Kenny Rogers

Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
Walking After Midnight
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Post by Walking After Midnight »

ViewsAskew wrote:Sorry for the tangent ...

Randy, do you ever listen to WBEZ on Friday nights, maybe 9 or 10 PM for the world music show?

Ann...I'm sorry I did not respond to this. I don't know what's wrong with me. I read it but then got distracted. You know, I feel lately that I've been fading in and out of life. It's a weird feeling.
Anyway, as I write this at 1:17pm Saturday I am listening to Chicago Public Radio and it sounds like it's from the UK. No music just some british ladies talking about something.
Thanks for the link though, I will keep at it til I find the thing you are talking about.
Sorry again.

Also...about Tom Waits. I can get in moods where he is all I will listen to. Not lately, I've been trying to stay away. But he's got some just beautiful songs if you can get past the delivery, sometimes, which to me just adds to the beauty but like Aiken says, a lot of people can't get past it.
Check out "Ruby's Arms" (my favorite), "Warm Beer Cold Women" ...oh there's a bunch of them and I'm not gonna make a list.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

His delivery is definitely something people have difficulty with...but no question (at least to me) that he is a great writer.

The show is Radio might be able to play it anytime on the computer if you have speakers...

Also, the rock n roll talk show is pretty interesting. Sometimes it's stuff that i know NOTHING about (very current), but they are so diverse and it sort of keeps me from aging too quickly and becoming my mother, if you know what I mean...
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by tazzer »

hey PB not much of a kenny fan, but hey he is from texas and we are all fabulous in texas .....right lynne?????? i blow wams ears out when he visits my website...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I feel like a science project!!!

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Post by Hos »

Just listened to some of Waits. I just can't get past that voice I'm afraid. He does have some good lyrics but I just can't get past the rasp.

Kenny was pop country before it was cool. Have fun! They sell fried chicken over there? Get a bucket of legs and some Lone Star beer and it'll be a good night. Or, if you insist on being sophisticated, some Shiner Bock. 8)

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Yeah, we got our fried chicken, but definitely a no-no in the theatre.

Shiner Bock ??? you've got me there... never heard of it, is it a drink.

Just to digress slightly, my friend is having a 60 birthday, so family paid for a trip to London for two, staying in the Grosvenor Hotel, pretty upmarket, dinner in a VERY upmarket restaurant, and booked and paid for Neil Diamond tickets at $400 each.. The firm who was to provide the tickets has gone bust!!! No tickets. Credit Card Company say they will probably refund the cost but only after the venue date has past.

Saw Neil Diamond in a tv interview last week. He is fabulous on stage but there doesn't appear to be a lot of chat/craic/off the cuff humour.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by tazzer »

shiner bock is a beer made in shiner texas... google it.... it's pretty good as beer goes...i am a tequila girl myself

I feel like a science project!!!

“The syndrome is so common that it should be known to every physician.”
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Post by SquirmingSusan »

$400 for Neil Diamond tickets??? Eek. He's coming here this summer and I absolutely adore him and his concerts, and usually go to at least one concert when he's in town, but - the last time we went the audience was so incredibly rude and talked and yelled the whole time and we couldn't here the concert, and the people working for the venue where he appeared wouldn't do anything. So I guess I'm not going this time, sigh.

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Went to the Kenny Rogers show last night.

Class... fabulous.... came out feeling warm all over... He entertained brilliantly with his chat as well as the music.

OK... he is 'getting on', was a bit stiff... like the rest of us...isn't likely to be kicking a football about much. but the voice was still there.... its all about nostalgia isn't it ??

Oh... what can I say, I loved it, hubby loved it... and when you get a whole arena singing along.... Yeah I know its corny... Ruby.. Lucille.. The Gambler.... Lady ... it was well worth the expense :lol:
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Post by ViewsAskew »

So glad you both loved it. I LOVED Ruby when I was a little kid - kind of an odd song for a child to like, now that I think about it...I think I'll stop thinking about it!
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by snowbound »

Happy to see u enjoyed the show.

I have a nice Kenny Rogers story. Many years ago my mother won a trip to the united states to see Kenny Rogers. It was a trip for 2 including accomadations , spending money, tickets etc.

She took a friend and had a wonderful time that included one unexpected, big surprise. The day they were leaving to return home, while just getting ready to leave the hotel, my mother realized she had left something in her room so she rushed back up to retrieve it. While she was waiting for the elevator to go back down, the door opened and guess who was in there? Kenny himself. My mother was shocked to say the least, having no idea he was staying in the same hotel.

She had a nice conversation on the way down, got an autograph along with pictures in front of the hotel with her friend and Kenny. To this day she still beams with joy when telling the story. It was a dream come true for her.
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Post by snowbound »

How embarassing. I just looked back on this thread and saw that i have already posted the story above... It's not the first time i've done this on a forum...

I have been having some memory issues. Actually forgot my address last week when visiting the bank... Not sure why this is happening but thought i should explain.
A man generally has two reasons for doing a thing. One that sounds good, and a real one. ~ J. Pierpoint Morgan

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Snowbound, its like something I'd do myself. :oops:
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Snowbound, you have my empathy. I truly think it's the lack of quality sleep that does us in. I hope you are not embarrassed here. Worried potentially, but if you are all embarrassed, please try not to be. I've done the same and am sure I'll do it again....
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

OMG Snowbound, please don't be embarrassed.

Yes Ann, that lack of quality sleep. I am going through a spell at the moment, that is, worse than usual and just getting about 2 hrs per night.

It gets to 9pm and I can't keep my eyes open, probably partly cos of the medication, try to hold off a lttle while, fall asleep and get about 1 hour. An Ambien then gets me maybe another 2 hours if I'm lucky, and that's it. At times I feel almost incoherent. And... oh... the aches at pains at present are mighty, not a joint or a muscle that doesn't feel it some time during the day/night. So.... we've got the rls legs/arms, and also the general aches and pains.

However.... got a lot of housework done during last night, mopping floors at 4am.

Thing is..... I reckon people think Im neurotic i.e. cleaning during the night - cos also I also am a 'list person' , oh dear... I do sound neurotic, almost a little compulsive at times.......

Hubby recently diagnosed T2 diabetes so we are working on that. He is very good but has yet achieved blood sugar control.

Looks like I've had a wee ramble. :roll:
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by snowbound »

Thanks for the kind words ladies. :)

Iam sorry to see your husband has been diagnosed with diabetes PB... Hope all will be ok.

I think u are both right about the lack of sleep being an issue here. I went through a rough patch last week with RLS getting about 3 hrs sleep for 4 nights in a row.

I have had problems the last year or so sometimes processing even the simplest things... I have to watch now how i write because i seem to put things down sort of in reverse of how they should be. It's all very strange and worrying.

I am in line for a promotion at work this year and am worried about accepting it now with the issues iam having with thought process and such...
A man generally has two reasons for doing a thing. One that sounds good, and a real one. ~ J. Pierpoint Morgan

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