/night-time. I started to use the oil, I believe, on Thursday 12 April, putting it on at around tea-time and again at bed-time. At the same time I was reducing my requip from 2 mg to 1.5 mg. and taking it in two halves as usual, half at about 7pm and the other half at around 9pm.

Unfortunately, I had a nightmare of a time. for 3 nights I had very little sleep, and was walking the floors as I had not done for months, then on the 4th night there was no sleep at all. I went from the couch to the spare bed etc etc and went into work on the next day having had no sleep at all. That 5th night I was desperate and I took my full 2mg of requip and 6mg diazepam and slept all night. This last 2 nights since then I took my full 2mg requip and no sleeping aid, and still slept both nights.

I cannot say there was any success with the rls oil. I am so disappointed. Betty

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 2:29 pm
by ray
Sorry it didn't work for you Betty. This would be a good test though to see if they honor the refund?

Hey Debs, How's it going? It has been a little quite lately! Hope everything's going well with you!

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 3:13 pm
by Polar Bear
Yes, I could try for the refund, tho I doubt they would refund the $15 original delivery charge to UK.

And of course they probably wouldn't refund what I presume would be $15 (equivalent) postage to return it to the US. i.e. it would cost me $15 to return the bottle to get a refund of $15 !!! So, to get a refund, whole thing would have cost $45 with a refund of $15.

Betty :?

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:42 pm
by ray
That's the problem with many money back offers under $20 or so. By the time you factor in mail costs to send back and have already paid shipping/handling to recieve it....It make no sense to send it back.


Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:45 am
by debkenny
I'm disappointed for you too, Betty. I wish it would have worked as well for you as it has for me. The idea of getting a refund seems hopeless, with shipping so high to the UK, but it might not hurt to contact them and see if they'd be willing to send you a pre-paid label to return it. I know it's probably a far-fetched possibility, but you never know.

If you have no luck with the refund, why not continue to use it for a while at the same time your using your other meds? I know the brochure they sent me with mine says that it takes up to two weeks to work for a small amount of people. Maybe you'll get lucky and eventually end up being able to wean off of the other meds.

I have to give you a lot of credit for the effort you put in to trying it. I never could have done that. When I first started using it, I kept a glass of water and my Klonipin and Requip on the nightstand, ready to take at the first sign of a twitch. I guess I'm a wimp, but I hate the sleepless nights, and I knew how bad it would get if I didn't get the meds into me as soon as it started. It always seems to be twice as bad if I don't stop it before it starts.

I'm so sorry it's not working for you. I know you had such high hopes. Don't give up! You'll find the right treatment out there somewhere.
