Where are they?

Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Post by Penguinrocks »

it's "My Jannie"...

no worries....wasn't thinking anyone was chastising me :wink: :lol:
Beware the Penguin

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Post by MyDecember »

Thanks to everyone for welcoming me. Sorry for the whole Hazel mix-up thing. I hadn't checked back to see if there were any new responses to this thread so I didn't realize what was going on until today. I still can't figure out how that happened but I do know that Hazel is very dear to the board and I can definitely see why everyone would be hoping to hear from her. Hazel is a dear and I, too, hope she is doing well.

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Post by ctravel12 »

I have been thinking about all of the people that were on the board and have not seen for a while like - penquin, emily, brandy, krazylegs, tazzer, rubyslipper (know that you have just posted) and am sure there are more but miss seeing everyone and hope that we get to get in contact with them again. This is one big family and miss all of you.

Let's start 2008 out with a bang and get everyone back. Wouldn't that be neat. I would love it.
Taking one day at a time

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Post by becat »

I agree "olly olly in come free"!

Miss our loved ones and the newer people need to meet some of you!

Love and hugs lynne

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Post by jan3213 »

Come out, come out, wherever you are! You all are missed!!! Join all of us again.

Love and Hugs
No one is alone who had friends.

Walking After Midnight
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Post by Walking After Midnight »

I just got this e-mail from Kim. This is the perfect place to post it. Here it is....

Hey Randy,

Somehow I got “lost” out there and I can’t sign onto the rls board or get any of my messages. When I try to re-register as a new user, it tells me someone else already is registered with my e-mail address (that would be ME). Any idea how to get back on or who to contact?

Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and New Year –


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Location: Queensland, Australia

Post by sardsy75 »

Yup I'm still lurkin about down under ...

I'm at a complete loss for describing how the last 12 months have been in a few words except for ... it was bl00dy hard!

Every morning I think of you all ... every day I think of you all ... every night I think of you all ... every night I cannot sleep I think of you all ... and then I think ... why can't I live just that lil bit closer to the people I have come to love and cherish so much?

Cyber hugs, positive thoughts (always special when they're from Hazel!), the moon and prayers that are sent via the heart and soul across the planet are wonderful but sometimes nothing beats a good old fashioned hug from a friend who doesnt ask questions, lets you babble and cry on their shoulder.

This is why this family is so special. Everything is real, everyone is real, its our lives and we're living with each other, supporting one another from both near and afar.

Oh great ... now I'm crying :cry:

But ... its NOT my RLS that's the problem ... it's actually been on its best behaviour for over two months now ... I should be celebrating ... but I'm far from feeling celebratory. Most of you will know that I had surgery on my left hand back on Oct 4th. The injury initially occurred on Aug 11th. I had a ligament torn off my thumb and an almost severed tendon. (The agony was way off the richter scale!!!) I was in plaster from my knuckles to my elbow for nearly 4 months. It's now Jan 5th and my physio, although extremely happy with my progress, is now extremely distressed and concerned about a chronic pain in my wrist that is preventing me from taking that last step to recovery. So, he's written a letter to my surgeon (who i dont see again until Jan 14th) requesting that I have a full bone scan done (NOT a bone density scan). I could end up requiring further surgery. Oh joy.

To add insult to injury (no pun intended), I havent had a job since September. Troy only works part-time. So we're surviving on half a wage and government family payments. Things are pretty damn tight. This time eighteen months ago my business was booming, I'd just bought a block of land and we were planning on building a house before the end of 2007. The big Man upstairs sure knows how to throw those curveballs! One of my aunts, who's battling breast cancer, shared a little saying with me: 'The Lord does not give you anything that you cannot handle.' When she told me, I thought back through my life and wondered how someone else would've/would handle walking in my shoes. It's certainly not been an easy path by any stretch of the imagination. I've been at death's door one year and hiking around Machu Picchu in the Andes, Peru, the very next year. Go figure.

I've been such a burden on Troy and the girls. I feel so guilty. There have been times when I've gone completely off my nut and then wondered why I hadn't landed on the street courtesy of a swift kick up my caboose from Troy. Love and Devotion. That's why. It runs both ways in this relationship. A good friend of Troy's has, on numerous occassions, asked him how the heck he copes with it all. Troy has replied that he ignores most of it because he knows that a lot of it is purely pent-up frustration needing an outlet, and that he's got me by the hook, line and sinker and he ain't letting me go coz he reckons I'm a damn fine catch 8) (despite the medical hurdles :? ) ... and the girls adore me. (Yup, fishing is a big thing in this family lol)

When I first discovered this board I was so glad to find people who knew what the heck I was on about. RLS does not have the same publicity here in Australia as it does in the US. I know there are probably only a dozen or so Aussie's amongst our members, but not all of them post. Of the people I do know locally, I've not become friends with them the same way that I've become friends with so many here; yet I wish I had. To know that all it takes is to pick up the phone and dial a number to hear a non-judging, reassuring voice, would be wonderful. There is an Aussie RLS discussion board, but the oars have drifted away from the boat ... which is a very sad thing.

To everyone who has popped back in to say "hi ... i'm doin ok" ... its good to see you again!

Sole, Heronak, Jumpyowl, Sara, Sugbrendas, Nepriticus, Brady, Aiken, TrevB and everyone else who's a part of this family, but hasn't popped in to say hello for a while, it truly would be wonderful to hear from each and everyone of you ... even if its a "yup, i'm fantastic, enjoying life coz i've got my legs under control" ... it'd be just good to know that you're going ok.

Randy ... you think you've got a rambling habit ... i don't think i've managed a post that's less than at least one paragraph long lol. What can I say ... I could type my way out of a ton of cement ... talking on the other hand, is a different thing ... i can be pretty shy! Lynne, Anne, Jan, Lyndarae, Ruby, Hazel, and those who've also seen me with both feet firmly planted on my keyboard (i.e. rather than shoving one foot in the proverbial ... what the heck, put both in and really quish it round!) ... yes it's true ... yours truly can get terribly tongue-tied and very quiet sometimes :oops:

On that note ... it's goodnite ... sleep tite (if you can) ... if not ... think of the moon ... it unites us together with its peace.

Love n hugs

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Post by Sojourner »

Hi N, Good to hear from you even though I'm sure you wish that, overall, you had news to share. But then again, I guess you did. It's great news that the "demons" have not been too active and that you have been able to save you strength for better things. Also, what great support from Troy. We should all be so lucky. As you know things tend to come around full circle. So, I know that the future will bring better health and prosperity for you and your family. I sincerely wish you the best 2008 you could imagine. Great seeing you again.

This post simply reflects opinion. Quantities are limited while supplies last. Some assembly required.

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Post by ctravel12 »

Gosh I love all of you, look how many responded and I agree with Lynne that the new people need to meet these other people too.

I hope that Walkin the Floors is able to get on.

WAM I love your picture of the cross it is just beautiful.

I need some prayers said for my older sister and know that this the place that will do it. She is having layer surgery on the 15th of Jan. Her right eye has bleeding in the retina and they want to have laser surgery to seal off the vessels in the right eye. Thanks and know this is somewhat off of the subject but know you all do understand.

Love all of you and so glad for this family.
Taking one day at a time

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Post by becat »

Randy, Thanks for telling us!
I just emailed her and hopefully she will be back really soon.

:D :D :D

love this thread.


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Post by Rubyslipper »

"There is a time and a season for all things..." For everyone who has ever posted here, there was a need and I hope that need was met with love and support. Many found what they were looking for and so may never be back. I think maybe some have lost their way, would like to come back but for some reason, right now is not the time.

So many people to thank that lead the way in the beginning and that we miss so much now. There are also so many newer ones that have added tremendously to what we have. Miles may keep us apart physically but this board keeps us together emotionally. What would I do without all of you? You are my rock and anchor when I need stability, my shield when I need protection, my wings when I want to fly and my clown when I need a laugh.

I hope all that are missing are doing well. Sardsy, my love. Tough times come and go. It WILL get better. You ramble on here anytime. I'm just so glad you are back among us.
You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself! (Glinda of Oz)

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Post by Penguinrocks »

Happy New Year y'all!

Sorry I've been absent, but I have been here.

Just turned 41 Friday....had to deal with that....sheesh

Kathleen's now "officially" diagnosed. I've been spending as much time as I can teaching her what you wonderful ones have taught me.

I hope you New Year's was good as well as your Christmas, Kwanza, Hanukah...etc...sorry if i misspelled...

Only 559 more days til Kathleen and I move home....

Been in HUGE amounts of pain...but I believe it's all due to the weather...so just grin and bear it right? I love you all so much!

You truly do not know just how much I do love y'all....

Penguin :-)
Beware the Penguin

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Post by ctravel12 »

Well Penquin a "Happy Birthday" to you and so glad to hear from you but sorry that you are not doing so well and "oh" Kathleen diagnosed too I am so sorry.

Please take care of yourself and Kathleen and love you both very much.

You know we are here for both you and Kathleen.
Taking one day at a time

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Post by Penguinrocks »

thank you Ms. Charlene muuuuuuuuuuuuwah...
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Post by ViewsAskew »

559, huh? Not that you are counting! :wink:

I hope you are not beating yourself up about Kathleen's diagnosis...you can't help the genes you got anymore than you can help the ones that she got.

Not sure what what difficult about 41 (each of us different dates and things that bother us at birthday time - 27 just about killed a friend of mine), but hope you have worked through it.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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