This Gorgon mess.....

Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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This Gorgon mess.....

Post by Neco »

Screw you mother nature..

Ann, back me up on this :evil:

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Re: This Gorgon mess.....

Post by ViewsAskew »


Oh, it's snowing! And VERY cold here. I think quite a bit of snow is expected by morning. Hubby said that he'd know at 6 AM if work was going to close for the day...except he would have to shovel/snowblow at 5 AM if he was to get to work if it is open. I told him to screw work and just be late - if they can't decide until 6, then there is NO way I'd be shoveling before hand.

But, nothing could be as bad as last year. It was SO freakin' cold....

Last night, we were watching an episode of the West Wing (didn't watch it when it was on) and they were in a southern US state with green trees and warm weather. I looked at hubby, looked outside, and said, "So, when are we leaving?????"
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: This Gorgon mess.....

Post by Rustsmith »

Ann, don't count on green trees and green grass this time of year in the South, at least not this year. Besides, we may not have your snow, but would you be prepared for three months of heat and humidity? By heat, I mean temperatures above 90F with humidity of 80+ percent so that the heat index is above 100 during the afternoon and 90 most of the rest of the day (yes, even at night).

We are expecting a hard freeze tomorrow night when your current winter blast hits the Gulf Coast. The freeze we had last night was good because it helped reduce the number of insects and weeds. However, the prediction for tomorrow night is temperatures below 20F just 10 miles north of me. That threatens a lot of things that we don't normally have to worry about. The cold hardy lemon trees that I just planted are going to have to be protected. It will also be a late Christmas present to every plumber in town because of all the broken pipes that will need to be repaired on Thursday. It has been about ten years since we had anything quite this cold.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Re: This Gorgon mess.....

Post by Neco »

I don't remember it being too cold last year, at least not over here. I mean sure it was cold, but Sunday -> Monday overnight went down to like -30F and did not rise back up to 0/1 F until around noon and then sat there the rest of the day

And now we're gonna have to go out and clear sidewalks AGAIN.

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Re: This Gorgon mess.....

Post by ViewsAskew »

I used to live not far from you, Steve. Those summers were brutal!!!! But, I surely did like disc golfing in January :-0).

Neco, it was MUCH worse last winter! I know because of my rain barrels. In a normal year, I leave them about half full and there are multiple thaws throughout the winter where I can draw water and fill the jugs I use for my indoor plants. Last year they froze early - before I could empty them. They never thawed until April. I couldn't even open a spigot, let alone drain a drop.

This year, it froze solid early - I was out of town -but it's thawed twice already. I moved one inside so I'd have it available.

I didn't get as cold here as it did where you are. Always fascinates me how much a few hours difference can make in temp. But, the snow was a PITA for hubby to snowblow this morning.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: This Gorgon mess.....

Post by debbluebird »

It has been really cold here lately. Otherwise, this year's fall was so nice this year. We have about a foot of snow on the ground now. Northern Colorado

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Re: This Gorgon mess.....

Post by Neco »

Supposed to hit -50F with windchill this thursday :cry:

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Re: This Gorgon mess.....

Post by ViewsAskew »

Yeah, I heard -30F here on Wednesday night, I think. It's up to 13F on Thursday during the day!

I just went to the store for some fresh fruit, veggies, and other perishables I was out of. I didn't want to go tonight - it is about 5F now - but I knew I wasn't going tomorrow (zero F for the high).
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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