Remember The Phantom, The Ghost who walks?

Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Remember The Phantom, The Ghost who walks?

Post by Yankiwi »

For some reason last night while lying awake in the night, I remembered a comic strip that used to be in my local newspaper. It was (and is still published) called The Phantom, The Ghost who walks.
The reason for the name (according to Wikipedia) is because in the African jungle, he is called "The Ghost who Walks" and "The Man who Cannot Die" because he seems to have been around for generations. But I wonder if he is called "The Ghost who Walks" because he has RLS. Sometimes I feel like a phantom or zombie.

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Re: Remember The Phantom, The Ghost who walks?

Post by ViewsAskew »

Sounds logical to me!
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