Coenzyme Q

Please share your experiences, successes, and failures in using non-drug therapies for RLS/WED (methods of relief that don't involve swallowing or injecting anything), including compression, heat, light, stretches, acupuncture, etc. Also under this heading, medical interventions that don't involve the administration of a medicine to the body (eg. varicose-vein operations, deep-brain stimulation). [This forum contains Topics started prior to 2009 that deal with Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, & Diet.]
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Coenzyme Q

Post by FidgetBoy »

I have been taking 100 mg of coenzyme Q for a 2 nights now and holy cow-- I wish I would of tried this product earlier! I know I've seen snipets of talk about this antioxidant for use with other conditions-- chronic fatigue, heart disease, etc- but thought I would try taking it for RLS.

I should preface the above by stating that my RLS is a bit strange because the creepy crawlies take a back seat to this horrendous feeling of my muscles "pulling" and "tightening". I've recommended CoQ for my patients with statin-induced muscle issues so I thought perhaps CoQ would be marginally helpful for my symptoms.

I am absolutely astounded by what I've experienced so far. I'm not sure if I had a CoQ defciency or what but my symptoms have been reduced significantly so far. We'll have to see if it's a fluke or not---and whether my reduction in symptoms lasts.

Anyone else used CoQ?

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Post by ViewsAskew »

I have. No difference in anything except. . .it makes me have palpitations. Three occasions I tried it. All three times I had palpitations while taking it. The first time, I had no clue as to what caused them. The second, I started thinking of what was new in my life and narrowed it down to a few things. I stopped them systematically. When I stopped this, they stopped. So, I started it again about two months later to see. Yep, they started again.

Everything I've read says it HELPS prevent palpitations. Weird.

Glad it's helping you.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

I have some around here somewhere and will give it a try! Ya never know.[/i]

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Post by fenris »

I take lots of the stuff, because I have gum disease, and it helps. No effect on my twitchy legs, though....


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Post by DrWass2 »

I take CoQ10 everyday. originally for my heart, but I don't see any help with RLS.. I still would like everyone to at least give the stockings a shot.
They work absolutely great for me, and I have received some good replies from men who say it does work. At least try it, use regular support pantyhose if you need to start cheap and easy, but try it. Message me if you need help. If you get the feeling that wrapping you legs in ace bandages helps (how I originally came up with the idea) then give it a shot. Nothing to loose and lots to gain.

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Post by lcdmsellers »

I was just told to try this for migraines...but if it can work for rls as well that would be an added bonus.

Dosaging was the same so I'll see if it helps...

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