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Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 12:46 am
by Guest
dustylady.....thanks for your response... I want to find out what workd and doesn't work for people.

Hosery at night

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 5:57 pm
by Man in PAin
Tried it worked well. Bought a pair of slight compression hose from Sears. When I have pain I put them on and it relieves the jumping and allows me to goto sleep. Also helps during days when you are to be on your feet all day. My daughter thinks it is funny. She understands what I do it for. It has helped except for the day the guy at the airport pulled them out of the bag while getting on plane and gave me a funny look.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 6:15 pm
by ViewsAskew
Wow, gotta love that! Thanks for being a brazen hero for RLS :lol:


Support Pantyhose

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 5:16 pm
by Married Man
I tried the leggs active support pantyhose, they helped so much. My wife on the other hand, hates the fact that I would even consider it. I really don't care anymore. The TEDS I tried were terrible. I got a reaction from the elastic on my thighs, when I woke up they were down to my knees, and made my legs sweat. I wish the medical websites that discuss RLS would inform us that support pantyhose is an alternative remedy. Maybe not for all, but from what I read here, and personal experience, it helps. They must all have financial interests in the drug companies. If my wife would read a site that shows support pantyhose as an alternative, maybe she would accept this cheaper, less side affect remedy.

Tired of RLS

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:17 pm
by ksxroads
Glad they worked for you. My husband has become acustomed to my many strange and varied ways in search of RLS relief! :lol: Hazel

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:45 pm
by Guest
Well turns out nothing is working for me now . My neuro now wants me to see a movement specialist and make sure I am not suffereing from something else. None of the meds have even touched it so she thinks that i may have something more going on. :cry: :cry:

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:46 pm
by jrowley
Sorry the previous messeage is from Jan number 2

Panty hose

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 4:15 pm
by Sadiegirl
I tried wearing a pair of regular panty hose last night. I think they helped with the leg jerking. I could still feel tingling etc. I may have to find a pair that is of medical quality. I did not like the control top on my abdomen. I know that burn victims often need to wear some kind of a "suit" over their burned area. I don't know how much compression these "suits" give. But it was just a thought for those of us who have symptoms in our arms and torso too. And I don't know how easy they would be to get a hold of to try. Anyway, just a thought.


Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 6:55 pm
by ksxroads
Dear Jan,

Stirring up HOPE that you will receive the answers you need soon! It is not easy when you try then try again. Sending you some ****Positive Energy**** for the next round.

Laura, that's a good suggestion, be interested in seeing if anyone has any more info on this. In the meantime here a (((GROUP HUG)))) that's my kind of compression!

Kicking up the current, rowing with the others, Hazel

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:33 am
by DrWass2
Another thread in which "MOST" people who tried it, actually go good results. It is like a miricle for those who it works on.. NO meds, and relief from the RLS. I would like to hear so more RESULTS from people who have actually tried it. :) :?:

Pantyhose works for me!

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:26 am
by isrls
I'm 38 years old and was recently diagnosed with RLS.

My doctor put me on Clonazepam which works very well, but makes me groggy the next morning. In addition, I can only take it occasionally if I don't want to develop a dependency.

Since I have a feeling like sunburn all the time, day and night, my doctor has encouraged me to try the Parkinson's medication, but again, I don't want to become dependent and suffer possible side effects.

Based on the advice in this forum, I tried wearing support pantyhose (non-medical, over the counter: Hanes Alive) - and wow, does it make a difference!

When I wake up in the morning I know my own name, my kids' names (!), and can actually hold a coherent conversation. I don't need to nurse a coffee for half an hour in bed before I can get up. I have never felt so energized and alert during the day - I feel that my brain has been working on half-power for the past 30 years when I thought I was just "a bad sleeper." During the last few months I have done some of my best, most creative and high quality work ever.

I wear pantyhose during the day, too - it numbs the sunburn feeling. My theory is that the compression of the support pantyhose stimulates the nerves, and this overrides or drowns out the "fake" sunburn feelings. Regardless of whether the theory is correct, it works.

BTW, I'm a male. A number of men in this forum seem reluctant to try pantyhose, but being a practical and open-minded person, I just see it as a solution to a problem. When it comes to my own health and well-being, I don't really care what others may think. Although I'm discreet about it, I don't expend the mental energy that is required for keeping a "dark secret," and therefore I am not paranoid about others finding out. As it turns out, it seems that very few people even notice, much less care, what you're wearing. My close friends know I wear support hose and surprisingly, there hasn't been a single joke about it - nobody can credibly argue when you say you have a medical condition that requires you to wear support hose. Luckily, my wife is very caring and open-minded and has absolutely no problem with it - in fact, she's the one I have to thank for finding this forum and suggesting what (for me) has become a very effective way of stopping RLS from taking over my life.

I would also like to thank those of you in this forum who have shared your experiences - without you I would never have thought that my problem could be managed with such a simple solution.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 1:48 pm
by DrWass2
Another good response. Glad to hear it works for you, I wish I could get others to JUST GIVE IT A TRY. there are many men who wear stockings for medical reasons. You can actually use stockings with or without a garter belt if you dont want the panty part.

I got the idea after my Heart doctor recomended compression grade socks for a medical conditions. Since I use to wrap my self with ace bandages at the appropriate spot when thel legs, knees etc started up, I thought the stockings would help...They work great for me and many others.

Again.. Great to get you off the medications..

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:02 am
by DrWass2
As far a men wearing pantyhose or stockings....NO one could tell if you don't tell them...or get dressed at the gym.... Don't worry, just try it. If it works, then its medical treatment. From what I gather on the net, many men wear pantyhose ( ie. construction worker to stay warm, etc). The companies make special pantyhose for men, they have a fly front (useless in my opinion) but they charge rediculous prices for them.
Any way, If they work for you , and it seems to work for many people, do it and get off the meds and gthe side effects.