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Thinking of trying Kratom

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:12 am
by MattNW
I've been trying some of the ethnobotanicals for RLS and so far only limited success with Salvia Divinorum. It settles the legs down but it's effects only last 45 minutes or so and the hallucinogenic properties distract from sleep.

Recently however I have found out about Kratom. It's an opioid similar to codene but not as intense according to some reports. It's said to be very relaxing with the right dosage. Not good to take too little or too much. Too little is actually stimulating while too much causes nausea. Best of all is it's legality. So far it's still legal in the US. I don't have definitive info on it's legality state by state but I do know it's legal in my state of Indiana so I thought I might want to give it a try.

Has anyone tried this? If so what are your impressions?