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Has anyone tried night splints or the Strassburg Sock?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 5:35 pm
by twitchy legs
Has anyone tried night splints or the Strassburg Sock? Links below show examples of these items.

night splints ->
Strassburg Sock ->

My RLS is restricted to my lower legs, primarily my calf muscles.

I've tried many of the suggestions listed in the forums but the only remedy I found that works is to sleep on the couch facing the back of the couch, tuck my knees into my stomach, jam my feet between the upright cushions and apply a little downward pressure to my feet to get some dorsoflexion. You could also picture this as lying in the fetal position and flexing your toes and feet upward.

It looks like a night split or the Sock would mimick this remedy. However, before I spend the money I was wondering if anyone has given any of these a try.


-twitchy legs

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 8:14 pm
by Sara

I'm glad that you have found some position that helps your symptoms. Not the most conveneient thing, I'd imagine, but at least something works for you.

I've seen both of the products you mentioned. I think it would not work for ME, at least, beause although it feels better to flex, I'm not sure if for me it's the flexed postion is best, or if it's just changing positions that helps. I also would worry about getting foot cramps from being flexed all night. I used to have lots of foot cramps, and all the sudden I'm having them again.

But if a sustained flex works for you, these might be something to consider. I'll be curious to hear if anyone else has tried them or finds a sustained flex relieves their symptoms.

Hang in there, Twitchy!
Sara :D

An Update: Strassburg Sock

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:14 pm
by twitchy legs
I bought 2 of the Strassburg Socks, $40/each and they work pretty well. I've been using them for the last couple weeks.

The worst part of the night for me is when I first get into bed. If I'm going to have problems it will start in the first 10 minutes. If I wear the sock for the first hour or two when I go to bed I'm able to control the RLS and fall asleep. If I wake up later that night I will take the socks off and will fall back asleep without problems.

The sock comes up over the calf muscle and fits pretty snug, which is also nice. I'm thinking about making a modification so the strap will lift up on the ball of my feet instead of pulling the toes up. The sock will hold the foot in a slightly flexed position, the degree of which is controlled by a velcro strap. I've found that only a small amount of flex works best. The sock is elastic so you are able to straighten or extend your foot if needed.

Again, here is the link if anyone is interested:

-twitchy legs

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:36 am
by DrWass2
has any body thought that maybe its the compression of the sock that really works..???? just a can try knee high compression socks

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:13 pm
by D4
I've regularly worn night splints similar to those for plantar fasciitis. Although they help my plantar fasciitis, they've never had any affect on my RLS.