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The guys should read this also.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:52 am
by Polar Bear
I'll tell you of a situation that happened recently with my best friend's daughter and daughter's husband.

They have a toddler of 18 months and another baby due in August. Mom (we will call her A) is a teacher and so gets the school summer break.
Dad (we will call him B) is an IT whizz. For many years Dad and his friends go each summer on a week's golf holiday.

Recently when out socially with Dad's friend and his wife, the friend says with a smile ..... Does this mean 'A' won't allow you to go on the golf holiday this August.
'A' speaks up full of sweetness and says... 'B' is his own man and decides himself what he wants to do, If he wants to golf then of course he can golf.

Later at home Dad 'B' says to Mom 'A' -- That was really nice of you about the golfing holiday, do you really not mind if I go. !!!!

Dad 'B' has a lot to learn..... lol

Re: The guys should read this also.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:56 am
by rthom
Now that's just mean spirited---And funny too!!! lol :lol: :lol:

Re: The guys should read this also.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:55 pm
by ViewsAskew
With a second child due and a toddler and he really thinks he can go on holiday!???? He definitely has a lot to learn!

Re: The guys should read this also.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:00 am
by EeFall
My son and his wife have a 3 year old daughter who never stops and a 6 month old daughter who prefers staying up all night, they also just bought a new home with more room and have to deal with that also, it's 60 years old, a dog that has been moody since they moved, and besides that they both work...they need a vacation they look wornout. :lol: No doubt my daughter in-law would totally flipout visa versa if one of them were to leave for a vacation...don't think it would even be possible :lol: