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Post by autumnj »

I need help. I have a low ferritan level of 19 and have RLS. I kick my legs in my sleep. I was unaware I was doing it until I had a sleep study done to find out why I wasn't sleeping very well. I have tried Requip, Mirapex and Neurontin in the past few months since being diagnosed and none of them have worked for me. Now I have a constant throbbing headache, not sure why.

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Post by Nicky »

Hi autumnj I'm sure you'll get lots of help here. If your ferritin levels are considered low I'm suprised you've not been given some sort of iron treatment in a clinical setting rather than the meds you describe. I'm sure one of the seasoned people on this board will be able to help you.
Best wishes Nicky

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Post by autumnj »

Oh, I am on an iron supplement, 3x's a day. My ferritin level started at 6 4 months ago. So it is slowly increasing.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Yeah, it really can take a long time to get it up. I think I got from 8 to 34 in 8 months...

autumnj, would you mind sharing why they didn't work? Was it from side effects? How long did you try them? Anything like that might help people to help you better.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by autumnj »

The Requip did nothing for me, no weird side effects, just did absolutley nothing. With the Mirapex, I wasn't able to sleep at night on it. The Neurontin made me really groggy all day. I do not feel refreshed in the morning and now I have horrible headaches on a daily basis.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Sounds like the Requip dose may not have been high enough dose since the Mirapex worked...but, I certainly am not a doctor. Just thinking that since they both work in similar ways, except for side effects, usually if one helps, the other will, too.

When taking Neurontin, I'm told, it can take a few weeks before that daytime grogginess goes away. Some people, however, still feel it. But, a lot do not. It's really hard sometimes to sit out some of these side effects and wait to see if it's effective.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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