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Does smokeing marijuana help??

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 9:33 am

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 10:42 pm
by Anonymous
I'm not sure if this discussion is against the board rules, or what -- but I am a 19 year old male with RLS who recreationally smokes marijuana and I find it has no effect on RLS whatsoever.. and might possibly intensify it.

New to the forum.

- Ack

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:03 pm
by Anonymous
Ya know Old Timer, the only time I can remember true relief from RLS is when I was smoking recreationally after my workout at the gym on my drive home, I would take a few hits finish driving home, do chores and sleep like a baby! And awaken feeling refreshed and do it all again! If it was legal/decriminalized I would still do it!

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:11 am
by Guest
Personally I have found that it helped a great deal. Leagal or not I continue to use it at bedtime and it has been the only thing to give me relief with no side effects.

The only problem with smoking a joint before bed is that the effects do not last very long. And I end up eating all my kids junk food !!!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:23 am
by captgenefl
pot a safe drug but makes my rls worse , wish it did not but it does.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:28 am
by Guest
Try watermelon / tomatoes/ limes /lemons/blueberries the best for me.Try one veggie at a time , 3 times a day, no booze. No beer.


Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:40 pm
by Guest
yes. marijuana use does not hurt or help my situation. i thought it would help me cope, but doesnt seem to make much a difference.


Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:12 pm
by ME
Yes - it definately has worked 100% for me! I was plagued for many years with rls - now, it has left this body - I am so very happy! Note: you do not need to get wasted - just a few puffs and you will sleep like a baby - a least for me it is that way. Thank you and good luck! :D


Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:30 pm
by Guest
Dope works for me... but it's illegal, so I've just started taking this newly approved pharacutical... so far, it seems to work, but I've only been taking it for a few days.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 2:22 am
by Anonymous
As a user, I can say that it seems to help only because I will smoke it with the intentions of it making me crash/sleep so I miss the pain.

Totally support the legalization of the stuff though!

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 6:51 pm
by guest
Marijuana was the only thing that ever helped me. One or two hits before bedtime and I'd sleep till morning. Now my company performs random drug tests and well... can't do that anymore.

I also have many many many friends that I've met in support groups that swear by this as well. It works 100% for probably 98% of the RLS people that have tried it. Plus it has no side effects, well except for the munchies, but if you are doing this about an 1/2 before bedtime, this won't be a problem. Also, if you are only using the necessary amount to relieve your RLS and not doing it to get 'high'. However, you still have to worry about the fact that it is illegal in the US, even if your state has medical marijuana the federal level, it is still illegal and you can go to jail.

So...Now, they have run me thru every RLS medication and the only ones that seem to really help are the opioids of which I really do not want to take. Seeing other people withdrawl from these scared me to death.

So now, I'm at a aloss of what to do. I need to get relief, but I don't want to suffer withdrawls from a medication, plus I'm sure cannabis has to be better than any of the opioid drugs out there.

I'm curious if anyone has tried Marinol? I'm going to ask my doctor about this as this is suppose to the the 'legal' marijuana, but I think it has only THC in it and not any of the other cannabinoids that you would get from smoking marijuana. However, if I got the Marinol, at least if I tested positive on the drug test from smoking the real thing, I would have a prescription to back it up.

It is a shame that this country allows our politicians to decide what medications we can take. They don't own our bodies and should not be allowed to tell us what to put in them. It should be your own choice.

Think about this for a minute. If the drug companies are paying off the politicians to keep marijuana from people that need it so that they can continue to get rich off their pharms, plus get people addicted to all the narcotic drugs, why would the politicians change the laws? They don't know any better and they don't react from 'the people', they only react from the people that are putting money into their pockets and keeping them in office. I just wish 1/2 of congress had RLS and I bet you that marijuana would be legal within a year. Congress needs to change the laws period.

Sorry, that this has turned into a rant, but it just gets to me so bad because what had worked for me for so many years is no longer an option, unless I quit my job. I URGE you to write to your congressman and demand marijuana reform. If not for me, for all the others that get relief from their RLS by just a few hits from marijuana.

I'm tired of being a test subject for my doctors to keep telling me 'well that didn't work, so let's try this....' I'm sure you all have been where I'm at, plus the cost of paying for all these 'try this' meds that end up being thrown away is starting to hurt me financially.

Again, sorry for the long rant, but I've only got 2 hours sleep last night (again) and I need to get relief.... marijuana definately is a 100% cure for this RLS and I'm damned that I live in a country where they still consider marijuana illegal because way back when, they didn't want the mexicans coming into our country and 3M was afraid 'hemp' was going to ruin their business, and Mr. Hearst himself would suffer due to hemps threat to the forest paper industry. But that is a whole other story.....

Yep Yep Yep--toking works for me too

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:31 pm
by karatemom
8) I have to say that toking definitly works for me. It is more than frustrating to deal with our government and their stupid laws. Gambling and alcohol are legal yet pot is not. Have you ever seen a violent smoker? NO. (unless of course you get near their munchies :lol: Anyway, I do see a pain specialist. I have lupus and a multitude of other related problems including peripheral neuropathy which aggravates the RLS. RLS is genetic with me too. And both my boys have it, as well as my husband, no genetic connection to me thank you, just suffers as bad if not worse than I do. Last nite he had an exceptionally bad nite of it. He's on requip .25 mg. Doesn't seem to be helping him. He takes 1 at bed. At first it helped but not now. He's a recovering alcoholic so pot is out for him, at least at this point. He won't do it. I understand that. My pain specialist has me on fentanyl pain patches which administer opiods 24/7 and this does seem to help to some degree, however, a few tokes at bed keeps me fairly still till morning. Illness's will trigger worse symptoms though. Had the flu recently and thought I'd crawl out of my skin, even with all of my home remedies.

Now one thing else that seems to help me is to keep an electric blanket on my legs, at a low temp, to keep my legs warm. I can't handle the heat on my whole body but on my legs helps. However, when I get it in my arms, heating pads on the shoulders/elbows helps tremendously as well as a warm bath/shower. Then, hopefully I'll fall asleep before the warmth wears off. The hotter the water, the better.

I hope that my post is not against board rules. I am by no means condoning the irresponsible use of drugs, recreational use or otherwise,of drugs, but when it comes to the only thing that seems to bring so much relief to those with chronic illness's, we'll try just about anything. And smoking a few puffs beats the heck out of those dark thoughts that come when we are dealing with pain 24/7 and no relief. And RLS is painful, irritating, frustrating and has driven me to the point of understanding why others want to take their own life.

NORML has a good website on legalization of pot.

Please forgive me if I've offended anyone. Truly it is not my intention.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:42 pm
by trevb
adont worry you are absolutely not against forum rules talking about pot.
this a open discussion forum about rls and if people find pot heelps then its ok to write about their experiences

btw where do you live so we can send the drug squad round?

with regard to your husband, he may be experiencing augmentation, which is when the body doesnt respond to the medication as well after a time of using them... it may be worth investigating this with your doctor.
heres a clip from a document about augmentation....

BACKGROUND: Dopaminergic agents have become first-line treatments for restless legs syndrome . The most common serious complications of L-Dopa treatment of RLS are "augmentation", in which RLS symptoms appear earlier during the day, increase in symptoms, spread of symptoms to other limbs and tolerance, in which medication effectiveness wanes over time. These complications can sometimesbe prevented by earlier dosing or small dose increases.

heres a post talking about augmentation and what people did to help with it...... ... gmentation

Thank you

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 1:04 pm
by karatemom
Thanks alot Trev for the quick response. I was really starting to regret posting, especially my first post, about pot. But....glad to know that I did not violate any forum rules.

And thanks for the explanation of augmentation. I'll call the doc today.


Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 1:14 pm
by trevb
horaay :lol: to the 1st amendment... freedom of speech and all that!!