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What do you think CAUSED yoiur RLS?

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 2:41 am
by mich711
What do you think caused your RLS? For me, there are several possibilities.....My epidural during labor, pregnancy (not during pregnancy, but perhaps causing RLS by pressing baby pressing on some nerves (I had bad sciatica for this reason too), and/or the medications (was put on anti-psychotics and anti-depressants. I was put on these meds because I ended up having a mild psychotic episode (a reaction to medicines, severe sleep deprivation, extreme overexertion, and stress. Also, I am very sensitive to medications. Anyone else believe they are as well?

Again, what do you think caused your RLS?

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 12:43 pm
by Penguinrocks
I'm almost positive mine is from my mom.


Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 1:06 pm
by becat
Hi Mich,
Well mine is a genetic gift from both my mom and my dad. Mom's side is the worse than dad's.
I would have preferred a shapely body or green eyes. LOL
Welcome to the board.


Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 2:48 pm
I am thinking it all started when I had my babies. I had to have two c-sections with epidurals. So I think that messing around with my spine did it. I was perfectly healthy before that definately. Now I am going downhill fast. But my mom also thinks it is from the epidurals and c-sections. Who knows....

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 3:55 pm
by Sara
Sign me up with Becat et al.... genetic gift from both sides of my family. I've already "shared" it with our younger son, too. :roll:


What do you think caused your RLS

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:31 pm
by New Girl
I am positive that it was an incredible amount of stress and anxiety brought on three and a half years ago when my young son was diangosed with cancer (brain tumor) which resulted in three brain surgeries, a year of chemotherapy, his lifetime limit of radiation and then his death fifteen months after his diagnosis.

I was perfectly healthy before any of this and it was as if my body and mind went into a shock state. Since then, everything has changed and I developed RLS and high blood pressure.. have much anxiety and the very difficult task of grieving his loss now.

I am just saying, a shock to your system seems to produce many physical as well as emotional problems. Has anyone else considered that something like this was the start of RLS?


Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:34 pm
I actually think it could be related to contant unrelenting stress in my life. i know it makes it worse.

((((((New Girl)))))))

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:09 pm
by becat
Hi New Girl,
I'm am just so sorry to here about your son. Nothing could be harder to cope with. Some things just aren't easily dealt with or explained. Please know that no matter when that happens, my heart would be with you.

I was born with RLS, had to have been. However, stress can make it worse and grief just wrecks me.
I can say that I'm stronger now and probably dealing better as I get older with stress. But dang it, I dont' always.
We just keep walking forward, sometimes sideways, we keep going, dont' we?
My Sugar, you know that I keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there girl. Hugs to ya, too.

How do you think your RLS started

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:41 pm
by New Girl
Hi Becat,

Thank you for your lovely words. You are very sincere and it shows!

A thought just occured to me. When I came here a few weeks ago... I didn't realize that I would learn so much and enjoy the people the way that I do. I will have to find myself a new name as New Girl won't fit any longer. I don't want to switch to old girl.. that wouldn't be very attractive.hhehehehehehe.


Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:57 pm
You are the nicest person I have talked to. You are very sweet. Thank you for all the hugs I really need them.

I got a copy of my x-ray faxed over from the docs office. I don't know what it means but it says I have 1.5mm Posterior Subluxation at c3/4. I guess that is what makes my neck hurt so bad.

It says everything else looked ok. So there goes that theory. Wonder what else I can get checked to see why I hurt so bad all over. Oh well, guess I will just wait and be patient.

New girl, I cannot even imagine what it is like losing a little one. I have two and when we watch the news, I just squeeze them and want to cry for all the parents that lose theirs. I am holding on to them for dear life. It is not a nice world out there. I get so scared for them.

I am thinking your new name could be angelmom. Anyone who has to go through what you did definately deserves an angel.

Re: How do you think your RLS started

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:58 pm
by Sara
[quote="New Girl"]Hi Becat,

I will have to find myself a new name as New Girl won't fit any longer. I don't want to switch to old girl.. that wouldn't be very attractive.hhehehehehehe.[/quote]

Not if you're British. "Old girl" is a complimentary phrase there. :D

New or old you're welcome here. :lol:


How did your RLS start

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:44 pm
by New Girl
You guys are great.. and so funny.

Thank you for your thoughts and your beautiful comments! Funny how things like that happen just when you need them the most.

Love and light

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:15 am
by mich711
I was the one who initiated this discussion...thought I would reply to one user who mentioned epidural. As I stated earlier, I too believe that this was one strong possibility. They even left the tube in my spine long after the medication was dispensed. They forgot to remove it for a while. Forgot. Well, I haven't forgotten. And, after severe sleep deprivation, they put me on anti-psychotics and later on anti-depressants, all, making my condition worse. I get virtually no sleep. How can I with 131.5 leg movements per hour. That's right, 131.5 per hour. Meds only make me worse. HArd to think of returning to Ativan after I spend 7 out of 9 months trying to get off that stuff. Epidural and meds>>>>what else?

anyone else have any ideas as to the cause of theirs?

by the way< how many periodic leg movements are you guys getting?

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 5:37 am
by Guest
If you have primary RLS, the cause is the same - a screwed up gene that you got from a parent. Like Becat and Sara, mine is primary. It's the secondary that is more difficult to pin down. Many things are listed: kidney failure, pregnancy, back injuries, etc. It's also possible that someone has primary but it didn't start until a time when another event happened, but the event didn't cause it. I guess it's easy for me knowing it's genetic.

(Having a great time in Vancouver)


Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:05 pm
I get average of 61 per hour.