
Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Post by Neco »

Great thread title huh?

Well I didn't want to get it deleted for a long string of expletives, so....

I hate people..

2 dogs have been hit on our street, right in front of our house (well the side, we live on a corner) and now its 3 - this time it was OUR turn!!!

Of course the **** slows down, knows he hit her, sees my mom coming to check on the dog (who btw, only knows it was a green truck and didn't even think about yelling at the person...sigh) and proceeds to drive off..

I am very sensitive to this crap because the last person to just drive off was a REAL PRICK. It was in the winter time and he ran over a golden retriever in a street full of white snow. Slows down and stops, backs up a little... sits.. and then rolls on away, although I did get the license, I didn't get a picture and after I yelled it out to the guy whos dog it was I couldn't remember it to save my own life... The worst part is I watched the whole thing, from the truck bouncing up and then down to the dog rolling out from under the rear tire and yelping, and curling up in the street waiting to die while this poor girl starts to cry after I (had to cause no one else was outside) called her over to ask if it was her dog.. I still see it clearly from time to time...

So now we're stuck with the vet bill, because people are chicken $@$@#$. And mom can't tell the cops anything except that it was a green pickup and he knew he had hit our dog..

Fortunately she will be fine.. But has some road rash, a pretty decent cut on the right side of her snout/face, some bleeding from something under her chin, and a banged up, red/bloody right eye..

They gave her a shot to keep any possible swelling down, and some pain medicine I think.. But said bring her back tomorrow because they couldn't do it now (I guess cause she has to be sedated and we have to not feed her for hours before that) although she does sound like she has some breathing issues with her nose.. hoping its just blood or something making it feel runny or whatever.

She has to go back for stitches tomorrow.. And they are going to have to sedate her to do it because she spazzes out when she goes to the vet.. In fact she was JUST THERE on Tuesday, to have some kind of growth/lump removed from the corner her right eye (just the outside skin, not the eye itself) and of course they sedated her then and gave her some stiches.. My brother paid for that, and it was like $300 - god knows what this is gonna cost now.. And we're stuck paying it. I hope her vision isn't screwed up now...


Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Your anger is so well placed. How can people be so heartless as to just drive on and leave a poor injured pet lying on the road.

I remember my distress last year when our family cat of 14 years had to be put to sleep cos of illness and old age. And I think it would be much worse given the circumstances of a 'hit and run'.

Thankfully your dog is going to be ok, but poor thing must be confused and distressed.

Hopefully your vet will take instalments for payment, but the frustrating point of this is some people's lack of compassion.

I hope all goes well she recovers fully.
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Oh, Zach. That just sux.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Neco »

Well I don't have to pay for it personally, as my folks will cover it (family dog) but yeah will probably go on a credit card.. Unless my brother wants to pay for it, but he just payed for her last visit to have that growth removed so I dunno.

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Oh, that's so horrible when a dog gets hit by a car. It's happened to 2 of my dogs. Both survived, but that's a couple of long stories. The thing is, when a dog gets hit by a car, it's NEVER the fault of the driver, and they are never liable for the expenses. It's the owner's fault for not keeping the dog contained. The guy sounds like a real jerk, though, for not even stopping to help.

When my one dog got hit, I was living at my parents' house, and my dog followed a neighbor lady about 4 blocks when she was going to church. (Yeah, don't get me started on why she didn't bring my dog home - she knew it was my dog! Weekday mass was more important?) But the car that hit my dog stopped, and then right behind them was an ambulance driver who also stopped. She put the dog on a board, splinted the broken legs, and got my dog ready to take to the vet. Then somes neighbor, near the church, who were notorious dog lovers, also came to help. The put the dog and me in the back of their pickup truck, and drove us to the vet while another drove my car to the vet. I had a lot of vet bills, but that dog lived to a ripe old age and died of cancer. I really thing that dogs appreciate you saving their lives and pay you back over the years with lots of extra love.

Just posting that because not everyone out there is a jerk. Sometimes you come across really good-hearted people.

Give your dog a hug for me.

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