Just silly tonight

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Just silly tonight

Post by lorabell »

Hi All.
I am home from a day long shopping trip with my 8 yr. old grand daughter. After posting about over doing it, and here I am, dead tired from over doing it.
Point is, I am so tired I realized how funny some of our quotes are, and how nice. I love the one about a wasted day is one without laughter. ( I think I got it right ). I don't remember who uses it, but it's perfect for this syndrome. Humor is the omly way I can deal with this thing.
Also like the pity party one. I can relate to that. Wish I had a nickle for all those parties or one I've held over the years.
Just a worn out grandma seing the funnies and really appreciating them .
Happy walking, Good kicking or blissful sleeping, whichever one y'all get tonight.
Always remember, if you cut off your limbs, you'll have phantom rls and nothing to rub .LOL

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Post by cmoore1958 »

Yo Lora!

You are so crazy . . . just like most of the rest of us.

I'm sure you had a good time with your granddaughter, but now are going to suffer for it. The good in this is that you DID get to go shopping with her because you were ABLE to do so.

Speaking of silly and humorous sayings in signatures on this board, yours is to die for! I had never thought about what I would rub if I indeed did cut off my limbs.

I had a good morning and thought "boy, this is great. I can go run errands, cook dinner have my daughter and her fiance over for dinner. It's all good." Yeah, right! :roll: My husband and I ran our errands and were out so long we had lunch at 1:30 pm. I sat down to my computer and my rls showed up way before I would have taken any meds. Took 1/2 a pain pill and they settled down. I took 1/2 of my Mirapex at 3:30 pm with plans to take the other 1/2 about 9 pm. Three hours after taking the first dose my legs did that breakthrough thing. Boy was I mad! Nothing takes it away as fast as it comes on darn it. So, walk I did. Cleaned bathrooms (yuk, that's Rich's job anyway :wink: ), kitchen and picked up around the house until my daughter and her fiance showed up. I was fine through dinner and beyond. Now I'm at my computer again hoping I can keep from relaxing too much. Those gremlins will NOT get me again tonight if I have anything to say about it! Which, I really don't have anything to say about it.

Okay, enough about that stuff. I think you're the greatest Lora and glad to see you posting!

Love ya girlfriend. Hugs!

Even when we are by ourselves, we are never truly alone.

My motto: It's MY pitty-party and I'll vent if I want to.

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Much the same the happened to me on Friday night past. We were keeping our little granddaughter, Edee, overnight. She is only 12 weeks and was so good, not even a tear the whole time. However.... at our age it is a long time since we had a crib at the foot of our bed. Fed Edee at 11pm and then again around 6am... great...except I did not take any sleeping meds in case it 'blunted' me in awareness of baby. Hubby does his bit no problem but granny usually feeds baby!! I was fearful of being too groggy. Of course at 4am hubby stirred and got the fright of his life, I was hovering at the end of the bed like an avenging angel, usually if I am 'up' .. I am out of the bedroom. Edee was still sleeping but I was on super-alert.
So, having been managing a wonderful average of about 5 - 6 hours sleep I got about 3 hours. No sleeping pill must have meant the rls symptoms surfaced more than usual, even tho I had taken requip/codeine. So last night (Saturday) I kept falling asleep from around 7pm.

We have such a great time with our granddaughter and Cyndi is right, thanks be that we are fit and able to have her overnight. Soon she will be staying in her own little room.

Meanwhile, it is 8.30 am, and my early leg jumps have started to settle again as I type and stand and do tiny sidesteps all at the same time.

Oh Dear, think I am rambling.

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Silly posting

Post by lorabell »

Hi Cyndi.
You're right. I had a terrific time with Vickie and didn't even realize I was doing good.
I guess I was in the " I am fine mode", instead of the " thank you Lord mode" for the good day.
Your day sounds a lot like mine. I hate it when I plan on sititng down and my legs say,
" Think again honey, ain't gonna happen ".
It's 2:26 Am now and I am up cause Vickie is sick. Turned out the little stinker was feeling bad when I picked her up, but didn't want to put off our day till she felt better. Poor thing is running a temp, coughing, sore throat. And if she passes it to me, I will sell her to the first person I see! I am awake and she finally went back to sleep No church for us later today. I can't expose everyone to her, not to mention our minus 30 wind chiill :)
Glad you like my sig. I can't imagine not having my legs to rub. It's so normal for us, I notice anyone who is doing it.
I have actually approached people and asked if they had rls! Most said yes, and we would talk a bit, or exchange numbers and emails I've never been shy, or quiet, but approaching people first was never somethign I would do. RLS changed that for me.
Another reason having rls is a good thing. helps in making new friends. LOL Just think of all the people we have ( met) and are friends with now.! Isn't is great?
ok, i am going to try to get back to sleep. Howling winds, a sick child and my legs are being good. What a night. LOL
Hugs and prayers,
Always remember, if you cut off your limbs, you'll have phantom rls and nothing to rub .LOL

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Where do you live, Lorabell? Your description of the howling winds and the -30 wind chill sounds just like my neck of the woods. That wind is just wicked! And eerie sounding. Downright creepy. And I keep hearing things going bump in the night. :shock: How's a person supposed to sleep?

OK, I took my Lunesta since nothing else has worked. My legs are really kicking tonight. Wonder if it's the weather.

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Polar Bear wrote:

Oh Dear, think I am rambling.


LOL, an avenging angel. And rambling? Nah. I love to read about people's happy times. I feel like I know you better when I hear about grandkids and the fun stuff you do. Not that RLS isn't fun. :roll: Oh, yeah, it isn't. Well there has to be a better treatment than cutting them off. Besides, I'd have to remove the arms as well, and then I'd have phantom RLS and I couldn't rub the legs because I wouldn't have arms...

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Silly things

Post by lorabell »

Hi Susan.
I am in Dixon, IL. Hometown of Ronnie Reagan and a I believe the first Walgreens Estate.
you are a lot further north than I want to be. !
Stay warm and I hope the lunesta works. I take it when all else fails.
Hugs and prayers,
Always remember, if you cut off your limbs, you'll have phantom rls and nothing to rub .LOL

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Post by becat »

Yeah it must be the Grandbaby's weekend.

I'm not there yet, but serve as a "sotra grandma" for some family memebrs, just wish they were closer so I could more often.

But Yeah for all the awake all night Grandmas that got to cuddle a bit with those little bundles of joy and love.

Lora, I understand your fear of cathcing something like the flu. I have had it for well over two week, all upper resp. and had finally gotten it down to one good day. Then I found out my youngest had the saem stuff, he's more likely for that type of virus to end up in his chest as pnuemonia. (he got exsposed to chicken pox the first time at the age of 3 and instead it gave him pnuemonia, I never had heard of that, but I guess it can and does happen. I never suffered any childhood diease and we both got chicken pox the next round. LOL me at 29. :roll:)
Anyway, I was doing so well and then spending the day with him, just reinfected me.

The worst part is not having much to take to help. I've stocked up on tissues w/ lotions (lol), Vicks vapor tabs for the shower, several essential oils to help, and Vicks rub for my feet and the cough.

My mother made all the families (us girls) oil diffusers for Christmas. LOL Mine is subject to my past and is a Patron Tequilla bottle, LOL. It's beautiful. Anyway, as my hubby has traveled the past two weeks, I've filled my diffuser with, HA, yummy eucalyptis oils and filled my bedroom each night and the house daily.

The shower tabs helps as well, hot steam and breathing it all in. They sell stores brands now as well in those. I found lavendar ones at CVS, but will save for the unsicko moments to try.

Hope Grandmas get some rest and hope the baby is better and no spread of the virus......

It's everywhere.


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Sick kids Becat

Post by lorabell »

Thanks for the advice.
I just didn't think about stocking up this year. The past 8 months have been wonderful in a lot of ways, but brain draining in others and it just never occured to me this year.
Amen, mom just picked up Vickie who spent the morning on the couch watching movies. I am going to play on the computer and sleep when the mood hits me.
I can't get sick this week, too much to do. think that will keep me from catching the bug ? LOL
I will be hititng the store to get supplies so when I have some of the other kids, I'll be ready in case.
The worst thing about being a grandma is they grow up way too fast. Much faster than my own did.
I miss them being babies. When you could put them down and they stayed where you put them!
Now they are everywhere,! it's fun to see them develop their personallities. My 13 yr old grand daughter is picky about her clothes, and my 11 yr old grandson doesn't care if his have ever been washed or if they have holes, as long as he can go outside.
God has blessed me with 6 I can claim as mine, and their friends all call me grandma, so I never know when one comes if I'll have more show up.
Still freezing in Il. and the wind is still going strong.
Always remember, if you cut off your limbs, you'll have phantom rls and nothing to rub .LOL

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Post by ctravel12 »

What a great thread love it. Lora you are a nut. I am glad that I was able to meet you and Cyndi on the chat line. It is great when we have newbies on the chat line how we all join in and help them.

Hey Lynne it is great to see you posting. I hope that you are feeling better.

Everyone have a great weekend and just a quick reminder that we will be chatting tomorrow night. I will also post it on the rls forum too.

Love you all.
Taking one day at a time

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Post by lyndarae »

Hey Lorabell, i just wanted to say hello and welcome you a board THE MOTHER SHIP ha ha, I have been out of town and out of my mind all week sorry it took me a while to say howdy but howdy there now~~~~~~~lyndarae
You cant be brave if you have only had wonderful things happen to you

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