Wonderful day

Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Wonderful day

Post by Rubyslipper »

I just had the most wonderful day today and wanted to share it with you. A friend, my daughter and I went to the Apple Festival at a near-by town and spent the day. We walked around and looked at all the craft booths, all the weird people (do they hide in the woods until something like this comes along? I mean, where are these people on regular days of the week?), ate funnel cakes and enjoyed a wonderful sunny, fall day. Amber and I sang Karaoke (sp?) to a less-than thrilled crowd. At least they didn't throw things at us.

We ate lunch at a beautiful little tea shop. They had the real thing with scones, clotted cream and cucumber sandwiches. I felt quit like the Queen for awhile.

I bought a walking stick, something I had wanted for a long time. It's made out of Hickory and is polished smooth. Can't wait to hunt mushrooms next spring.

Okay, if any guys have hung around this long, it gets better. After getting home, hubby asks if I want to go to the pond to fish. I said no at first but he looked so wistful that I changed my mind. Late afternoon at the pond, sun still shining. I made three casts and landed a 2 1/2 lb bass. Fun!! We caught 8-10 more little ones and finally quit when the fish did right before dark.

Had to check the cows for new babies. We had taken the four-wheeler to the pond so just ran up around the pasture checking things out. All the little baby calves would stop and watch for a little while then run like crazy back to momma. Sure enough there was a calf, no ear-tag. Trouble was this little calf was probably 3-4 days old. Now if the baby is just born or a day old, you can catch them easy, hold them down and put in the ear tag. Once they are this old, they don't let you come close. So Kenny dropped me off with the 3 fishing poles while he rodeos around the pasture on the 4-wheeler and a lasso. Finally manages to rope the calf then yells for me to come get the ear tag ready. So here I go running across the pasture with 3 fishing poles, trying to miss the cow piles while he's yelling to hurry up. We get the calf tagged, back to momma and head home under a beautifu crescent moon.

Like I said, what a wonderful day.
You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself! (Glinda of Oz)

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Post by becat »

Your a true Wrangler my Miss Ruby. 2.5 lbs Bass, you go girl. :D

It sounds just awesome, what a day indeed. Of course, I only assume that you took off your crown before the calf roping/tagging time. One would not want cow pies on the crown, you know.

Aww the days we can go from high tea to leaping around cow patties! Where have they gone? LOL

I'm so glad you had today. It made me happy just to read about it. Yahoo and hugs to you soon.


Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

What a wonderful, idyllic, and happy day.

I wish you many more...... sigh..... :D
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Post by jan3213 »

Awww, that does sound like a wonderful day! Almost perfect, I'd say. Sounds like you are taking the advice to stop and smell the roses. Thanks for sharing.

Love ya
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Post by WAM »

Reminds me of a Lou Reed song called "Perfect Day".

Anyway Ruby it would've been so nice to hear you and Amber singing Karaoke. What song?

So...what'd you get the Largemouth on? Spinnerbait? Crankbait? Plastic Worm? Ready for the Bassmaster Classic yet? Man, that's fun stuff. We used to fish all night at Flint Lake in Valpo, believe it or not we used a black plastic worm, the irony being it was the middle of the night and the worm is black plus it's the quietest lure out there but we'd kill em. My brother in law and me. So much fun. 3 and 5 pounders all the time.

Also, I want your life, the 4-wheeler, the pond, the calves...just sounds like such a great place to be.

Good Day Ruby.

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Post by Scarlett46 »

Sounds like a truly wonderful day!

Also, I want your life, the 4-wheeler, the pond, the calves...just sounds like such a great place to be.

I always thought I'd marry a farmer...
I ended up with a man who hates mowing the lawn!!! LOL
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Post by Rubyslipper »

We sang "Daddy's Hands" by Holly Dunn (that's just a special one we like and have sung before) and "Desperado" by the Eagles (my solo). Wasn't beautiful but it was fun!

Caught that bass on a really strange looking lure. A V-shaped wire with a silver spinner and hook on one end and a yellow lure on the other. I caught 4 others on that before getting hung up and losing it. Didn't get a single bite after that on any lure I tried. Usually we use grasshoppers but it's about too late in the year for that.

You know, I gripe about the work a lot on the farm but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Then ask me again about February! :cry: Isabelle was here on Sunday for a big family dinner. She finally got to feed the cows after supper. Kenny told her to go tell her mom they were going. She ran into the kitchen, said "I go PePaw feed cows and and EVERYTHING!!! On the "everything" she just threw out her arms. I haven't seen a kid that excited in a long time. Off they went. My dad was there and he told me that even though she was just 2, she'd never forget feeding the cows with Pepaw. She calls my parents "Grandpa and Grandpa".

Got to hold her for just minute as she was explaining that the cows were hiding in the rain forest. My God what a precious bundle. Got a few hugs in before she got down.

Anyway, didn't mean to get off on all that. Just know that anytime you all want to taste the farm life, come on down, up or over. I'll be glad to share.
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Post by HeatherB »

That sounds like an absolutely perfect day! Dodging cow pies and all!

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Post by WAM »

"Daddy's hands weren't always gentle but I grew to understand
there was always love in Daddy's hands"

It's Country Music at it's finest Rube.

I had a pretty good day yesterday.
My son and DIL brought the babies over. My DIL Nikki, baked me a Carrot cake, which is my favorite among all the cake species.
I got home from work though, and since I don't feel all that great because of this head cold making it's way down into my chest so I asked Tami to wake me up when they got there 'cause I was gonna take a nap.
So here comes Olivia my grandbaby into the room..."Papa, we're here"
I wake up and stumble upstairs and everybody's there and the cake is sitting on the counter which I greet before anyone else.
I get eye level with the cake, bending over, smiling ear to ear. I go, "Man, that is a beautiful cake. It's awesome. I don't think I can wait til after dinner to dig into that puppy" and I notice nobody is saying anything. So I look around and everyone is just staring at me like I'm a big dummy. I go "What?"
And Nikki takes the LID off the cake. It was the most realistic porcelin cake lid I've ever seen. But the carrot cake underneath looked good too and more importantly, (I've had three pieces since) tastes really good although at this point in my chubby life, it's the last thing I need sitting around talking to me everytime I walk into the Kitchen.

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Post by Rubyslipper »

What a great thing to do, make a carrot cake for you. Tells me just a little more about you. Must have been a special evening...like birthday or something? HMMM!!?? Don't hold out on us here, 'cause I like to celebrate other people's birthdays.

You've been having a heck of a time here lately. Now it's a nasty cold. But don't those little grandbaby voices always make you feel better?

Hope you are feeling better and whatever you were celebrating, hope it was great!
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Mmmm, I love special baked gifts! That ranks pretty high on the all time nicest things someone can do for someone else. Sounds like a lovely time was had by all, and maybe even helped you forget about the head cold.
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