Iron vs. Magnesium

Please share your experiences, successes, and failures in using non-drug therapies for RLS/WED (methods of relief that don't involve swallowing or injecting anything), including compression, heat, light, stretches, acupuncture, etc. Also under this heading, medical interventions that don't involve the administration of a medicine to the body (eg. varicose-vein operations, deep-brain stimulation). [This forum contains Topics started prior to 2009 that deal with Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, & Diet.]
Little bunny

Iron vs. Magnesium

Post by Little bunny »

Everyone is talking about the deficiency of iron that leads to RLS. It is interesting, that ever since I started taking prenatal vitamins that are rich in iron, I started experiencing restless legs even more often. I did have those symptoms before, but I thought that iron would definitely help me with the problem.
Like a lost child, I called my mother ( my family is from Lithuania), and she told me to take magnesium tablets. I ran to the store, bought the cheapest kind I found, and guess what.... it works like a charm. Every time I feel my legs start hurting, I take one tablet ( 250mg), and within 10-15 minutes later- the creepy pain is gone.
The doctors back in Europe say, that the lack of magnesium causes not only RLS, but also migranes, hart palpitations, sensitive hearing, etc. And believe it, or not, I had all those symptoms. Now my migranes occur very seldom, the hart no longer freaks me out, and the sound of the air conditioner does not bother me anymore.
Also, they have said, that iron competes with magnesium in the body, and simply kills it. Perhaps that's why those prenatal vitamins, so rich in iron, made me fell worse.

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Post by IanFraughton »


Glad to hear you found out about magnesium to help relieve your symptoms, but sadly it doesn't work for everyone. It sure works for me as I just recently went back on them after running out and not having enough money, and then forgetting to buy them when I had It is kind of surprising your symptoms got worse taking iron, since we don't have enough iron receptors in our blood to carry enough iron into our legs the worst that should happen is its passes through your system with none of it being absorbed. I never heard of iron blocking magnesium but of course I'm still learning so I will look into it if I can. I know for plants magnesium helps them break down all the other nutrients so they can absorb them more easily, but of course we're not plants and have a much more complex system so vitamin conflict isn't all that surpising when it comes to humans and especially those with RLS. Makes me wonder whats going to happen when they test those iron shots they are working

Peace 8)

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Ask a different person and you will get a different answer :lol: . Iron does not make my symptoms worse when I take it. Magnesium does not make them better! There is not one single thing that works for all of us. I like that we share, but I worry sometimes that we give wrong impressions! Anyone only readin a couple of posts here or there would think completely erroneous things! If they read my posts when I was in misery with Mirapex, they'd never take the drug, yet it has worked well for thousands. And if they read some posts I've seen about [insert name of vitamin or minera;] they would think that they had found the thing that would forever prevent RLS!

Ian and Sara, I'm just talking in general; certainly neither of you intimated any such thing. Yours just happened to be the posts I posted after :wink: . It's more of an aside to all of us. There is no cure. There is no one thing that works. Everyone's experience has to be put in context of their body, their chemistry, their degree of RLS, their other physcial issues.

OK, back to work for me. I have way too much work to be here posting!


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Post by IanFraughton »


Your correct saying people would get the wrong impression by only reading a few posts, thats why I try to explain that not everything works for everyone in my posts but sometimes I forget. lol Most find out what works for them by accident or by advice so it doesn't hurt to pass on even erroneous information as long as no real harm is done. You never know what will work for one person so throwing out some ideas couldn't hurt either. Don't be afraid to call me on anything if I happen to give out the wrong or harmfull info as I try to only state info that I have researched or gotten from what I consider to be a reliable sources.

I should be going to as I have to drop off some info for my new job. :D

Peace 8)

I call my pacing the "Waltz of the Damned". Anyone care to dance...?

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minerals that work for and against one another

Post by cowgirl »

This is my first time on this RLS web site, had a very bad night :cry: got a big kick out of Ians "waltz of the damned :D . I work in medicine, chemistry is my specialty and I have been self-treating with calcium - there's a new one for you all! There is a relationship between all these minerals in your body. I know calcium, magnesium and phosporous are especially related (often in inverse relationships, like the magnesium/iron suggestion) however I'm not sure about the Iron thing. I will ask at work tomorrow. I dont believe I am deficient, at least by classic medical description for any of these, however, as I said before, I find that taking a calcium supplement helps me most times. Iron and I dont get along very well as supplements with Iron tend to make me puke in short order. I am very interested in this mineral thing though. Have any of you tried any other non-medicine stuff; I saw an essential oil website that has people claiming it works for them. What do y'all think? Nice to know Im not alone, I had no idea that 1 of 10 people suffered from this. :shock:

Pregnant lady

Post by Pregnant lady »

I am pregnant, and my legs are killing me. I used to have a mild form, sort of once in a while, RLS, but now, I can't even sleep. The pain is so annoying, that I have to get up in the middle of the night, and walk around. Out of the desperation, I started putting a peppermint gel/lotion on the back of my knees, so it kind of cools it down, and distracts the pain for a little while.
Before my pregnancy I used to have this " Arnica Gel". It used to help me a lot, but now, I don't know if I can use it.
I am totally exhausted from a lack of sleep.

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difference in choice and people

Post by DebraAnn »

:wink: I`m so glad that some people have found some relief with certain things.I have yet to find any but i am always willing to try advice,homeopathic remedies..massage..whatever...most days i`m so tired..but I have suffered for years..I have read many, many posts and am so thankful for them all.Just knowing i`m not alone in my frustrations helps.Compared to what a great deal of people go through in life, mine is small in comparrison.With cancer,diabetes and lots of other ailments and diseases mine is such a small issue.Thanks again for this site...have a great day :D


Re: difference in choice and people

Post by ajw »

I had horrible restless legs while pregnant also. The worst was in a plane or car for hours. Yikes! The minute my son was born the restless legs were relieved, there's hope! Hang in there! :wink:



Post by newhere »

im a 26/f and i have RLS. i also have a jumble of anxiety disorders which i take rx meds for, but the one thing that has majorly helped my rls is taking a calcium/magnesium suplement before bed every night. [i have enough iron in my blood from my multivitamin] i take 600mg of magnesium. it has cut down my occurances and severity so much. i learned this after reading some info working at a suppliment store for 3 years.


Re: minerals that work for and against one another

Post by dirkmc3 »

cowgirl wrote: however I'm not sure about the Iron thing. I will ask at work tomorrow. I dont believe I am deficient, at least by classic medical description for any of these, :

I was under the impression its an uptake issue...not an availability issue.

This is my first time to the site also...I have had it up to my eyballs! After roaming the house like a zombie and doing my best impression of a yoga master on heroin, I have decided to do some more looking around. Its been a while (3 yearsor so) since I looked around the net and there is more information than there used to be. I guess too many people getting tired of tiptoeing around the house at 2 am trying not to wake everyone.

I will be here more often looking, reading, and hopefully contributing my experiences and input.

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HI and welcome

Post by becat »

Hi Dirk and welcome,
I just had to say I can relate to the yoga master comment. I've always thought that with the amount of strechting I do I should be Gumbie.
Yes, there is tons more information and welcome support from others that suffer as well. We do all truely understand what it's like. I read medical journals and papers online for years related to sleep disorders. Trying to self diagnosis or at least find a clue. It did fill some quiet times, but I'm glad we have this site to talk to others and educate ourselves. What a blessing indeed.
To be awake and in torture or a total body unrest, while the world around us seems to make it worse some nights.
I've actually been jealous of those around me sleeping and resting...healing themselves with sleep.
I know it's a ton of information to read these boards, but I hope you do. You'll find a peace in sharing and reading what others say. There are some days I read things here and understand my life better.
I'm glad you found us, just sorry to had to have RLS to do so.
Welcome and enjoy!

Jill in Australia

magnesium, pain

Post by Jill in Australia »

This is my first time at this forum and have to say that Magnesium Complete seems to be the magnesium of the moment for me. I used to grab any magnesium and it helped a lot. But then I heard about all the sorts of magnesium in one tab and it does seem to work better. Previously I read about people not being able to take it because of the varying diahhorea, but I ignored this symptom until now I suspectg I am having trouble the other way. Or am I not drinking my 2 litres of water EVERY day? Been busy and forgot to take my bottle with me!!!!
Has anyone else had this swing in side effects.

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HI Jill

Post by becat »

Hi Jill and welcome,
Yes, I take a overload of magnesium for just that reason. Per doctor's orders, to counteract the constipation effects of the iron and pain medication. I am still on iron to raise (hopefully) my ferritin levels. A slow process.
The only real problem is not enough water to help it absorb and work well. I'm really pushing the water as well, so that I can avoid problems. And if I had kidney or liver problems I would not try to do this without a docs help.
I have a harder time with the vitamin C causing more acid in my stomach than anything. Gotta have the vitamin C for the iron to absorb......
Welcome to the board.


Post by guest »

I had rls when i was pregnant 4 yrs. ago but it went away. I got it again a few months ago and read a lot about it on various websites. In the meanwhile i had a physical and my dr. told me that i was borderline anemic and should take iron. Since the day i started iron supplements i have been symptom free. Before that i had to tie an ace bandage to be able to sleep at all.

Walking After Midnight
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Post by Walking After Midnight »

I know this is going to sound really stupid...but I've heard a lot about Iron Deficiency and RLS.
Men aren't supposed to take Iron. Right?
Aint it for women because they lose iron...because they're women? :oops:
Sorry. I'm actually not 12. I'm 46.

Also...I've tried Potassium. Everyone told me to try Potassium for legs. Didn't work. I know Calcium is a big No-No for men, especially if your family has a history of Kidney Stones, which mine does. Someone just told me about Magnesium yesterday. I think it's more for leg PAIN...not really RLS. I don't know.

Everybody have a great life.


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