Can someone help me with my test results?

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Can someone help me with my test results?

Post by kahndee »

I got a copy of my test results, but don't understand them. Can someone help?

PLM Statistics
All EMG.Tibialis_____Number_____Index
LM w/ Arousals_____77__________13.3
PLM w/ Arousals____37__________6.4

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Joined: Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:49 pm

Post by trevb »

LM is leg movements
LM with arousal is leg movements that woke you up (or aroused you )
PLM is periodic leg movements
PLM with arousal is the same again.

im not sure about the difference between Lm and PLM but i think it is to describing the two type of movements- the PLM (the kicking/jerking that is out of your control) movements and any other leg movements thats not this (ie wiggling your leg to stop the rls feelings, fidgeting your legs etc).
im not sure how the rersluts are but it seems like ALOT of movement and would go somewhat to explain why you may be feeling extremely tired (as i assume that is probably the case!)

what is your doctor going to do with this info and is he/she going to sit down with you and explain the esults?


Post by kahndee »

I knew what the abbr. were, but didn't understand what the leg movements part was, so that was really helpful. I don't understand what the number and index means. Does the number mean per hour or per night and how does that correlate with the index.

The dr told me I have PLMD, but I know I also have moderate RLS (urge to move legs, painful knees, etc). He didn't show me the results. Anyway, he gave me Clonazepam to take at bedtime and to straighten things out with my psych because I'm on antidepressants. The worst of which is the Prozac. I was diagnosed with depression 12 years ago and have been taking antidepressants off and on since then. Now I'm wondering if I even have depression (possibly Bi-Polar II) and that I've been depressed because I haven't slept past stage 2 in years. Seems kind of messy, but I'm just trying to gather as much information as possible to try and understand what this is and what meds are out there so I will be prepared to see the psych. I don't know what he will be able to do other than take me off my meds, but we'll find out Monday.

Thanks for listening and your help.

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Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:26 am

Post by grandmawowo »

Have you asked your Dr. to check your ferrintin levels? It needs to be at least 50 and you have to ask for it. Ferrintin is not a usual test, but for us, it is a must.
grandma wowo ( helps to store iron in the blood if my brain is working right. Also, is a fantastic site for us!!!!!



Post by kahndee »

I did have the ferritin checked and it was 41 point something so I have been taking the iron and vit c. That can supposedly take months to up the level. I heard that sometimes taking iron supplements may not matter because your body can have a problem absorbing it.

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Post by ksxroads »

Dear Kahndee,

For many years I thought it must be depression as they couldn't find anything wrong with me and they treated me for depression quite a few times ... yet then when things wouldn't improve, I'd keep diaries, I would listen to my body and try to explain, developed all types of coping skills try to do it on my own, things would get worse, and I would gain some assertive drive from self pep talk and be back on the fight to find what it is... what a vicious cycle...

Thankfully, I learned about RLS this year, and found this website. Still it has not been easy, and frustration level was extremely high when last week the newest doctor mentioned that I might be bi polar... just an observation he says, from things I hear you say... Of course my depression level was high - bad reaction to medication he wanted to treat me with, and his being the fifth doctor/ or specialist since July - relaying the story from the beginning again no sleep yes I probably looked the depressed bag under the eye lady I r ...

Yet with the support and information from this forum, I regrouped, armed myself with printouts went in for my followup visit and presented my situation again... husband there to support and provide additional details...

Low and behold he too had looked into RLS more closely and had suggestions... so even though some of the things I question ie writing the wrong name on script, your records are here just not in your folder - they are here somewhere in this building -- he probably could understand my agitation and sense of desperation better after reading on RLS ...

The one thing I did which helped me tremendously was to go through the list of medications which may contribute to the RLS problem and eliminate them. There is one anti depressant that seems to be less harmful among the list of medications, that you may want to try.

You will find your sense of self improving as you arm yourself with knowlege. The friendship and encouragement offered by the people here has been the best anti depressant I ever experienced.

The reason one has RLS is as varied as our symptoms... you are right increasing the ferritin levels may take time and may not help. Yet you are in a good place regardless, because you have some of the most capable RLS advocates here to encourage you and assist you in your journey towards the quality of life you deserve.

Looking forward to hearing from you, rowing madly, Hazel


Post by kahndee »

Thanks for speaking up about the bipolar II. I am going to see my psych tomorrow morning and will start the medication roller coaster that I love so much. It took such a long time to find the right combo of meds that I'm now on (prozac & wellbutrin).

I could never figure out why I felt mentally better, but physically tired ALL the time. My reg MD suggested a sleep study 2 years ago and I should have took her up on it then, but after leaving the office, brushed it off. I went on a mission trip to Thailand in August and when I came back, I just couldn't figure out why I was having such a hard time adjusting back to my time zone. After about a week, I was at the point of wanting to die one minute and being ok the next. I finally decided that I should do something about this. I assumed it was apnea because my daughter said I snored so much. After the test, they told me that it wasn't apnea. I was so disappointed and figured that it is just depression and that is just the way it's going to be for the rest of my life.

The MD surprised me at my follow up and came back with PLMD. I was so relieved! I now realize that I also have RLS (which I always assumed was just "nervous energy"). Compared to what others say, I'm glad that it seems somewhat mild. I'm waking up with "tired" legs that I never really noticed before so now I wonder if it's in my head, or am I just more aware because I know what's going on with my body.

I'm only at the beginning of this life change and am hoping that the bipolar II will be a changed diagnosis. I found that I have never gotten passed stage 2 sleep, no wonder I'm tired and depressed.

Anyway, thanks for posting back for this newbie! I look forward to the support I can get here as I go through the med -go-round.


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