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The Freeze

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:26 am
by Walking After Midnight
Man, I gotta get warm.
This winter. It's only been here a little over two months and it feels like we've been couped up in this house for a year. I think we've had less than a couple hours of sunlight this year. It's been grey all the time. Yeah that was redundant but so has this Winter been. The lake is rolling over icy waves and the spray feels like tiny nails. Speaking of that, we haven't been able to see across the lake for a month. It's just cold and grey. What else is there to say? The trees are even grey and the ground is white or dirty grey or brown. Everything is either wet or froze or both. We keep refilling the Windshield Washer Fluid resevoir so we can wipe that mucky brown dirty wintery steel mill stuff off. I went out the other morning and couldn't get in my truck. The doors were frozen shut. Solid. The furnace hasn't shut off since I started typing. The cold goes right up and down your back, right through to the bone. It's brutal. Grab your coat and hat and gloves and let the car warm up.
Everyone get out your aerosol cans and lets get this global warming thing on track.

Tomorrow is supposed to dip down into single digits or low teens. I'm not leaving this house. I'll be sitting down here by the fireplace, napping and reading and watching TV whenever there's anything worth watching. Bravo's Next Runway Model isn't for me, I'll watch the latest DVR'ed "Monk" episode.

I feel like we should have a Moose hanging on our kitchen wall, like Susan does way up Nort' dere.
I want to hybernate. Lord knows I've been storing up fat reserves. That's another thing. It's going to finally turn into Spring someday and I'll have to buy all new clothes to go outside in...if this long winter of my discontent keeps on the same pace. I'll have to learn to say..."Hey hey hey".

I want some green grass and leaves. You ever see "Groundhog Day"? With Bill Murray? He's in Punxatawney PA in the dead of Winter, everyone is having a good time but him. He's a newsman covering the resident groundhog. They ask him for a quote about Winter...he says something like "You want to know about Winter? I'll tell you about's gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey and it's gonna last the rest of your Life"
It feels like that.
I want to take the bike out for a ride in the country, wash the truck in the driveway, go to a flea market or something and just walk around outside.
I don't want to live in Northwest Indiana anymore.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:35 am
by SquirmingSusan
Wow, good eye noticing that moose! I hear you about the weather up here in the northlands. Our highs over the weekend are supposed to be in the single digits, and the windchills way below zero. I'll stay home and hug my embroidery machine. Maybe make some soup for the restless natives to eat.

I used to love winter, back when we got snow. Now we get snow, and then it melts, and then it freezes into ice, and then it rains. Then I can't ski because the snow is solid ice. It's not fair. All the good storms go to the north of us or to the south of us. They split as they come by the twin cities.

Yup, it's gray and gloomy here as well. And lately there has been haze just about every day. I guess that's better than fog every day like we have had some winters. Usually about by March, I'm ready to pack my bags and move to San Francisco. Someday... When I make my first million with my embroidery machine. :wink:

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:11 am
by Neco
I liked snow when I was a kid and could tunnel through it... Lord knows we have the snow to do it right now, even adult sized tunnels, hah..

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:58 pm
by Polar Bear
Hey guys, we got 10 degrees celsius, sunshine and brushed up some leaves this morning without wearing a coat.
Last year I experienced the novelty of -25 celsius in Canada which was fabulous.
However, back to our sunshine and the primroses already in bloom.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 4:24 pm
by tazzer
i love winter and the more snow the better...we don't get enough here in northern va.

wishing for snow


Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:09 pm
by moonlight
Yes Betty thats what we had today, it was beautifull and mild enough for no jackets.
In my garden i have primroses which have been in bloom for about a month!
I is nice to see the sun after the grey days weve been having.

moonlight :P

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:48 pm
by cmoore1958
It's in the upper 70's here today, light wind and mostly sunny. I even had to turn the A/C on for a bit to make the house comfortable. My husband and I ran errands on dry streets with the windows down in the car. T-shirt and jeans or shorts on the venu. The local car washes had cars lined up as deep as possible (I wish I had thought of that concept, I'd be rich today. :) )

I too liked the snow when I was small and went sledding in southern IL. Then at 19 years of age I moved to Oregon with my family and got more snow and ice than I care to ever have again. I have pictures and they will do me just fine. I'm now back home in Texas and loving it more than ever.


Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:36 pm
by tazzer
lived in texas my whole life except the past 4 yrs and i had enough heat and humidity

snow snow snow


Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:53 pm
by becat
LOL I feel a bit like Dee about winter, we have none in Texas and could sure use some.

hate the heat and humidity.

Randy, you and Tami pack a bag and come on down. 60s and 70s most of the week here. I'll let y'all have the spare bedroom. Just don't mind the 2 cats and the 90 lb. lap puppy. LOL

Stay warm Brother.

Love Lynne

The Freeze

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:06 am
by lorabell
If y'all will send me your home addresses, I'll be more than happy to mail you some snow. And if you want wind, I will do what I can to catch it and send it with the snow.
I also hve ice if your interested. LOL
Howling winds and our wind chill as of now, 4 Am, is minus 24.
I am almost green with envy to Charleene and anyone else with a temp. of anything over 30 degrees right now.! I want SPRING , NOW ! I want budding trees and the smell of new mowed grass, a good thunderstorm even !
OK, for the upteenth time, I am trying to get to bed. About the time I get ready to sign out, poor vickie wakes up crying. Her throat, her eyes, chest. I hate having a sick child. they feel so bad and not much you can do. I have tried everything I know, inhaling steam, cold compress, don't have vicks to rub her chest.
Hugs to all

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 12:23 pm
by Polar Bear
Hi Lorabell, Olbas Oil on the pillow is usually good to help clear the nasal passages. The old saying, it takes 7 days if treated, 7 days if not treated.... looks like lots of cuddles in the meantime.


Lotion ?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 4:09 pm
by lorabell
Thanks Polar Bear.
Now for my question , What is this stuff ? I didn't even think to arm myself with kids meds like I usually do for the winter.
Another night like this one and I'll be thinking I am back to when my rls/plmd was at it's worst.!
Poor Vickie, all grandma had for a cough was the kind I don't even like to take, and here I was trying to convince her it wasn't that bad.
I did have her put a towel over her head and inhale the steam from the hot water. After we finnished fighting over that and the cough syrup, we had to cuddle and she finally slept.
Still have plwnty of snow to anyone who wants it, and wind. BRR.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:04 pm
by Polar Bear
Olbas Oil comes in a little glass bottle with a 'dropper'. Usually to be found in any pharmacy or even in the larger supermarkets. It has menthol and the like, and you drop in onto the pillow or the front of clothing so the vapours can help you breathe. It is not just for children but best to read any labels. I just assumed it would be available worldwide.

Good luck with the patient :wink:


Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:18 pm
by SquirmingSusan
I can find some of the Olba's products in local health food stores, but they usually don't carry the whole line. I love the bath oil that makes the whole house smell like Eucalyptus.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 11:07 pm
by KBear
Hey Randy, I read a large chunk of your rant to my husband, he has been in a similar frame of mind lately. His plan is to just get into the car one of these days and drive south until gets warm. Maybe we'll go visit Lynn. :wink:

At least the sun was out today but there is more snow on the way tonight and tomorrow. We already broke the seasonal snow record so it can just stop now and spring can come. My mailbox is in the middle of a snow bank, it is completely covered. My patio has waist high drifts.

I want to cook steaks on the grill and sip a glass of wine on the patio while the sun sets. SUmmer can not come fast enough.