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Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 3:05 pm
by lyndarae
So I decide to take a break and have a spin om my new motorcycle. This takes alot of gear
registration papers
couple jackets
lip gloss
cell phone gloves
leathers ect...........
takes me 15 minutes to find my boots after I have my leathers on, can see where the winter fat is............. HOT and moving slow up the stairs down the stais find them
then come the gloves I am looking everywhere 15 more minutes go by found them
get the rest of the gear on, realize I have to get the keys.........back up the stairs searching for them another 15 minutes find them
go out start the bike
gloves have gone missing
NOW, I just had them!!!!!!!!!!!
Up the stairs down the stairs 15 minutes go buy find them in the laundry room how did they get there????
All ready now open garage back out and it starts raining!!!!!!
Should have gone naked..................

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 6:19 pm
by ViewsAskew
Hey, isn't being naked Randy's test for Rubyslippers in some way?

I'm laughing, but I can imagine how annoying that must have been.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 1:26 pm
by Polar Bear
Lyndarae, I reckon all of us have been 'there' at sometime. Maybe not in motor cycle leathers, but we know what you mean !! :lol: :cry:

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 2:50 pm
by lyndarae
HOW about the one where you search for hours for your glasses and they are on your head!!!!! I always have a good laugh at myself with that one..........

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:37 pm
by Polar Bear
OR..... put on a pair of glasses, and you are already wearing a pair.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 10:51 pm
by SquirmingSusan
Oh my, I'm always doing the glasses thing. I have so many pairs of glasses, sometimes I've walked around with 3 pair on my head. I tell my kids that when I die I want all of my pairs of glasses on my head for the viewing. :roll:

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 1:01 am
by cmoore1958
My classic senior moment is when I was looking for my phone and could not find where I had put it. As I was talking to my daughter I finally voiced to her that I couldn't find my phone. She asked me to go to the bathroom and look in the mirror and I'd find it. Took a while to register what she meant so I did as told only to see me holding my phone to my ear.


Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 1:34 am
by ctravel12
Oh Cyn that is a good one. I love that. Hey did you ever try to put the telephone in the refrigerator???? Good thing I caught myself. That is really bad. That is double double senior moment. Do you think?????

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 7:52 am
by SquirmingSusan
Cyndi, that's really good. :roll:

About ten years ago some good friends of ours moved away to Indianapolis. About a year after they moved we wanted to get together. I suggested we meet at their house. My friend replied, "Susan my dear that would be lovely, except we don't live there anymore." 8)

The spaciness has gotten worse and worse since that time.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 4:17 pm
by cmoore1958
Good one Char. I've never tried to put the phone in the fridge yet . . . not to say I won't some day. :roll:

I have been making dinner and had things out - spices, canned goods, oils, stuf from the fridge. Being a neat person I clean up as I go. Later that night I went to get me a drink from the fridge and found bread and olive oil in there. My pitcher of water was in the pantry. I absolutely feel like a real ditz when this stuf happens.

Oh, Susan, that's just too funny wanting to meet at a friend's house where she isn't any more. Good thing you mentioned it and didn't just show up. On the other hand maybe you would have made some new friends. :wink:

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 7:31 pm
by ViewsAskew
I've done some really silly things like you are all mentioning, too.

I just don't remember what they are.

:wink: :P

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 5:05 pm
by Rubyslipper
Putting oil and that type of stuff in the fridge is too funny and misplacing the phone is even funnier. Lyndarae, that sounds just like something I would do....take 2 hrs to do a 5 minute job. One of my moments was putting the ice cream in the microwave for storage. The next morning I had a real mess. Personal best...leaving for work one day in my underslip. Yep, forgot the skirt. Only got to the car thankfully before I realized it. I aksed hubby, why didn't you say anything when I kissed you good-bye? His answer--wanted to see how long it took you to figure it out.

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 6:59 pm
by becat
OMGosh That one killed me, I'm down on the floor here! :D :D :D

I hope you withheld for a while Ruby, K. bad boy! Bad Boy! :D

Ya'll this thread just makes me giggle everytime.

I'm like Ann, I know I do that stuff all the time, but thankfully my lack of sleep prevents me from the harm of remembering it all. LOL


Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 8:04 pm
by ViewsAskew
The ice cream triggered a memory...but it's not all the funny. We went to the store a few days ago and I wasn't paying attention to what hubby threw into the cart. Since we live across the street from Whole Foods, we often shop for dinner around 5 or 6 PM, then make it.

We were late getting started - not buying our dinner provisions until about 8 PM. Since I knew that I'd bought nothing that needed refrigeration except what I was preparing for dinner, I took out those things and made dinner, figuring I'd put the rest away after dinner.

About 10:30 when we were cleaning up, I went through the two bags...yup, there was the chocolate mint chip ice cream, all nice and melty like a shake :lol:

I quickly threw it in the freezer so hubby couldn't see it and crossed my fingers that it would freeze without crystalizing. But, as soon as hubby walked downstairs I caved and blurted out, "I forgot to put the ice cream away."

Turned out just fine - it wasn't crystalized at all. Shoulda kept my mouth shut.

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:38 pm
by lyndarae
OK !!!!! So I think I have it together most the time.....NOT!!!! I have to run to walmart and get my meds, dont want to because the car is on empty, so I will take the bike. Go in and get my meds and decide to look at some motorcycle stuff an hour goes by and it's time to go I realize my legs are hurting and I need to ride home... Go out and my bike is gone, some one has stolen my motorcycle FEAR.PANIC, the whole body goes into shock. Ok..... gotta call the police, go to get my phone where I keep it in my leathers wait a minute I have my street clothes on, wheres my motorcycle stuff, keys gloves ect.........did someone steal them right off me...............HA HA HA my car is setting in the parking lot, I decided to get 10 bucks worth of gas cause it was too windy to ride. I can only imagine what the police would have thought had I not figured it out first, probably would have locked me up...................oh well just another day in my private Idaho GOOD GAWD~~~~~~~~Lyndarae and this is our little secert.....