Burning feet

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Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Hi, just read these posts about magnesium and will certainly try it for burning feet. Only other thing I do is a bucket of really cold water for 10 minutes - I find this cools things off for a couple of hours. Thanks, Betty
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Post by becat »

Hi Betty,
I use the slate walkside out in the backyard for that frozen feet thing, til it gets hot again, :roll: , here in Tx........I can relate.
Magesium is good for a several things, let us know how it works or if it does. It's normally not exspensive here and hope it is the same for you.
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Post by icechips »

I think the magnesium is helping some. I'm taking the lowest I can... one at bed time but I got sick, so I cut off all of my supplements until my stomach straightens out. My feet are a bit warmer since I haven't had it the last couple nights... not too bad, so maybe I got a little bit of build up.

I'm so glad other people walk on cold floors and such. I have walked outside on the porch (with snow on it... I'm in Michigan) to cool things off. I have put frozen food on my feet already (rested my feet on cold things).

Betty... after you do the cold water thing, try putting the peppermint on right at that time (or aloe, or lavender or whatever). For me it helps keep the cool there for a bit.

At Christmas I found out my niece gets the hot feet too. Her's usually hits her from her shoes, but she says it takes a while to cool off, so this must be heriditary.

Happy New Years!!!! Hope 2007 brings much relief to everyone.


Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Thanks a lot Ice, I have tried Scholl Foot Gel, which is very temporary, but have yet to try aloe and lavender. Will do so very soon!
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Post by Greensea »

I get hot feet every night, whether I have rls symptoms or not. Heat radiates off the bottom of my feet; I can feel it if I put my hand near my soles. The tops of my feet don't get hot, just the soles. I have a fan pointed at my feet and have to struggle to arrange the blankets in such a way as to have the fan blowing on my soles, but no air on the tops of my feet, which get cold. Also, sometimes I can't tell if the sensation is hot or cold. It feels hot, so I put my feet by the fan, but then it feels cold, so I put them under the blanket. It's like something is confused as to how to identify hot or cold.

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Post by icechips »

HI Greensea,

Yep, that's how my feet are. Bright red in color and hot to touch. Sometimes it's the whole foot, sometimes the soles. Mostly it's the right foot. I understand the fan thing. Never did that (but great idea), but my left foot can be normal temp, the right one, flaming hot.

I have noticed that when my feet get hot, they get very dry. Like they're starving for moisture. Don't know if that's a sign of anything or not. But putting on a couple coats of the peppermint lotion helps.

I had to go off of my supplements for a couple weeks, can't say if I'm missing the magnesium or not... but I missed my B complex. I have this thing in my right thigh (same leg as the foot so think there's a relation here)... where it feels like it falls asleep. Well that's been bad, the foots been bad.

Been taking either Hyland's restless leg supplement or Quinine tables. The Quinine is usually used for malaria, but can help leg cramps. You can try either the Hylands, or tonic water. (I had sinus surgery last week and my nurse's husband had RLS... she never heard of the Quinine, but said she'd have him give it a try). Not sure, but think Quinadine is a form of Quinine. Anyways, even if it's prescribed, it's a real cheap medicine.

Try the lotions, magnesium (I found the Chelated worked better than the Calcium-Magnesium combo) and then the Quinine/tonic water. See if any of that works.


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Post by becat »

Hi Icechips nice to see you again.
I wanted to add a link that I found while looking for something else, but this is from the FDA about using Quinine for leg cramps.


You know my whole family has the hot feet thing, but mine never turn red. Jan's did I think, but can't remember if that was do to fibro or her back before surgery. Hmmmm
I love magnesium for my feet and I know it helps with other things that my meds offer as side effects.

Glad to see you Chips!
Hugs Lynne

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Post by jan3213 »

Hey Welcome to the forum!!

Becat's right---my feet get hot and turn red. They still do, although not as badly as before my back surgery. And, they itch, too---again, not as badly as before my back surgery.

I'm hoping my body is starting to settle down, finally--maybe that will go away. It's funny that you also said your feet get very dry, Chips. So do mine. It IS like they are starving for moisture.

Well, it might very well be the RLS. It's such a crazy thing we have to deal with.

I've never tried quinine or magnesium. But, I know magnesium helps a lot of people.

Again, welcome to the forum, Chips.

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Post by Hurty »

I too get burning feet, just the soles. I remember being a kid and having to turn around lying in the bed so that I could put my feet against the wall to cool them off.

Mine also feel 'dry'. After a night of drinking a fair amount of alcohol, I notice that I get the burning feet and extra fun RLS. I used to ask people if legs/feet could get dehydrated thinking that the booze sucked all the moisture out of my lower extremities causing these phenomena!

I thought everyone had burning feet until one night in grad school we needed to work in groups and come up with a new product to market. I was JAZZED...my concept was COOL SOX...(basically the eye pack but in sock form. I never said it was an advanced concept, or original!) Well, imagine my surprise when they all looked at me quizically and asked who would use such a product..marathoners?! I said, no, for when your feet get hot...then the looks got weirder. So, needless to say that was my first indication that the burning feet and leg sensations were NOT part of everyone's life!

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Hi everyone, I got a reply on another thread which said that burning feet was a completely different thing from rls, and not related at all. Does anyone have any views on this?
I got some aloe vera gel today and will try it on my next burning episode. I also use magnesium 300 mg nightly.
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Betty, it is not a symptom from the expert's view. Many of us do not have it. We just don't know enough to know i it is or isn't truly part of RLS. The bottom line is that some of s DO have it, yet have no other signs of a differnt disease or disorder. I I had them, I'd rule out other causes first - then just treat them as best I could.
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Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Thanks Anne, this is what I would hope to do, thanks again.
It all takes time, doesn't it ???
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Post by tdewey »

Hey All.....was just diagnosed Wednesday with RLS, Sleep Apnea and will be doing a day clinic to also check for Insomnia. My doctor thinks I am of course low on both Leptin & Ghrelin. He gave me a web site to start studing before my next dr appt and it led me here. I have been crying for hours and feel so relieved. In the past I was told it was in my head and made to feel I was going crazy that its such a shock to hear all this. I have never heard of any of these things I just thought my mind checked out. I have not started a treatment yet under the final testing stages but wanted to say thank all for taking the time to leave your messages.
Thanks for your support!

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Post by trixie »

Thats the first thing that told me somethings wrong.I would get up everynight and drag my feet over carpet to get the burning to stop walking is the only thing that would stop the burning it is terrible,and it only happened when i would go to sleep at night (or lie down to rest)
However I'm not diabetic or anything,just hope the meds work.
TRIXIE!!! :lol: :?

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Post by PJ »

I learned something new today....never would have thought my legs and feet getting hot were part of my RLS. What about intense itching of the legs. Lotions, baths....nothing helps...just scratching until there are welts and it disappears just like it appears, for no apparent reason. Thanks all for the info...it helps me maintain my sanity knowing it is not in my head but really in my body.

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