Water anyone?

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Water anyone?

Post by KarinReno »

Hi all!

I've just discovered your forums.
Here's a bit of history for you. I've had RLS for as long as I can remember, I'm 44 now.
I've taken Lortab ( I'm off the Lortab now because its so addictive). I've also been prescribed Requip for it (only took 2 doses of Requip, it just scared me) I also remember being prescribed Quinine and Iron a long time ago before RLS actually was acknowledged by doctors (you all know what I mean)
I get symptoms probably 5 out of 7 nights and sometimes during the day. It's in my legs and shoulders. Exercise actually seems to aggravate it, but I still work out 4 days a week. I don't suffer pain with it, more like just intense irritation. It feels to me like my tendons are tightening and releasing, over and over again. I guess that would be what you all describe as creepy crawly. I usually end up on the couch on bad nights so I don't keep my husband awake all night.

For the last 4 months or so I've found relief and it comes in the most simple form. Water! If I drink about 32 oz of water before bed (starting around 6pm, otherwise I'm up all night urinating) and then I stretch right before bed my symptoms are mild enough that I can get to sleep easily.

I've searched through many of your posts and haven't seen anyone else mention this. Please dont' disregard this simple remedy just because it isn't medication. Like I said it's been helping me for about 4 months now.
Could simple dehydration be an accelerant to our issue?
Last edited by KarinReno on Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by johnto6 »

You just told me what I needed to hear....lots more water in the evening and a lot less caffeine throughout the day. I'm going to give your water idea a serious try. thanks for writing. I'll let you know how it goes...by the way, how long before you noticed a difference?

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Post by KarinReno »

Hi John,

It was immediate! And I know it helps because just this last week we moved into our new house and I didn't drink any water all day because I was so busy. I was so dehydrated that day that I felt dizzy. When I tried to go to bed my legs were jumping so badly I thought I was going to go crazy.

Maybe I haven't gotten alot of replies here because the solution seems too simple?
Please let me know if it works for you John, or helps anyway.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

I think a lot of us have tried EVERYTHING, lol. For me, I drink so much water I get up and pee five times during the night. It doesn't help my RLS, wish it did :-(.

This may fall into one of the things that helps a few, but not everyone. Glad it's working for you. Dehydration is a cause of cramping - maybe the cramping sets off your RLS. Often cramping and RLS can be confused for each other, too (not saying you don't have RLS! although I bet you'd like not to!) and some of our members get both. Just thinking out loud - I certainly don't have any answers - just speculation.
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Post by KarinReno »

It's definitely true that different things work for different people, probably depends alot on how severe your case is.
I know for a fact that I have RLS though I've had it for about 30 years now.
It's obviously not as severe as some of you, even though I have it probably 5 out of 7 nights. I don't consider it painful thank goodness.

It's interesting that it took so long for them to even acknowledge us. I would like to see a study that's been done on what we all have in common. If anything.
Is it a weight issue? Food we eat? It's obviously hereditary but what else?

I've had my bloodwork done and it's normal across the board. I've changed my diet numerous times. My weight has gone everywhere from extreme body builder to 20lbs overweight.

It's just so frustrating that it can't be pinned down. /sigh

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Post by becat »

Hi Karin, Hi John,
I like the water theory as well, but I think i never drink enough to begin with. Also welcome to the board Karin.
Karin, I wanted to comment on the research and doctor issues that our community has. I "sorta" (notice the sorta lol) feel sorry for the docs, since we all just slightly different or sometimes hugely different it would make it hard to pin most of us down. Even within my own family, both parents showing some signs of RLS, from extreme to mild or even just Travelers RLS, there is not one of us that is the same. My mother's mom and I were almost identical, but past that not even close to others.
Out 19 close family members I saw in one month last Feb., 13 of us showed some RLS tendencies, but each was a bit off from the other.
And the severity did seem to skip a generation on my mom's side.
I'm like you in that, I think our time has come a bit too late for some, that the medical community take a good look at us.
On the flip side, talking to docs and to some of the best researchers we've got in the community, they are working hard, and it's often confusing even for them. I do try to keep it all in line in my own head, that this is so common and yet so unknown, that way I don't corner the docs too often. LOL I'm often glad I'm not the one having the pressure of finding the over all answer, but I assure you we have some great docs that truly are on our side.
If you like you my want to join us and add your voice to the Quality of Life project we run through this board. I will put the link below.

It's our way of showing them our own faces and knowing the real truth behind the test results and the charts.
Glad to have you here, only sorry RLS made you find us.
Welcome and post at your own will. We learn best from each other.

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