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Re: Unrelated Health Issue

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 4:47 am
by EeFall
debbluebird wrote:How much of the senna are you taking ? Are you taking it every day? Don't stop taking it on the day you do go. You may have to increase it. Drink more water too.

I went today but it would be normal for 1 day not 5. I small bowel is parallelized at one point due to that operation to remove my prostate. I have been taking senna everyday along with powder laxative everyday at about 5:30 pm and another type of laxative every morning plus every morning I take 3 stool softeners.

Normally 1 laxative when be too much for me. This is just crazy. I know what must be happening is that the blockage is there and some gets by and the rest probably doesn't or it suddenly unblock a little. I am literally sitting on a time bomb. I missed work yesterday because I ended up being so worried that I finally fell asleep on couch probably about 2 am last night. On top of that my stomach is aching on and off.

The way it is though that they don't want to see me unless I am in a lot of pain and vomiting. Then I can go to the emergency room. It doesn't seem to be getting better it is just that I am eating a bland diet and taking all of these laxatives and senna. I'm stuck waiting. Then the darn hand the left two fingers are continually numb again. I should be happy now with the WED under control...

Re: Unrelated Health Issue

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 5:05 am
by Polar Bear
Eefall, without me going back over the threads again (it's 6am here in UK) has dr had an opportunity to comment on the causation of the numbness in your fingers.

Re: Unrelated Health Issue

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 1:26 pm
by EeFall
Polar Bear wrote:Eefall, without me going back over the threads again (it's 6am here in UK) has dr had an opportunity to comment on the causation of the numbness in your fingers.

They ran tests of the nerves and there is a nerve that passes down the arm right over the elbow that is not getting the conductivity that it should. I assumed it was from driving with my left arm on the window ledge so I stopped doing that. After a few weeks it virtually went away so I assumed that was the problem. They mentioned that it could be further up my arm though like my shoulder but I told them about resting my arm while driving and everyone hoped that was it.

The other deal is that I have a neck pain, if I am sitting in my recliner as now and lay my head back the right side of my neck in the back hurts because I have a disk that was compressed in my spinal cord in my neck. They found it in an MRI a few years ago because I had gone to see about the pain. I think it was partially ruptured. Nothing became of it though because the cure was worse than the pain. It involved surgery that could leave me paralyzed which of course I declined and they thought it was too risky too.

So it could actually be a result of that. Not sure why it would be worse now, maybe age along with gravity could do it. In other words it seems at first that it would not get worse but maybe as we age the muscles atrophy, if that is the correct term, which hold the neck up and they lose the battle a little, along with the disks aging, along with the bones and the constant downward push from gravity, it just gets worse over time.

The moral of the story is to not lose ones brakes while coming down a very steep hill you just climbed with a motorcycle as a 16 year old and wake up 20 feet in front of your motorcycle at the bottom of a ravine (from landing on ones head) :lol:

ps Things are working again, now I just have to wait again and see for how long.

Re: Unrelated Health Issue

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 2:15 pm
by Polar Bear
Indeed.... We have all done things as kids and teens and older, that in retrospect was unkind, damaging and downright abusive to our bodies I too have neck pain. I can't sleep on my left side without getting pain in my right neck and shoulder. And I can' t lie on my back without a neck pillow or a rolled up towel. Xrays just show degenerative change and physio does nothing. We learn to depend on the body parts that work best.

Glad you got going :)

Re: Unrelated Health Issue

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 7:51 pm
by EeFall
Polar Bear wrote:Indeed.... We have all done things as kids and teens and older, that in retrospect was unkind, damaging and downright abusive to our bodies I too have neck pain. I can't sleep on my left side without getting pain in my right neck and shoulder. And I can' t lie on my back without a neck pillow or a rolled up towel. Xrays just show degenerative change and physio does nothing. We learn to depend on the body parts that work best.

Glad you got going :)

So what would a lass from Northern Ireland be doing to have neck pain as the years past? :)

Re: Unrelated Health Issue

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 9:23 pm
by Polar Bear
Ha Ha... no wild growing up stories or motor bikes, never ever been on a motor bike.
I was thinking more falling off a push bike, no such thing as safety pads or helmets, we were lucky if the second or third or fourth hand bike had brakes and mine was far too big for me, had to use a wall to get onto it and hedge or the like to get off it.
Getting a first home and doing work that was - in hindsight - probably much too heavy for a woman but didn't even think to stop and wonder about long term and later difficulties. In our youth we believe we are invincible.

Re: Unrelated Health Issue

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 2:50 am
by ViewsAskew
Polar Bear wrote:Ha Ha... no wild growing up stories or motor bikes, never ever been on a motor bike.
I was thinking more falling off a push bike, no such thing as safety pads or helmets, we were lucky if the second or third or fourth hand bike had brakes and mine was far too big for me, had to use a wall to get onto it and hedge or the like to get off it.
Getting a first home and doing work that was - in hindsight - probably much too heavy for a woman but didn't even think to stop and wonder about long term and later difficulties. In our youth we believe we are invincible.

The stories I could tell about my invincibility! Broken collar bone (twice), multiple broken toes, a few broken fingers, broken hand (both, once each), broken zygomatic arch, broken pelvic bone, two front teeth chipped half way off....all related to horses, bicycles, fast cars, and me being stupid between ages 6 and 18, lol. Well, both broken hands were in my 40's (trip/fall both times) and a few toes came in my 20's through 40's. Let's hope that I manage my fifties a bit better :-).

Re: Unrelated Health Issue

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 4:14 am
by EeFall
Polar Bear wrote:Ha Ha... no wild growing up stories or motor bikes, never ever been on a motor bike.
I was thinking more falling off a push bike, no such thing as safety pads or helmets, we were lucky if the second or third or fourth hand bike had brakes and mine was far too big for me, had to use a wall to get onto it and hedge or the like to get off it.
Getting a first home and doing work that was - in hindsight - probably much too heavy for a woman but didn't even think to stop and wonder about long term and later difficulties. In our youth we believe we are invincible.

I didn't have a helmet for my motorcycle, hence the neck injury I suppose, I just brushed it off and never told my parents or then the motorcycle might have appeared dangerous to my mom and I couldn't have that :lol: I was not invincible but was extremely lucky with a kind of sixth sense which saved me many times from going to the party that would get busted or driving in the wrong car that ended up crashing. I wonder about that sometimes, I have had amazing close calls over the years, even now with all the health problems like prostate cancer, I seem to be lucky enough (so far - knock on wood) to get past them. Life is so short though it probably makes little difference in the long run. If I live to be 59 or 109 it won't matter much 100 years from now.