Riding in a car

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Riding in a car

Post by johnto6 »

Why is it that I can drive 100 or 200 miles and not experience any symptoms, but if I'm a passenger, just sitting there is horrible. Isn't that strange?

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Post by Ridgerunner »

It has to do with keeping your mind busy. Not sure if any formal research here but somewhere I read while researching RLS (for a project) that activities like playing video games can stave off RLS symptoms.

I get symptoms whether a passenger or a driver.

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Post by tazzer »

same for me, whether i am driving or not i get the pain.

I feel like a science project!!!

“The syndrome is so common that it should be known to every physician.”
Dr Karl Ekbom, 1945

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Post by johnto6 »

i feel terrible for both of you. this is maddening enough as it is. I am really thankful that I don't have this all the time. I am very fearful, however, of ...what's the term? augmentation. My best to you both. Thanks for adding to my post. I am enjoying the input from everyone.

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Post by becat »

I would tell you like I would tell anyone new to the board, don't let us Old Timers and our stories scare you.
Augemnation is simply your body building a resistance (of sorts) to the dopamine medications. Your symptoms would come on ealier in the day and stronger than before the medication.
There are some many wonderful people that come to this baord and get scare off by reading around the board at some of the worst cases, but that does not mean the major part of our community.
Yes, there are many heart tugging stories here, we often share our deepest thoughts, fears, and struggles, but it's safe here, where everyone seems to understand. Yes, It's some of th ebest reading anyone will find on the subject of RLS, the doctors should visit here more often simply to learn from us. I would also say that many of us feel that we learn best from each other, so sharing is also a giving thing to do around here. You never know what you say will do for someone else.
But read and learn, don't let it bug you. none of us are the same, need the same meds or doses. We don't all progress at the same rate, there is tons of hope for anyone with RLS on this board.
As An Old Timer on this board I welcome all the newbies, with open arms, an ear to listen, maybe some helpful advice if I have it, but I would always want to have them to know that reading about me or some of the other Old Timers, doesn't mean that you'll go the same path we walk.
There is so much by the way of medications, treatment options, and research going on. If I have no fear, for the most part, you can breath easy.
And the car thing, I'll be glad when we can all use hover craft instead of cars. The vibrations are killer.
Hugs to all and always the moon

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Post by mel1963 »

I am so glad I am not alone - not only do I sometimes have to battle the RLS as a passenger in the car but then I get what I consider an anxiety attack or an attack of claustrophobia (sp) and just feel that I will loose my mind if I can't get out of the car - sometimes I feel that I can't breath, I take deep breaths and I just have to get out - walk around - cry - and deep breath then I can get back in the car and go again. Anyone with any suggestions -please help.

I take Requip at night but can't take it during the day because it makes me very tired. Is there something else I could be doing for the daytime?

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Re: Riding in a car

Post by Hos »

johnto6 wrote:Why is it that I can drive 100 or 200 miles and not experience any symptoms, but if I'm a passenger, just sitting there is horrible. Isn't that strange?

Funny, I wondered about that too. I emailed the doctor at: http://www.rlshelp.org/ and he basically said the same thing about how if our minds are active then somehow it usually makes the symptoms go away for many of us.
I can sit and play adrenaline-filled video games at the computer, no problem. But I have RLS as I write this note. Maybe I need to think more as I write on forums... :)
I insist on driving on long trips with the family since I don't have symptoms 80% of the time. Otherwise as a passenger, I get strange looks as I attempt to do the splits to work out the aggravating RLS feelings. :)
When I feel I'm keeping my wife awake at night tossing and turning in bed, I'll go to an old couch that my kids call the "scratchy couch" but somehow I can sleep on that old thing better then in my own bed normally. Go figger.

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Post by walkindafloors »

I've been caught in some unusual positions while trying to tolerate a car ride, but HOS you must be really good to be able to do the splits in the car :shock: ! I know I embarass my family sometimes with all the moves I attempt while being trapped in the seat belt or even in the car. I've begged them to let me out to run along beside them (like I stand a chance of keeping up but you get so desperate!) Sometimes I think the confinement of that strap makes it worse too.

Not sure if it's the texture of your couch, but sometimes I need a rough blanket to rub my legs on as I'm trying to get some rest - then other times I just need the old broken in couch that pulls me into the fold and makes me feel safe and secure there! Glad you have somewhere that works for you!

The thing about keeping you mind busy has worked (sometimes) for me, but now I'm finding I am staying up too late or too long in the middle of the night doing the fun stuff that has distracted my rls when I could be back to sleeping!

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Post by b_rwhite5 »

Hi John, Hos, and all. I to have problems riding in the car. For me, It bothers me to ride in the passenger side and when I drive. The longer I am in A car, the more I hurt. I can't really sit. lay. or stand anywhere for very long without pain. When I am driving, I try to get out an stretch my legs every 30mins or so if I can. If I can't then, like Hos, I find myself in some weird positions to help relieve the pain. I would rather I look stupid than hurt like that. My husband laughs at me sometimes because of some of the funny positions I will get in. I have my recliner that I will sit on every evening and I get my favorite blanket and wrap it around my legs. I can usually get some relief that way. And anytime I go on a long car ride, I hurt like hell when I get home and all night long. I don't know why, but whenever we go on long rides, especially if I drive, I will hurt so bad and my husband will say its because of the long car ride. Does anyone else have that same problem?

I love ya'll!

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riding in a car

Post by vinton »

Well I found out a few weeks ago that I had RLS after years of porblems and this is major problem for me.

I've had MS for 35 years so the fatigue is also a major problem so I cant drive to long and when I stich to the passenger side, my knees are in the dashboard.
Should buy a plane lol
Had multiple sclerosis for 35 years +

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