Compression stockings

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Compression stockings

Post by ddhafe »

I have been reading here about wrapping your legs for the pressure that seems to help some and I happen to have a pair of compression stockings that I got while in the hospital and so I tried them the last few nights and have to admit that it helped.

I was just looking on ebay and you can buy them there. I just ordered another pair. The cost is about $10 so I didn't think it was too bad. I bet I paid much more than that for the ones while in the hospital.

I can't remember who suggested them but it sure helped me.

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compression stockings

Post by Rumpleteaser »

Are these the plastic sleeves thast wrap around your legs, blow up and then let the air out, over and over??? I was in the hospital recently and was given those...I wanted to take them home with me! They are marvelous!

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Post by hypnotode »

They are great! I couldn't find anything just like them that was reasonably priced, but there are similar items to be had. Search under "massage boots", and you'll find a cheaper version. I had a pair that was blue, got for around $15 a few years ago. Loved them.
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Post by tazzer »

my mom has those leg things that air up and vibrate with heat, they work great but it getting them on and once you get them on, not getting disturbed while you have them on becasue you can't go anywhere when you have those things on.

I feel like a science project!!!

“The syndrome is so common that it should be known to every physician.”
Dr Karl Ekbom, 1945

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