Requip Medication vs. Weight Gain

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Requip Medication vs. Weight Gain

Post by nheimerle »

I have decided to stop taking Requip because I have been gaining weight from it. What I have been doing is sleeping with my legs bent as though I were sitting down.

My legs only bother me at night when I lay down to sleep and they are
stretched out so I decided why not try and sleep with them bent as thought I were sitting down. It's been working for me. I do not feel a thing at night, I do however wake up with a slight pain in my legs but it goes away immediately after I start walking. So far so good. I will continue doing this for now and hope that it keeps on working. I hated the thought that I was gain all this weight and couldn't fit into my clothes.

Anyway, just wanted you to know in case anyone wants to try this method.


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Post by brandy »

I'm glad you found something that worked for you, Norma. I wish you continued success. It might not be a bad idea to consult your doctor regarding the rate at which you should stop the Requip, if you have not already quite cold turkey, as some people find that stopping the medication too quickly results in an increase in symptoms. Unfortunately, weight gain is a side effect for a number of medications used to treat RLS. Each of us reacts differently to medications and we have to decide what side effects we are willing to tolerate for how much relief. How encouraging that you are able to stop the Requip and find an alternative means of relief. You might check out the RLS rebel (, Jill Gunzel, who offers other ideas for controlling RLS without medication. Good luck!
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Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Oh please no... Requip is working for me at present, let's not have weight gain as well, cos I could do with losing 7 lbs for a wedding in 4 weeks!!!
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Many people don't gain weight - it seems to cause some of us to have more compulsions that we did - sort of "out" any addictive behavior we have.
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Post by sardsy75 »

I lost 36kgs between June 2004 & June 2005 ... mainly due to using Cabaser (cabergoline), which completely suppressed my appetite. I was 96kgs and ended up being 65kgs, which is actually the right weight for my height.

I started Requip/Repreve in June 2006 and have put the whole lot back on in six months.

I wouldn't say that Requip/Repreve has increased my appetite at all as my stomach had shrunk so much from the Cabaser that I still eat fairly small meals. Methinks its something to do with Requip/Repreve and metabolism.

As Ann said, everyone reacts differently to each medication.

I dont like being the weight I am again and will have to discuss this with my Sleep Doc when I next call her about a Drug Holiday.

Take care all :)

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weight gain

Post by ripcord »

This is a tough one- for the first time in my life (I'm 45) I can fall asleep with the TV on, lights, etc. and sleep through the night with no leg sensations. I too am getting fat, though. I ride a bike, I swim, I walk, I am on a gluten free diet (celiac disease) which is actually relatively healthy but the weight keeps coming and not going.

Can the doc prescribe something to help with this?

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weight gain

Post by ripcord »

This is a tough one- for the first time in my life (I'm 45) I can fall asleep with the TV on, lights, etc. and sleep through the night with no leg sensations. I too am getting fat, though. I ride a bike, I swim, I walk, I am on a gluten free diet (celiac disease) which is actually relatively healthy but the weight keeps coming and not going.

Can the doc prescribe something to help with this?

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Rip, my partner has CD - part of the weight may be the GF diet. We've really had to watch it. Those GF flours/starches are much more calorie dense. Besides, you body is finally absorbing nutrients - that means calories, too. That was a shock for him, I know. He can't eat everything he wants anymore.

Also could be the Requip. Nothing they can do that I know of. I think you just have to be very, very vigilant about what you eat. Of course, you could switch drugs. . .but since this is working. . .
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Post by lizbestill »

I took Requip for a year or so, and I gained weight taking it. I had to eat something before I took it, but most of the time it would make me sick, so you wouldn't think I would gain weight like that but I did. Now I take Mirapex which has most of its effectiveness, hope the neuro can help next week. Elizabeth

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