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MAD-1 micro therapy

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:37 pm
by Savanasnana
I am new here also. Has anyone here tried this device? It is suppsoe to be along the lines of acupuncture. This device resembles acupuncture and allows you to be able to use it anywhere.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:26 pm
by Polar Bear
Hello and welcome to the site.

Sorry, but I haven't heard of this device.
Perhaps someone else will come along who is familiar with it.
I know there are others who have tried acupuncture.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:52 pm
by tomkay
Wow! What incredible timing! I've just pulled mine out from under the bed where it was hiding and then thought I'd search for Mad-1 on here.

I bought one of these things about a year ago. I didn't get on with it very well, though.

1. I couldn't always find the right spot, which meant I'd lie there in hope for 30mins and nothing would happen.

2. When I did find the right spot I would fall asleep...leaving it on. Not a problem if you're made of money but I'd prefer not to have to buy loads of little expensive batteries every week.

3. I'll often wake up with RL an hour after going to sleep. I always hope that I can get back to sleep so can never face the hassle of the little electrocution modules.

I'm going to try it again if the Mirapex I was prescribed today doesn't work.

Have you bought one? Or are you just investigating?
