sigh....not again

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sigh....not again

Post by Neco »

I knew a little over six months ago one of my teeth needed either a root canal or extraction.. I tried but could not find money for a root canal and my parents couldn't either... I got on their case about a month ago saying it needs to come out.. ($120 to pull the last tooth..I can't even come up with $120!!!)

Now I'm in hell.. the filling has been loose for a while and now it finally came out tonight, about 10 minutes ago... I've taken 2 Ibuprofen but don't know if they are gonna help...I hope they just need time to kick in cause I can feel it..

And worst of all I'm stressed out and afraid to smoke cause the last thing I need is an infection that will REALLY HURT :(

The best I can do is call our dental office tomorrow to see if theres any way they will do an extraction and do it for cheap... last time they sent me to an oral surgery center and I had to wait like 2 WEEKS to get in there!

Man... what the hell!!

I hope to god this doesn't cost me my extra allowance of methadone for the month, cause if the pain doesn't stop I'm gonna have to start taking it.. And methadone has never appeared to be the best application for acute pain with me :( And what if someone does see me tomorrow? Just another excuse for them to issue some outrageous emergency charge...

Why me? I can't do anything right anymore..

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Post by Sojourner »

Z, Don't know what you could have done "right" to not make a filling come loose and fall out!! Sounds more like bad luck, bad karma, and, most likely, bad teeth!! We'll on the bright side, such as it is my friend, at least tonight is Sunday night and the dentist office will be open in about 12 hours. Not much consolation I know. I'm not much of a "first aid" person so I don't know what can be done to help with the pain other than what you are already doing. I hope the ibuprofen will be helpful. Will an ice pack or warm pack on the side of your cheek help? Wish that words could be of help.


P.S. Z, found this on a web sight for dental first aid when a filling fall out...

"A great help is orthodontic wax to fill such a void. Orthodontic wax is soft and moldable, and is generally available in most drug store dental sections."

Don't know if that will be of much help but....

M (again)
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Post by Neco »

Yeah I don't know.. the reason it fell out is decay too so until its either pulled or the decay were to be cleaned out and the tooth resealed it would likely still hurt from irriation..

At any rate I wouldn't even bother to have it fixed even if I had the money, the inside inside half of the above gum section broke off the other week =\

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Post by ViewsAskew »

I totally get the tooth thing - I had 4 root canals by the time I was twenty. The joys of growing up in a rural area with well water, no flouride treatments, and crappy dentists as a child.

Tooth pain is about the worst pain I've ever felt. But, I still remember having it and NOT having anything by aspirin. I'm not saying it was fun, but I got through the night. I found that the right temperature liquids held in the mouth would stop the pain. I just would hold them until I had to swallow, then take another sip and hold again.

Tell them you will pay them $10 a month until it's paid. Between you and your parents, you can fund that. Unless they are just cruel, they will do it.

You have all my empathy tonight...and I don't feel so sorry for myself anymore. Yesterday I was caught between two trucks in a car accident (I was sitting stopped waiting for the truck in from of me to move when the truck behind me plowed into me and pushed my car into the truck in front of me). My car was totaled and today I can't hardly move because my neck is so sore. Hearing your story made me remember that I'm not the only one who's suffering, even though here at 3 AM, all by myself, it's easy to think that. It's the third time I've been in almost the same exact accident and I was also starting to think I should never drive again. Especially because I sold my car years ago and this was DH's car...
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Neco »

That sucks......I hope you got some extra painkillers for your neck!

I just got home from the center for oral surgery, my dentist office did something right for a change and got them to squeeze me in, at one of their Madison locations..

It was kind of rough going though, not too bad.. I took an extra methadone last night after the ibuprofen and some more ibuprofen when I woke up at 5am. They coudn't pull it with forecepts and it broke once or twice in the process, had to be numbed 3 times (initial and then stopped twice).

But when it popped it went relatively easy... vindictive b****** tooth :evil: Just waiting for the bleeding to stop but the septocain is wearing off so I'm tempted to take some of the Norco they prescribed.

I can't smoke! But at least its over...

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Post by becat »

O Ann, I hope your really ok........!

Good gosh, I hate that in traffic and that is the very reason why.

I hope you go to the doc and get checked out.

Zach, string and the door, pull it out. Just kidding. I agree, tell them up front you need help and need a payment plan.

Tooth infections can be dangerous.

Feel better soon, both of you.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Like Zach, all is much better today. Most of the next pain is gone, thankfully.

Zach, it's truly amazing at how addicting cigarettes are, isn't it???? Maybe this is the beginning of the end for you. If you can't smoke today, why smoke tomorrow?
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Neco »

Because I am extremely stressed out by default..

cigarettes aren't really addictive to me in the sense of the usual definition.. I have always been able to put cigarettes down, but I choose not to out of partly force of habbit, its like another behavior I picked up and gives me a way to kill time when I'm bored; also being extremely stressed out I need at least some way to relieve the stress that doesn't involve other drugs or medications

Unfortunate, but true

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Post by Polar Bear »

This is just a quickie...

Anne, sorry about your rta. Hope you are ok.

Zach, when I had really bad toothache, I found that oil of cloves soaked onto a piece of cotton wool and put in in your mouth next to the tooth, in and around the cavity, really helped, it was really a big help, worked for a couple of days till I got sorted. Only thing is that now I can't bear to even be near clove rock candy!!

Fortunately here in UK we have dental pain clinics (free) at various hospitals for emergencies, we may have to wait for a couple of hours, but they will provide pain relief, not complete treatment, but will do what they can to help as a temporary measure. Also here in UK, if a person is on a low income, and entitled to government benefits they get free dental treatment. Sorry to ramble there, why don't you try the oil of cloves??

This would be something to try and not expensive.
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Post by ctravel12 »

Oh Ann I am so sorry to hear about car accident. I know what it is like to be hit from behind. Hubby and I were waiting for a light when a drunk driver hit us going 45 mph (never stopped we were his brakes) and totaled our car and I was seeing a dr for over a year for my neck.

Please go see a dr and make sure that all is ok. I know I have been there.
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Yikes, Charlene! 45 MPH???? To put in in perspective, the SUV who whacked into me had slowed almost to a stop, then thought that we were moving (we weren't), so he stepped on the gas. He was only about 4 or 5 feet behind me when he accelerated and couldn't have been going more than 15 MPH when he hit me. That was enough to total our car, so I can imagine what 45 MPH must have done to you and your car. You are lucky.

Fortunately, I am so much better today, I almost can't tell that I was hurt. Besides a little muscle stiffness in my shoulders and neck, the only thing that is noticable is a large bruise on my left arm...I think it's from the seat beat, but am not sure.

Zach, how's the mouth today? I "get" the smoking thing, sorta. It took me over ten years to be ready to quit. I started to get ready to quit in 1983 by cutting back, etc. But, smoking kept other things in control, so to speak. It took me until 1995 before I was able to have everything else under control, worked through, or whatever you want to call it before I was able to say goodbye and mean it.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Neco »

The soreness is setting in, but I think its doing ok. I take a couple ibuprofen every 6 hours or so, and rinse with warm salt water when it bothers me enough, or after eating or having a little bit of a cigarette.

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Post by ctravel12 »

Ann I am sure that you are feeling better; however I would still see the dr especially since your neck is still a little bit sore. These things can sneak up on you without any warning.

This guys insurance company wanted me to settle within three (3) months which I did not. It took over a year to have me feeling better. Yes, you are right we were lucky.
Taking one day at a time

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