Vicks Vapo-Rub on Soles of Feet

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Vicks Vapo-Rub on Soles of Feet

Post by tea4me1783 »

Hi! I'm a newbie here, but I have had restless legs since I was probably 12 years old. I am now 62. I've tried everything too, but recently came upon a simple solution: Vicks Vapo-Rub on the soles of your feet. I tried it for a cough because I heard that it works 100% of the time to stop a cough. It did. Then I decided to try it for my restless legs one night, and it stopped them within a few minutes. Just rub the Vicks Vapo-Rub well onto the entire bottom of your feet, and put on some thick socks. Presto! Restless legs stop acting up. It has stopped my restless legs everytime I've used it.

I tried to research why it stops coughs and no one can explain it other than the Vicks has essential oils in it, and the soles of the feet are particularly susceptible to absorbing these oils.

You can use brand X vapo-rub too if it has comparable ingredients to Vicks, but be sure you are using vapo-rub...not vasoline. Cheap solution worth trying! Works for me!! :D

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Re: Vicks Vapo-Rub on Soles of Feet

Post by Polar Bear »

Hello, and welcome to the site.
I thought I had heard of just about anything that was supposed to help RLS/WED but have never heard of this one.
When you say it works for you every time, how many times would that be ?
And I'm just wondering why you thought of putting it on the soles of your feet, rather than onto your legs ?

However, I am pleased you have found something that works for you and long may you continue to have relief from your symptoms.
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Re: Vicks Vapo-Rub on Soles of Feet

Post by ViewsAskew »

Some other people have used Icy-hot, which I think works similarly.
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Re: Vicks Vapo-Rub on Soles of Feet

Post by rthom »

That's interesting, i also use vicks for the rls but differently, when it's making me nuts i put it under my nose to side-track the brain. Don't find it a fix all but every little bit helps (funny thing is i put it on just before i read this!! :lol: ).
Anyway thanks for the idea i will likely try it, and maybe the smell is why it helps you too?

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Re: Vicks Vapo-Rub on Soles of Feet

Post by tea4me1783 »

Hi Everyone ~~ The reason I tried the Vicks Vapo Rub was because I had a cold and nagging cough. I was reading an article that Vicks Vapo Rub helps get rid of nagging coughs from colds 100% of the time and that soles of the feet are particularly good at absorbing the essential oils from the Vicks. The doctors and researchers said they do not know why it works to stop the cough, but it does...probably the essential oils. It worked to stop my cough. The article said to put socks on because the Vicks is greasy.

On a whim, I just decided to try it for my restless legs...because I had tried everything else I could think of. It worked! I get bouts of restless legs. Sometimes I go for 2-3 weeks without the problem, and then I get it several nights in a row. It can drive me crazy. When I was having a bout of restless legs, I just put it on my feet, and it stopped the restless legs within a few minutes. It worked several nights in a row. Can't explain it! I just assume it is the essential oils having some calming effect on the nerves and muscles...who knows? I'm just happy it works. Try is a little messy, but who cares as long as it works?!

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Re: Vicks Vapo-Rub on Soles of Feet

Post by badnights »

Well, it can't hurt to try
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Re: Vicks Vapo-Rub on Soles of Feet

Post by Chipmunk »

I have tried it for coughs and it really did help - maybe I will get it out again. Worst thing that could happen is that I have really soft feet! :mrgreen:

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Re: Vicks Vapo-Rub on Soles of Feet

Post by Polar Bear »

I have just woken at 5am with rls symptoms so 20 minutes ago have put vick on bottom of both of my feet and put socks on.
I am now waiting...... 25 minutes later.....
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Re: Vicks Vapo-Rub on Soles of Feet

Post by rthom »

I'm waiting .....watching.....just on the edge of my seat, to see what happens for you, as i forgot to put it on, and it's 5:10 here.
let us know "any little thing". This is reading like a comedy in my head--i picture a whole bunch of rls'ers leaning in to their pc's waiting, waiting... all watching for your results. :lol: :think: :thumbdown: :thumbup: :yawn:
Now that's funny, have a great night!!

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Re: Vicks Vapo-Rub on Soles of Feet

Post by Polar Bear »

Well.... symptoms settled and I got to sleep again at around 6am.
Hard to know if the vick contributed much or if it was my usual 'up and moving' treatment
because no way could I just sit still and wait to see if the vick would work.
The biggie test would be to be tied into a chair with 'vick feet' and see what happens.
Meltdown comes to mind. :crazy:
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Re: Vicks Vapo-Rub on Soles of Feet

Post by tea4me1783 »

I had a bad bout of RLS last night, put Vick's on nice and thick, massaged it in for a minute, put socks on, and within 5 minutes the RLS is gone for me. :D

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Re: Vicks Vapo-Rub on Soles of Feet

Post by jstep »

So interesting to see what has worked for you. I hope it works for you for a long time. Much better than having to take all the meds.


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Re: Vicks Vapo-Rub on Soles of Feet

Post by tea4me1783 »

It's worth everyone giving it a try. I know it didn't help Polar Bear as quickly as it helps me...we're all different. Again, be sure you are using Vick's Vapo Rub, metholatum, or chest rub...not vasoline. Apparently it is the essential oils in it that helps. It literally helps me in just a couple minutes. Give it a whirl! They have it at the Dollar Tree for $1.00.

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Re: Vicks Vapo-Rub on Soles of Feet

Post by Polar Bear »

I'm glad it continues to work for you every time.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Vicks Vapo-Rub on Soles of Feet

Post by tea4me1783 »

Don't give up on this because it did not work for Polar Bear. I posted this on another bulletin board, and a lady tried it. She posted back all excited because it worked for her too!!! Maybe some people just have thicker skin on the soles of their feet...who knows?

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