Merry Christmas and happy Holidays to all

Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Merry Christmas and happy Holidays to all

Post by bigu47 »

To the moderators and all fellow RLS members,

Just wanted to wish everybody Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays with hope the coming year is good for all of health-wise with happiness!

A brief video to cheer us all: ... re=related

Oakdale, NY :)

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Post by chefws »

Nice video, thanks and Happy Holidays to all!
Remember that the Christmas season is nortorious for depression, so don't let your condition(s) get to you!
What I say is only what I have experienced with this horrible disorder. Everyone reacts differently to different treatments. Research, Research, Research! And may God bless you with an understanding and knowlegable doctor.

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Post by Polar Bear »

Happy times to everyone.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by ViewsAskew »

I'll add my annual non-traditional holiday wishes to those who don't celebrate Christmas. Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzza, and any other celebration that occurs. May we all have something in common this December: peace and hope.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

I so love Christmas. We already have our tree up and decorated. Since I was a little kid I've loved to curl up on a couch by the tree and listen to Christmas music. It's so hopeful.

And for all of you, from different faiths or none at all: Season's greetings, and Happy ChristmaHannaKwanzaaka to you!

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Post by snowbound »

Unfortunately the holiday season has for a long time been a depressing time for me due to dysfunction and illness of what's left of my family but nevertheless i will volunteer my services once again to the local food bank and soup kitchen on the 25th for annual Christmas dinner. :)

Happy holidays to everyone here and also to all the military personnel around the world who won't be home with their families for the festive season.
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Snowbound, I hope you enjoy the volunteering. I keep saying I'll do that, but as of yet I have not. I do have a regular volunteering gig, but I have always thought this would be a special thing on an intense holiday like this.

Many of us do have difficulties during the holidays. What seems like it should be so wonderful suddenly is stressful.

This year, with the economy taking hits in so many countries, it's hard to imagine that it won't be an even worse time than normal.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

What a great thing to do, Snowbound! So many people must appreciate that. I know that my dh and I used to volunteer at a soup kitchen on Super Bowl Sunday, and that was a great way to spend the day.

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Post by snowbound »

The food banks, at least where i live and i'm sure other places too are not getting the donations they so desperately need this time of year obviously due to depressed economic times so donate if u can please. :)

Helping those less fortunate has always given me great joy and i plan to continue as long as i'm able(hopefully that will be for some time yet). :lol:
A man generally has two reasons for doing a thing. One that sounds good, and a real one. ~ J. Pierpoint Morgan

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Snowbound, you are so right.

This isn't appropriate for everyone, but awhile back our family stopped exchanging gifts during the holidays. Initially, we did it with the adults and had a grab bag instead - a lot of families do that, I think - and we'd each just give the rest to charity (that we would have spent on each other). Then we decided to get the kids involved. We'd each give one less present to each child in the family. We'd find the names of children/families in need and take our non-needy children shopping to choose the gifts for our chosen children/families.

It was always amazing to me to see how generous our children were. They knew that these gifts were going to others, not to them, but they wanted them to have beautiful and fun things, too.

After a few years of that, we stopped buying any presents at all for each other and instead give it all to charity. The kids still get things from other family members - grandparents, aunts, etc. so are not bereft from the enjoyment of some presents. We usually choose the charity together, each year choosing something that the kids and adults find is worthy. There are some on line charity calculators to help you decide if you think the charity is doing a good job in meeting its mission statement.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by becat »

Snowbound thank you for the military mention. Honestly, Thank you. Made my day, a second time!

God is So Great.......after 15 months I get my Marine in my grubby hands today at 6PM.

He will soon deploy after the New Year, but today he's here....well, will be.

Merry Christmas to all, and yes, anyone that celebrates the holidays in other ways, Good cheer and happy holidays to you, as well.

For those with family out of the country or just not going to be able to be with them, military or not, God bless them, keep them, and bring them home safe.

SS, we do the very same thing. Lights off and just the tree lit up.

Yeah what a day.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

You must be so happy, Lynne. I can only imagine how much love and happiness will be filling your home tonight.

Now, that's a great holiday present.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Polar Bear »

Oh Lynne, I am so happy for you.

Our son who lives in the US will not be with us, but our son who is in the RAF will be back for xmas.

My heart fills for you. You must be ready to explode. ((( hugs)))
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Oh Lynne, that's the best Christmas present of all. And Betty, too.

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Post by becat »

Yes, last night my world stopped spinning for a bit, it was honestly just AWESOME!

All my chicks at home safe and sound, wow, my heart was so full......still is.

Betty I know that boy of yours is across the pond, I just understand how that is. I was hoping you would have said he, too, would be coming home.

I can't be more happy your other son (The RAF, thank him for me, and tell him I fill the moon for him and his buddies as well), happy that he will be home. That is just a feeling that can't be beat.

Thank you all for the warm comments, yes, this Momma is just dancing. I needed no medication yesterday until bedtime. I was just stunned when I realized that.

Happy does amazing things.

SS, yup Santa got me everything I wanted, early. I'm not even going to think about his deployment, this is the time to simply ENJOY.....and you know I will.

Blessings to all,

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