sleep issues

Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Post by Polar Bear »

Thanks Ann, I hadn't come across that one before. :roll:
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Post by badnights »

I think Ann JMTU

(just makes them up) :wink: :lol:
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Post by ViewsAskew »

badnights wrote:I think Ann JMTU

(just makes them up) :wink: :lol:

Not a chance! There are hundreds more that I don't know...
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Polar Bear »

Thank You Very Much
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Post by SquirmingSusan »

I've taken a variety of antidepressants - SSRIs and SNRIs, and the one thing that I've noticed is that when tapering off of one and onto a different one, my WED is likely to go crazy for a few days. And dose increases do that as well. But after a few days, things settle back down. So even if your WED does get worse, you might try to stick with it for a week or two and see if things settle back down.

It sounds like your doctor is working hard for you, PB, and is fairly knowledgeable already and willing to learn more in order to help you better. I'm hopeful that you'll start feeling better and better.

It seems like amitryptaline doesn't make WED worse as much as it makes PLMs worse. I vaguely remember Nadia posting about that. But then my memory is pretty weird. At any rate, give it a good try and see what happens.

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Post by Polar Bear »

The amitriptyline is for Fibro and sleep and It seems that so far, so good. I've had my 4th night using amitryptyline and no obvious noticable WED increase.

There is usually a little breakthrough in early evening but that often happens and I try to work through it. It sometimes just happens or it may sometimes be because sometimes I have been a little late in taking that particular dose of medication. But I prefer not to up my WED meds until absolutely necessary.

It seemed wonderful that 2nd night on amitri.......I got 9 hours sleep, tho these last 2 nights have been less, maybe 6 hours with a couple of awakenings., which is still more that the previous average of 3 hours. I have docs permission to use a Diaz 5 as emergency backup for sleep but I'm trying not to do so.

The dose of amitr... is only 10mg and I see doc again in another 9 days. If my WED symptoms haven't gone haywire she is likely to make an increase at that time.

Point to note is that she also increased my citalopram (AD) from 10mg to 20mg which could also possibly have an effect on the WED.

So a close eye is being kept on symptoms.

I'll bear in mind what you say about WED flaring up with dose increases etc. and then settling again.

However, I am feeling a lot better these last few days, the little extra sleep must help, and also not so much body pain (although I understood it took amtri.... several weeks to help with this aspect).

Thanks to everyone for the support.

Where would we be without this site :)
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by Chipmunk »

I recently went back on Citalopram and it made my WED much worse. All the ADs do that to me (I take Wellbutrin for depression and another AD for anxiety). Hope the increased dose doesn't make things too much worse for you.

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Post by Betty/WV »

Chipmunk: Have you seen a weight increase with the wellbutrin? I was on it (plus other meds) and gained weight like mad. Recently went off it but now I'm stuck with this extra weight. Not sure it was the wellbutrin though.

Thanks to, I have learned so much about my condition. I have received encouragement from my friends here. This is a site I can come to when I am up most of the night, and I vent, and know those who read my messages understand

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Post by Chipmunk »

No, and my doctor told me if anything I would lose weight...didn't happen unfortunately. I am on three different meds that have weight loss as a known side effect, yet none wants to leave any part of my body!!

I think the lack of sleep causes my appetite to increase dramatically, which counteracts any possible appetite suppression. They have done studies that link lack of sleep to increased eating. They are not sure if it's just that you are up for more hours of the day, or if your appetite increases, or a little of both, but I know when I was sleeping super-horribly (sleep apnea, WED, newborn) I could not lose weight to save my life. And I had 60 lbs of baby weight to lose so I was highly motivated!!

Damn lack of sleep impacts everything, doesn't it? :-(

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Post by Polar Bear »

I am still up during the night but not for as long as it used to be. A concerted effort is being made not to look for treats at these times and I maybe take a piece of fruit tho it in no way replaces the satisfaction of cookies or chocolate !! However, my steroid meds were prob a lot to blame for the increase in appetite but I reckon I didn't have too much willpower in that regard.

I think the increase in eating during the night is a bit of both, increased appetite and also boredom and being up and about for so many hours out of a 24 hour day.

Yep.. can't think of anything that is not impacted by lack of sleep. :roll:
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Polar Bear wrote:
Yep.. can't think of anything that is not impacted by lack of sleep. :roll:

I absolutely agree, too! Our sleep issues should be the main priority of the world, drat it!
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Rubyslipper »

Reading through all this just underlines the fact that for most of us, WED is not all we deal with. (BTW, I notice the use of WED instead of RLS--thanks!) Do other disorders have so many "sister" problems? Besides lack of sleep, I see sleep apnea, thyroid problems, fibro, weight gain, depression...and that's just for me!

The weight gain thing--I have been on and off Wellbutrin for years. I can't see any weight change except gain. I weigh more now than I ever have. I have had two excellent incentives to lose weight in the past two years and plenty of time to do it. So what's the problem? Heck if I know. I know that if I lose weight I will feel better, look better and get rid of a couple of health issues. I have given myself all the reasons to lose but it doesn't happen. If I lose a couple of pounds, I eat more until it comes back on. Is that an emotional or mental problem? Probably. So my question is what? I don't know. But I wish someone had an answer! :?
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Post by Polar Bear »

Ruby, I note your comment about 'sister' problems. For many many years I had WED and a few creaky aches. In the last year I've been diagnosed with Temporal Artritis, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, and have had sleep issues and existed on less sleep that I had ever believed possible.

Good news is that I'm now getting around 5 - 6 hrs per night rather than just 3. Also good news is that my amitryptiline (for sleep and fibro) that I've been taking for about one month does not appear so far to have any ill effects on WED. Granted it started at only 10mg, and for the last week has been 20mg. And also, my citalopram 10mg which I was on for one year has been upped to 20mg and again does not appear to be causing any worse WED symptoms.

The amitryptiline has eased the fibro aches and yesterday I played 18 holes of golf with no aches or pains and thoroughly enjoyed myself whereas previously I had been dragging myself around with absolutely no enthusiasm and was so weary I couldn't wait to be finished.

I did not feel it that the citalopram needed increased i.e. I did not feel depressed however, be it the extra AD or be it the little extra sleep, but something has given me a lift which I hope continues for a long time.

The point I'm really trying to make is that citalopram and amitr...... are both drugs considered anti WED and so far (fingers crossed) I have been fortunate. I initially fought the docs regarding both of these meds.

And yes Ruby, regarding weight, I think I have now come to accept that this is the weight I shall be. I am 62 and we have a son getting married in April which is quite an incentive especially as the bride's mother is a wee dainty slip of a thing. My outfit has been bought and it is gorgeous and funky and is a one-size fitting so should go up or down as required. Lets hope it is 'down'. And my fascinator is to die for !!! Is weight an emotional/mental/physical problem - who knows. Will power and determination must be an emotional and mental positive attitude. I am generally a positive person but I tackle food with an enthusiasm obviously beyond that which is required and is sufficient. :)

Anyone with an answer will make a fortune.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by Rubyslipper »

[quote I tackle food with an enthusiasm obviously beyond that which is required and is sufficient.]

I love that line!! Makes my over-eating sound almost respectable! I wish I had the energy like you have found. I am so glad you enjoyed your golf! I also am usually a positive person. Or maybe I am just kidding myself--who knows? The energy is just not there anymore and hasn't been for a long time. Maybe I need a complete check-up.

One of my incentives was also a wedding. I hate seeing myself in the pictures but at least I was smiling. I would love to see a picture of your funky outfit! Enjoy the day, let the rest go. Our daughter was beautiful and it was all about her and her husband, not me and my looks anyway.

Interesting about the medication. I am only on Mirapex although I also take thyroid medication. Thanks for the feedback![/quote]
You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself! (Glinda of Oz)

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Post by Polar Bear »

Ruby, I was truly afraid to take the amitryptiline and also the AD. It is only since starting the amit... and the increased AD that I have begun to feel more lively with a little energy but the energy is not all the time. And I hope it is not a flash in the pan and long may it last tho doc has warned me that the fibro has peaks and troughs even with the medication.

I'm sure that you made a lovely bride's mother
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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