RLS Rant

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RLS Rant

Post by Sleepdeprived »

Hi all, new here.
I started getting RLS about 13 years ago. At its worst, id get on my bicycle and ride. It never kept me up the whole night. I was taking Mirapex at the time.
For the last 10 years or so I had RLS minimally, maybe a handful of times a year and not severe.
Couple weeks ago I had stopped taking Abilify. I had to stop taking Adderall too, only because there's a shortage in my area.
Next thing, RLS was back with a vengeance. Worse than I've ever experienced. Pacing in my apt with no sleep. Watching the clock until 3am. It was time to get ready for work. Did this for at least 3 days. I was completely drained. Twice driving to work I almost hit a tree and almost jumped a curb.
Made an appt to see my sleep doc, December 18th! Nice...
Called my psych doc, she gave me 300mg Gabapentin. I ate 4 of them and slept. That was 2 days ago. My doc said I experienced the perfect storm, stopping the Adderall and Abilify.
I really thought I would either collapse from exhaustion or smash my car. Anyone experience this?

Polar Bear
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Re: RLS Rant

Post by Polar Bear »

Ah yes, us sufferers of rls are well versed in the effects of lack of sleep and are well used to feeling exhausted. Once, after only a couple of hours sleep, I was parking my car at work, took my foot off the pedal while in gear (manual gear stick) and hit the wall in front.
To confirm - Are you saying that your rls was only minimal (a handful of times a year and not severe) for the last ten years and it was the ceasing of these two meds that has kicked off your current symptoms.
Abilify and Adderall can actually often aggravate rls. Did you stop them cold turkey or did you wean off. Stopping anything cold turkey can cause issues.
I'm glad the Gabapentin helped you to sleep. What dosage were you actually prescribed as you know that taking more than prescribed will mean you will run out of the meds. And your doctor should know what dosage you are actually taking.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Re: RLS Rant

Post by Sleepdeprived »

I weaned off the Abilify. Adderall was cold turkey. None to be found. It's trickling back into the Pharmacies now.
Gabapentin was 1-300mg cap, 1 more if i needed it. Well, hehe taking 4 of those Gabapentin, I was a desperate man at that point. I would have chopped off my pinky to be able to sit for 5 minutes.

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