Bad news for my family

Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Post by SquirmingSusan »

HeatherB wrote:Susan, it don't sound sappy at all. My uncle said when my great grandmother died she sat up in bed and said, "Allom, you came for me!" She laid back down and died. My great grandfather came back for her.

I love that, Heather. According to the hospice people, that kind of stuff happens all the time. It's nice to know that when my time comes there will be someone there on the other side waiting.

Thanks again for all your support. I really like the poem, Charlene.

Now that the business is over, and the adrenaline is settling down, I'm really starting to feel the pain. And so much of it is so intensely physical. It's like someone stuck a knife through my heart. I've never felt anything like it. Of course being that it's Christmas makes it really suck. I know mom is OK, and I know that she would want us all to live our lives and be happy, but dang, this is hard.

Thanks again.

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Post by ctravel12 »

Susan I am glad that you liked the poem. It meant alot to me when one of my friends sent it to me.

I know it is hard and you are in my prayers and know that in time it will get better.
Taking one day at a time

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Hi Susan, you are feeling the pain, because you cared.
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Location: Lake Havasu City, Arizona

Post by ctravel12 »

I do not want to lose this post as it is so important that we give support to Susan as she really needs us now more then ever.

I have copied a poem for New Years Day and wanted to share this with everyone and hope that you do not mind.

Happy New Year Wish

My Happy New Year wish for you
Is for your best year yet,
A year where life is peaceful,
And what you want, you get.

A year in which you cherish
The past year’s memories,
And live your life each new day
Full of bright expectancies.

I wish for you a holiday
With happiness galore;
And when it’s done, I wish you
Happy New Year, and many more.
Taking one day at a time

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Susan, I've been wracking my brain for a Buddhist parable...but I can't put it together. Basically, the student is asking the Master why he is crying. The Master says his daughter has died. The student says but, hey, I thought we were studying to get over all that and learn to accept what is.

It's the 'punch' line I can't remember, but basically it's that while we may strive to be brave, think whatever thoughts our religion (if any) teaches us about how the person is in a better place....but love means that this stuff hurts. And, lots.

I remember just driving down the road after my father died - for a good year - and all the sudden I'd start crying. Not the couple of tears crying, but the wailing and gnashing of teeth crying. Not sure why driving did it, but it was sort of scary, lol, when I think back on it. Not sure when it went away, either, but as some point it just stopped happening.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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