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Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 6:32 pm
by becat
LOL I love it.
I'm as good as it get right now. Honestly I'm good with that.
I needed that giggle.
Love Lynne

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 10:40 pm
by Penguinrocks
Lynne...wait til you hear this...Congressman Tierney...he's in DC and is from my district has appointed this little penguin to be on a committee to help better services for servicepeople...
this is a nationwide effort I believe...
I'll be able to help your boy!!!! do you believe it???

I love the fact you have "me" next to your computer...i still have the dried flowers and teddy bear you and my Jannie sent me...

Kathleen's doing a 30 hour famine to help raise money to fight famine. she's locked up in the church til tomorrow am....

Witch hunts? JUST THE TIP OF MY ICEBERG! w00t!

if ANYONE here wants to get in touch with me

or AIM log in opuspenwin

opusdpenguin on MSN


Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:28 am
by Rubyslipper
Queen Ann, your majesty, please add to your list of things to be done; computers that allow us to touch each other. Oh how I wish I could just hug you all...for my comfort as much as yours. Becat, tell me more about what you went through (PM me if you want). I'm not inot gory details but I've been having so much pelvic pain lately and they can't find a single thing wrong. I've been through every test they can think of and the pain just keeps on. Since this is a venting thread, here goes. I'm not sleeping again, my meds are not working as well for my legs, I hurt so badly. You know, I don't think I even want to get into it. Let's just leave it that the past several weeks have been miserable. But I do love to hear from and about each and every one of you. Penguin, glad to hear from you. Becat, the moon was full this week and I thought of you so much. All of you actually. Right now everyone seems so far away. I just hate that. Well, this just makes no sense at all so I'd better just quit and call it a night. I hope each and every one of you has a better tomorrow.

venting just venting

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:54 am
by ctravel12
Hi Rubslipper I am so sorry that you are having so much pain and drs cannot tell you anything. Sorry that your rls is acting up again too and your meds are not working. I wish there is something that I could do for you except just listen to you and I certainly do not mind that.

venting just venting

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 4:01 am
by ctravel12
I do not know if my meds are working properly or what. My legs have been bothering me the last few weeks. I still take the clonazapem and added mirapex about two months or so ago. I only take .125mg and out of that I cut them in half so that should not be the problem. We are planning a trip next Friday and will be driving all day so hope all goes well. Do not know if I should stop the mirapex or what. I am a quandry as what to do. Thanks for listening. I know my dh is concerned as he knows what happened to me when I took requip. It is not as bad as when I was taken requip. It comes and goes. Everyone have a good weekend and thanks again for listening.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:06 am
by ViewsAskew
I hope you are not augmenting Charlene. Keep an eye on it (like you have any choice - you'll be awake every night).

venting just venting

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:48 pm
by ctravel12
Thanks Ann I was thinking about that, but it only happens in the early evening; however I went to Good Friday services yesterday afternoon at 3pm and it started there. I have to say it is not as bad as when I took Requip and I only take a very small mg.

I have been running around lately getting things done for the support group that I will be having on April 26th and we are leaving to go out of town next Friday and will not return the 24th late so hopefully I am not stressing myself out as I know that can definitely trigger it.

Thanks for your concern.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:23 pm
by Rubyslipper
Charlene, I'm on clonazepam and Mirapex too. They've worked gret for me for quite a while, just every now and then nothing seems to work. It sounds like you are working yourself to a frazzle so make sure to take care of yourself. Becat, hope you are feeling better and let us know all about (or what you want to tell us) your son coming home. What a wonderful day! Ann, has your crown come in yet? You will make a GREAT queen!

venting just venting

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:49 pm
by ctravel12
Thanks Rubyslipper. I took both my meds last night and will see what happens. The strange thing is that it does not happen everynight, so I may be stressing myself out. Thank for being so concerned. This is one reason that I love this board as everyone gives so much support and really appreciate that.

Have a good day and hope all goes well for you too.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 4:00 pm
by SquirmingSusan
Charlene dear, I do hope its not augmentation. You've already been through that, so you'll probably have a clue if it happens. Can you take another dose of the Mirapex earlier in the evening? Maybe your RLS is just getting worse. I hope not, but it does happen.

And do quit working yourself to a frazzle. That's never good. Take care of yourself - you know what they say on airplanes - in case of loss of cabin pressure, PUT THE OXYGEN MASK ON YOURSELF FIRST.


venting just venting

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 4:21 pm
by ctravel12
Hi Susan and thanks for your concern. I am not sure if it is the mirapex as I take such a low dosage, but will take in consideration your suggestion.

Last night my legs felt like I was pulling extra weight around than the normal, but today I am doing fine.

Yes, I know I have to slow down on what I do as I am my own worst enemy.

Thanks again.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 8:36 pm
by Rubyslipper
If you DO end up working yourself to a frazzle, have someone take a picture; I've always wondered what that looked like! LOL Take care of yourself because we love you!

venting just venting

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 2:39 am
by ctravel12
Hey Rubyslipper Too bad I do not know how to put my picture on the board, but then that would probably scare all of the newbies away and everyone else LOL.

Love all of you too. Also I hope that we can all decide if we want to make plans to meet in June.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 5:50 am
by ViewsAskew
Susan, you are absolutely welcome in my Queendom. I'll continue formulating my rules. . .a queen must have rules, you know.

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 3:30 am
by becat
Miss Penguin,
I had to go to bed last night after I read your post, I was so happy and crying.
I pray hard that they notice every ounce you put into to our finest men and woman.
You need ideas I got the people to give them to you. A whole Marine Famile group here. More Oh Rahs than the eye can handle. LOL ooooh rahhhhh.
I'm so very proud of you. And honestly, you not only deserve this, you will certainly be a angel for so very many.
Yeah I believe that, I have to live with hope that wonderful things just like this happen. And they do, God is Good.
And just think a new start for Easter Weekend, Awesome.
I'm stressing so bad about all this military stuff, 4 yrs...OMGosh don't ever let me go Penguin, Never.
I love you too and I asked the hubby, he said yes, probably late summer or fall. Yahoo. Girlfriend I get to hug you for real. :D
Congrats, my sweet friend. I'm always here for you.
Love and our moon
Miss Ruby, we do have to talk. :D