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A little sad

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 4:21 pm
by Polar Bear
It's that time of the year. Xmas cards start appearing in the shops.
Yesterday I casually looked at them, looking for one for son who lives on the other side of the world - I would be fussy about what a card actually says.

We keep in touch daily by email, more than daily, several times daily. I think email is excellent but has taken the place of a real telephone call, and doesn't make the phone call so vital. (This is likely just from the perspective of a mum who thinks actually hearing a voice is important).

Anyway last night we had a phone conversation.... so why am I so sad.
What with the phone call, reading the verses on the cards.... it just reinforces how much he is missed. I've been holding back on the tears all of today. Its a year since he was last home.

Ah well..... gotta get the dinner ready for the rest of the family .....

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:05 pm
by SquirmingSusan
Of course you're sad that your son is so far away. It's completely understandable. The life of a mom isn't for wimps, is it! We give ourselves so totally to our children, and then they grow up and move on.

Mine will likely be going away to college next year; he hopes to go to MIT, in Boston. Just the thought of him being that far away makes me crazy, and he would be home for holidays and summers. I have to enjoy him while he's here, I guess, and not think too far ahead.

Back in the days when the internet was new, we used to send people little .wav files of us talking. I'm guessing that's still possible nowadays. Maybe have your son send you a voice message or a video message? It's still not the same as having them right there with you, but maybe it would help to have something you could play on your computer, so you could hear his voice when you want?

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:36 pm
by Polar Bear
Talk about coincidence, when my son was heading for university, MIT was one of his options, but then thought it was too big a step from UK at only 18 yrs.

Thank you for your thoughts Susan, I have now settled, more or less. Every now and then the feelings just get a bit strong, a bit like looking through an old photo album.

Yes, there is the web cam etc. but I hate all that delayed speech etc.

I've gotten over it, and am just glad that no matter where he has been in the world, when back packing etc. he was always kept in close touch.

I mean, you'd think I'd have more sense, its 15 years since he lived at home full time. ..... What am I not like :roll: :roll:

I should be grateful, and think of the people who have lost touch with loved ones.

When your son goes to MIT you will have to make the most of the holiday breaks. Its all about growing up, and letting go.

I tell him I miss him, but he hasn't a clue that at times I am blubbering away like an idiot :)
Yes, being a mom isn't for wimps.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:21 am
by ViewsAskew
I don't think it matters a whit 15 days, 15 years or 50 years....being away from your child is always hard for most moms, and many dads. You raise your children to be good people, to make a positive impact in the world, to enjoy life and be a good citizen. That often means making choices, their choices, that take them far away from us.

Mixed with that sadness is also a bit of pride that they have such rich lives that take them other places. And happiness that they are finding their way in the world. It's just a bittersweet mix.