Anybody know anything about brain leisions and Cancer

Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
Polar Bear
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Re: Anybody know anything about brain leisions and Cancer

Post by Polar Bear »

Isn't the written word really difficult sometimes. We can say the words but we can't provide tone and so what we write is on occasion not what we mean, or sometimes is not what another reads, even though we are all using the same words......

My son lives half way across the world from me and we communicate daily by email.. Many's the time there has been a '''misunderstanding' and I have phoned him and been unnecessarily ready for action because of his tone - But it was actually how I had interpreted the words, or how he has read my words, when what was said was simply a comment.

I know that we are all here to support each other on good days and bad - some days we are down, and some days we are even more down and life doesn't appear too good. Then maybe we manage to get some sleep and perhaps that is all it takes to put the world to rights and we feel great and it's a good day.

We are like a family.... :thumbup:
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Anybody know anything about brain leisions and Cancer

Post by rthom »

{I'm not sure how you discerned from my comments the above statement. Did you? The last sentence here makes me feel like you punched me in the gut, "any conversation sometimes is better than none", holy sh** man, I just don't see why you wrote. Nothing I said inferred anything negative to what you wrote. I always enjoy reading what you have to say and like your comments. NOTHING I wrote to you should be construed as negativ}

I don't understand----
I don't know how you tought it had anything to do with you, it was about the theme of the paragraph---talk about it/vs don't talk about if for the sake of the others reading. My percieved needs vs others' needs.
This is an example of exactly why I feel I should not---it has created a negative experience for you and of course, stress for me. "How was this a good choice" is the running theme of that post.

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Re: Anybody know anything about brain leisions and Cancer

Post by rthom »

EeFall wrote:I'm not sure how you discerned from my comments the above statement. Did you? The last sentence here makes me feel like you punched me in the gut, "any conversation sometimes is better than none", holy sh** man, I just don't see why you wrote. Nothing I said inferred anything negative to what you wrote. I always enjoy reading what you have to say and like your comments. NOTHING I wrote to you should be construed as negative.

I don't understand----
I don't know how you tought it had anything to do with you, it was about the theme of the paragraph---talk about it/vs don't talk about if for the sake of the others reading. My percieved needs vs others' needs.
This is an example of exactly why I feel I should not---it has created a negative experience for you and of course, stress for me. "How was this a good choice" is the running theme of that post.

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Re: Anybody know anything about brain leisions and Cancer

Post by EeFall »

I suppose we are all living crippled lives in a way from our perceptions of the world when we have little sleep. Exactly why I try to keep away from people since experiencing severe WED 13 years ago. I have had little sleep for several weeks and I'm very drugged up.

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Re: Anybody know anything about brain leisions and Cancer

Post by ViewsAskew »

Written communication is incredibly hard at the best of times, isn't it? Let alone when tired and foggy. So easy to misunderstand, think something is personal when it's not, etc. I appreciate that you both are working it out and letting each other know what you meant. If any of the mods can help, let us know. We want everyone to feel this is a safe place.
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Re: Anybody know anything about brain leisions and Cancer

Post by EeFall »

I do far better at written communication so another reason I avoid having conversations in person, even worse when there are many speaking at once. With writing I can at least think about what I am going to say, sort of a filter.

Omg it is 72 f here with slight breeze and no clouds, couldn't be a nicer day. I am sitting on my porch rocking chair lol

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Re: Anybody know anything about brain leisions and Cancer

Post by ViewsAskew »

EeFall wrote:I do far better at written communication so another reason I avoid having conversations in person, even worse when there are many speaking at once. With writing I can at least think about what I am going to say, sort of a filter.

Omg it is 72 f here with slight breeze and no clouds, couldn't be a nicer day. I am sitting on my porch rocking chair lol

But, you miss intent, body language, the wry smile or the soulful frown. Things that sound neutral when we write them become misinterpreted. Some people see them neutral, some people see them completely different....I have to filter so, oh, so many times!
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Polar Bear
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Re: Anybody know anything about brain leisions and Cancer

Post by Polar Bear »

I am constantly filtering, when I do a post here on the Board, when I am in an email chat, or a FB chat, regularly checking that the words are saying what I mean, which is why I have a habit of using Smileys. I use them to give expression that is missing because of the lack of facial expression and body language.

My life would be greatly lacking without the written word, but I try to be really careful.

It's also a reason why I don't really use my Kindle Fire to check our discussion board because a reply may be lengthy and to use one finger to text and then filter and amend a reply is so arduous. Therefore if I am away from home and use my Kindle Fire my post may appear somewhat terse, that's me trying to keep it as brief as possible. :roll:
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Anybody know anything about brain leisions and Cancer

Post by EeFall »

So you design sensors in each keyboard key that picks up the minute electrical conductivity of each fingertip continuously that is part of an active program within the computer that learns ones active mood while typing. Thus, maybe below each word, there is an active readout, maybe in the form of color rainbow, that will recall the mood of a person while they are typing what they are typing. Then when you are reading anything, after learning how to interpret the colors, a person will be able to continuously monitor the mood of the typist so that taken in context with what is written one will easily be able to "see" the other person's mood.

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Re: Anybody know anything about brain leisions and Cancer

Post by badnights »

Well, if only things could work that way! I'm a long way from trusting an algorithm to interpret my emotions for people. I can just see, I'm angry at myself for doing something, while writing to someone about their troubles, and the sensitive keyboard tells the recipient that I'm angry about their troubles! But a bigger variety of emoticons would be nice.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Anybody know anything about brain leisions and Cancer

Post by EeFall »

badnights wrote:Well, if only things could work that way! I'm a long way from trusting an algorithm to interpret my emotions for people. I can just see, I'm angry at myself for doing something, while writing to someone about their troubles, and the sensitive keyboard tells the recipient that I'm angry about their troubles! But a bigger variety of emoticons would be nice.

I guess you weren't around for the mood ring craze lol

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Re: Anybody know anything about brain leisions and Cancer

Post by badnights »

Oh I was
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Anybody know anything about brain leisions and Cancer

Post by rthom »

Back to the origional topic, the dr's in their ultimate wisdom the other day decided that because they can't figure out what is wrong with the young lad, he must be depressed from the break up with his girl friend (how that translates into brain and lung leisions etc. is beyond me). So they want to send him to a rehab place (not for drugs). Anyway, he now can only walk assisted for a couple of steps, and is like a drunk. He is now so regressed that tonight when his dad helped him to sit up he reached for his juice bottle with 2 hands and tried to bite the top--like an infant. He no longer knows his best friends either---they still have no idea what it is but are trying to snd him home---Really??? are they nuts??? They are of he opinion that he is at all faking it or that it is a mental thing etc. But what do they figure the parents are to do? Just accept that he's coming home to either keep regressing or die or whatever???
Does this make any sense to anyone?
Does anyone think any part of his symptoms sounds familiar? Any weird bugbites, flues or inflamations cause anything they might have a faint recolection of?
A week ago they ahd a 18 year old competitive figure skater that loves life and this wee they have an eighteen yr old baby pretty much.
I just hope for his sake he's not aware of it. When he is lucid he's saying really bizzare tings more and more. Last time he said he felt like Jesus and has to give away everything (it's a Jewish family) He had an earie peace when he said it--like he ws completely separate from the concept.

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Re: Anybody know anything about brain leisions and Cancer

Post by debbluebird »

I'm so sorry for all of you and him. I think they have written him off. Sometimes they just don't tell you that. I've seen that before, when they say it's time to go home. It's because there is no more insurance and/or they don't know what to do. I'm hoping he had a neuro specialist. I'm sorry, but it just doesn't sound good. Going to a rehad at this point is like going to somewhere , where they will just care for his needs. And maybe help him, though I don't see how. I'm hoping the parents have been proactive and have asked the questions, "do you (the doctors) know what is wrong" and "what is the treatment" ? I'm so sorry.

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