blood clotts

Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Re: blood clotts

Post by rthom »

One last thing--with all this the meds they gave me require me to stay away from calcium and iron--of course. Just wonder about how tired I'll be by the time I'm done with them. Oh yah and I had to get a tetnus shot yesterday. Was great to hear my dr knew alot. (Oddly though when I got there they weren't going to let me see the dr even though I had an appointment because of a mixup on the computer or something--(the nurse wanted to blame me), however the dr saw me standing there and wanted to see me so she had give in and let me see the dr anyway---the dr told me they had alot of overbooked appointment s that day----could you imagine me having to wait anout 2 wks to be seen. The receptionist said well if it's been dealt with at emerg what are you doing here, even though I had told her about he bleeding and the emerg dr's telling me to see my dr. I really do not like this person. She's great at protecting the dr from stress but can get way off track sometimes. She reamed me out very loudly one day for stopping in to make an appintment instead of calling on the phone (was the only way I could get it done--hoome was too far away), I had never heard of anyone not being allowed to make appointments in person--this was after being a paitient for over 10yrs already. Basically she just yelled at me because she was ticked off that day--the people in the hallway were all appauled (even though it is soundproofed she was loud enough for them to hear everything)--apparently the dr was going on vacation the next week so she had alot of people trying to get in to see the dr before (I was not--not till 3 wks later) and because she knew I wouldn't loose it on her she just let loose, the dr came out of the office etc..but by them I was out of there and pissed--and somewhat terrified because I had no idea why it was happening or what to expect next time.

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Re: blood clotts

Post by debbluebird »

Oh wow, she is such a b@#$%. It sounds like you are doing everything right. I wish they had the wound vac's. It would take care of all that blood and it would heal faster. Just keep up with the elevation and pressure wrap. I've seen worse wounds. Glad your doctor is a good one. If a plastic surg. does a skin graft, the new wound will hurt like hell. It's just going to take a long time. I used to do a lot of wound care. I miss that part of not working.
Hang in there. :D


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Re: blood clotts

Post by Polar Bear »

receptionist' s job description does not include being rude. her lack of control shows her inability to work under pressure. you were very calm ..... I wouldn't have taken it from her although I would have stayed'm sorry you don't appear happy in your job' !!!!

it's always easy to think after the event
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: blood clotts

Post by rthom »

True enough PB. It's one of my pet peeves about myself--it takes me along time to figure out what I should have said. So I get taken alot and crapped on alot. I wish I was smarter--I had trouble in school too--studied all night and bearly passed--polite courtious (the nly reason I did pass often enough) Anyway my 2 brothers did nothing got 80's, 90's. Figures eh? Teachers alwways complained about my reading comprehension even in lower grades K,1,2... I think it's just a quirk about me. Costs me a fortune now though--makes it hard on my family too. I just got off the phone trying to get somone (large store) to give back money they took under false pretenses and make it right (about $500), I just don't know when someone is snowing me etc. I ended up having to make a rule--I never buy anything without giving myself 24hrs to think about it. I figure there is very little in life you can't wait 24hrs for. Has helped quite a bit, but if people are downright lying it doesn't. This thing right now if it was left as is will kill me, an allergy problem and I'm pissed.

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Re: blood clotts

Post by Polar Bear »

an allergy problem and I'm pissed.

Does that mean you are fed up....... or you've had a few drinks ..... lol

You are correct.... there isn't much that can't wait for 24 hours. :thumbup:
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: blood clotts

Post by rthom »

Wishfull thinkng. lol

Sleepcountry is a canadian mattress store and they pride themselves with being charitable--I needed a mattress--had mney issues resulting in me not having a bed at all for almost 2 months--so went there (had to travel to get there) asked questions told them about my extreme allergies to chemical and chemical type smells--no cleaners in the house, candles, perfumes, tires, etc...... Even lots of "natural" things will make me seriously sick. It literally causes lung infections (i only have 1 left and it's diseased badley--cmplications to allergies took the other) and death-have been saved and just had lung colapse a few times now. Anyway they swore up and down the new foam mattress is the one i needed and it's ok. It gets here (paid for of course) and the chemicals it emitted gave me a migrane and immediately I knew I was in trouble. The store has a return for exchange only policy because they can't re-sell used mattresses-gvmt regs. So now I have been running a fever ever since (about a month ) and I feel like i'm carrying a wet waterbaloon in my lung whenever I'm home. If i go away for a long time it clears some and I feel better but still exhausted. This is exactly the thing that cause my first lung surgery--and as we all know you can only do that surgery once.
So I tried everything including offering to exchange the new one for one of the used ones they give to charity--they said no. If I put it out of the house for my safety they won't take it back at all, if I keep it in the house I can xchange it for another with less foam in it for another 400 dolars. I also had to buy a bed bad for 70 bucks and try first --how was that to work they breath--of course it did not work. Now I just spent a day fighting again about it--finally told them my lawyer said they owe me for the meds and hospital vsits and lost wages not just the stuff itself---they are picking it up friday--the catch? They pick it up and mail me a check--yah I'll bet that'll be a while. Talk about mean spirited--they all knew all the circumstances--the wed , the back prob, lack of a bed, and allergies going to kill me literally--and I made that part very clear to each--not just a figure of speach. Can You believe they called yesterday to sell me another more expensive foam one? This is the type of thing that frustrates me because my family has to take these rides with me--must suck for them. Moral Sleep Country Sucks!

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Re: blood clotts

Post by debbluebird »

I'm so sorry about your situation. I didn't realize that you had such a problem with allergies. We got a new mattress this past summer and I hate it. It's too hard. It's a partial foam one. I also put more softer foam on top, and it still isn't good. So, I'm sleeping in my recliner. I'm more comfortable there. I moved my CPAP, so I'm all set. I don't know if there is a bed that I can sleep on. They all make my back hurt. I know that when we get foam we have to let it air out. Once it airs out then we can use it. I don't know, if that would help you or not. My daughter recently bought an all organic mattress. It was very expensive. I don't know if any exist that don't have chemicals. I think the sales people just say what you want to hear, just so you will buy something. I think they stretch the truth.

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Re: blood clotts

Post by rthom »

organic mattress is an idea--

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Re: blood clotts

Post by EeFall »

All I can say is you make me feel like I don't have any problems at all in comparison.

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Re: blood clotts

Post by rthom »

sorry about that. no competition intended here, I'm just having a hard time right now. My leg looks like it's getting infected today and am at my witts end.
I don't know if this helps but when I wsa reading your posts on the other pages I thought you and I had alot in common.

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Re: blood clotts

Post by debbluebird »

Has the color of the drainage changed? Or has the redness and swelling increased? It's the drainage and smell that will really tell you if it's infected. Keep it elevated and the pressure dressing. I'm so sorry that you have a long road to go down.


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Re: blood clotts

Post by EeFall »

rthom wrote:sorry about that. no competition intended here, I'm just having a hard time right now. My leg looks like it's getting infected today and am at my witts end.
I don't know if this helps but when I wsa reading your posts on the other pages I thought you and I had alot in common.

lol I just meant that you are having one terrible time at the moment! I wish that all of us were over this RLS but then there are some who are dealing with other things at the same time like you that just make RLS seem insignficant by comparison. I know you are having a hard time and I hope it gets better for you soon.

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Re: blood clotts

Post by ViewsAskew »

rthom - so sorry you are going through all of this. Is there a consumer help group in your area?

Do you have a facebook account? Post about it if you do. Get any friends or family to link to it or also post about it. Things like this can go "viral" and the negative publicity is more than the company can take. They may decide to do something differently.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: blood clotts

Post by debbluebird »

Ann, that's a good idea.


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Re: blood clotts

Post by Polar Bear »

Yep Ann... that's a great suggestion and something to bear in mind for the future.

rthom - such a shame that the memory foam mattress causes big problems. I just love mine so much that I bought memory foam 3" toppers for the guest bedrooms.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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