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Reiki and past life memories for RLS

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:17 pm
by babytoes
Something really interesting happened to me lately. I've been visiting a Reiki healer or well a "psychic healer" for my RLS. They are professional healers that know how to heal the energies in the body.

Anyway... she was going over my leg with RLS and she was telling I have a knot of fear energy down in my leg which is probably what is causing the RLS in the first place. She's been working on healing it for several weeks now.

Anyway... it was in one of these sessions that she was passing her hands over my foot that I sorta started dreaming off.

I saw myself in central or south america. I was some sort of peasent or farm worker or something. Anyway... I was alone in the mountains or the hills and my foot got stuck in a hole or a rock. Anyway I remember not being able to get it out. I had a machete with me so the only thing I could do was cut off my leg at the foot below my knee to get free. The details are off but that is the main thing.

As this 'past life memory' took place I could feel this sudden infusion of love or relief in my foot. It was like the knot was coming loose.

Now I'm not saying that I believe in this stuff but it did work so I definately recommend a Reiki healer in your area to do some healing if you have RLS. It's still there but it's so much better now. I can feel it almost saying "thanks" to me. The love is definately back in there and it's getting better.

Well thanks for reading. :)

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:16 pm
by Polar Bear
Interesting. Great to know that you have some relief.

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:59 pm
by SquirmingSusan
Fascinating! Thanks for telling us.